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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. so many sites are doing things we don't like, it's just the way it is on the internet.


    Nexus keeps files up after users are banned.

    Planet Fallout from IGN posts mods from others without asking.

    gmods does the same and they say that they will correct it later but you can bet your **s they never do.

    i've seen russian and asian sites posting all kinds of mods from others, some cracksites host mods without asking.


    It's like this if a mod author posts his mod on the internet, he must know that these things are going to happen,

    he can't complain about it afterwords if it does happen, he should realize that before posting..


    I doubt you would like it if you had mods with lots of downloads which were deleted just because you were banned, when you have great chances of being allowed back. (There's so many people coming back from being banned that deleting the mods without the wish of the modder would be worse.)

    And GMOD have already corrected the issue. ;)


    And, just because something is normal, doesn't mean we should just give in to it.

    That's like the police saying, "Oh, murder is so normal, we won't bother investigating it." - The world wouldn't function if we didn't have people who stand up against wrongdoings.

  2. I think I'm really going to miss the stats. Every now in then I liked playing an extremely powerful stupid character. Especially in the orignal Fallout's, where if you had low intelligence, it changed how you communicated with everyone.


    Example: for those who haven't played the original fallout's


    If I could play as a stupid barbarian, it'd add levels to my playing experience. I know it's a flavor thing most wont care, but I care. :ohmy:


    Maybe they'll have a perk to make you stronger, and less intelligent. :biggrin:


    Want to play as a stupid barbarian? PLAY a stupid barbarian!

    You shouldn't need stats to define your character. ;)

  3. Racial movement speed is the same?

    I sure hope that the weight method works a lot better then I think.

    On the other side, running with light speed was stupid and you couldn't admire the landscape, the copy-pasted landscape.


    Every bit of negative information I hear, actually makes sense at some degree. Except the removal of attributes.


    I know it's not in the way you want it, and actually, not in the way I want it either, but attributes are still in, just shorten down from 8 to 3: Health, Magicka and Stamina.

  4. Speaking of which, that brings up another question. Do they have body type specific armors?

    Yeah that's the thing.. we won't know until we installing the game. Even then we might not until the niflib gets updated and a new nifskope build appears.


    I have no idea actually. I would expect there is a discrete model system... but it was said there is a fat and thin model... and a way of going anywhere inbetween. So that's a type of morph tech. But that having a discrete system where everything has both those Fat and Thin morph targets.. seems a bit resource hungry.



    And they were chatting crap about the greaves saving a lot of resource, And I know that doing the body morph thing this way would be way more resource munching.


    :/ kinda don't know what to think on this matter.

    Well, stop thinking, and make ready for a surprise then. ;D



    ... well, in 127 days 23 hours 20 minutes and 50 seconds

  5. I have a question for you, Terry - What made you think that making people pay for mods was a profitable endeavor? If it's because it was being done in one modding community, that doesn't mean people in another modding community (especially ours, and many will agree with me) will also permit the same process. You want to know why we don't let such things happen? We actually make sure gullible people aren't taken in by a EULA-breaker's desire to profit on their own work, and the developer and publisher actually backs us up on it. Not like someone else, who doesn't care about what's going on with one of their most popular series...


    Did you read Terry's reply?

    He says they are NOT charging money for mods.


    Addition by Dark0ne: Zaldir is right. nothing has been mentioned about them charging for mods and any implication has been fabricated by other members and then spread like chinese whispers. The main issue here is about mod theft, not about charging for mods, which would be an issue if and when it were to happen. It's not the issue right now, so no more on it please.

  6. It'll definitely be something like in Age of Conan, where the armor just expands based on how muscular you are. But how that will play with older models... That's the question.
  7. Maybe they made greaves into something like leg guards and will allow you to wear pants or something underneath it.


    That would be awesome! Like in Morrowind, where you could wear clothes underneath the armor.

    And based on the screenshots, this might actually be the case, as in one screenshot, you see a shirt underneath the armor, while in another, it's no shirt there.

  8. I got the pay for thing from the OP. Perhaps read through it again?


    Oh, didn't see that last line, sorry. But still, I haven't seen the owner saying that anywhere...

    Still, the owners have been lying, stealing, and whatnot, so I'm pulling my mods from that site!

  9. Wait, pay? Orly?

    If you having to pay in order to gain access to mods, then send that link to BethSoft, and they'll have shut the site down before Skyrim is released. :P


    I doubt it. From the sounds of it, they're not charging for mods, but merely for access to the site. They're probably working with some kind of loophole there.


    You don't have to pay to sign up to Gmod. It's totally free. Where the heck did you get that from?


    I was earlier invited to join the "closed" beta of Gmod after they had uploaded one of my mod. I thought that it was okay that they uploaded mods as long as it was closed and the mods would be removed once it went live. But apparently, it was all a lie, and they went live without removing any mods at all.

  10. But it does mean that, this time around, the Dark Brotherhood is a minor faction, unlike Oblivion, where it's sort of a major faction.


    And about armor assets being re-used, I don't recall this being the case in Oblivion either. Every armor set was different.

    Of course, different versions of the same set looked alike, like an enchanted steel cuirass versus a regular steel cuirass, but that is expected.

  11. It only makes Oblivion modding easier, since you can't use lip-synching in version 1.2 of the CS.

    So for the Geck, it would be the same as before, just using CS 1.2 instead of CS 1.0, which doesn't really matter.

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