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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. Everybody knows a review means nothing. Yes, it means nothing at all! It's just like asking a random guy on the street, "Is this a good game?", and basing everything on the answer from that guy. It might not seem like the same thing, but it actually is - the EXACT same thing!

    Someone else can't say ANYTHING about what I will think of a game... nothing!


    Good job on missing the entire point. :/


    Ever seen the early reviews on Hellgate: London (a game considered absolute rubbish by probably about 70% of the gaming populace). Or Far Cry 2 for that matter? A game so tedious I people still get nightmares about driving to missions in their sleep?


    My point is just that reviews don't always reflect what people actually think of the game. It merely gives an insight into what certain individuals thought of it after not spending a great deal of time with it.


    Okay, but in your earlier post, you seem to be saying the exact opposite of what you said now.

    But, I guess we actually agree on this one really. :)


    And yes, early reviews are perhaps the worst, well except for previews where the writer thinks he knows every little detail about the game, and actually gives the game a rating. :P

  2. When will G4TV show the two part demo?

    The information says 1:00 PM PST but the G4 website says 4:00 PM PST along with a lot of other demos.


    Anyone know when exactly it will be shown?


    I am basing it on PST, but G4 website is basing it on PSE, which has a 3 hour difference. :)

    So, what am I saying? It's the same time. ;)


    Thank you!

    I live in EU and have exams tomorrow so can't stay up all night unlike yesterday.


    I live in EU as well, so I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow morning...

    But, I have pledged to cover every aspect of Skyrim during E3 (Obviously, without being there.), so I will stay up tonight and watch it all, and keep everyone who can't watch it updated here. :)

  3. There is always the option of manually sending the money to Dark0ne, then requesting via PM premium. That's been done before.


    And then the only ones you need to trust is your bank and Robin Scott aka Dark0ne.

    And if you don't trust your bank enough to do that, you're pretty screwed in daily life as well, and if you don't trust Rob... Well, no one really trusts Rob, after all, he's the dark one, but he's a nice guy though. ;)

  4. and coming from me, who enjoyed Dragon Age 2, that's saying something.


    that you have bad taste?


    Erm, no? Taste is subjective.


    Besides, DA2 was still loads more complicated than Oblivi-


    Oh wait, we're discussing Skyrim, not DA2. :P


    Anyways.I just hope they don't nerf all the content shown in the videos from the release, like they did with Oblivion.

    Complicated =/= Complex




    a lot of game reviewers sure love something that isnt an actual game. http://www.metacriti...ls-iv-oblivion. reviewed without mods. my point is that youre saying oblivion is bad?, bad for you but its not bad.





    If you believe reviews at a game's release means anything, good boy. Everybody knows the only 'real' reviews only roll out about a month after the game's release, because then people are no longer overwhelemed by the 'oooh, shiny' of the game.

    Everybody knows a review means nothing. Yes, it means nothing at all! It's just like asking a random guy on the street, "Is this a good game?", and basing everything on the answer from that guy. It might not seem like the same thing, but it actually is - the EXACT same thing!

    Someone else can't say ANYTHING about what I will think of a game... nothing!

  5. What the... I can't watch the Conferance if I'm not in the U.S?..


    That seems to be the case with the current stream, yes.

    But I am quite certain I tried watching the Live-Stream yesterday on G4, so maybe it's just this conference or something has changed. :psyduck:

  6. When will G4TV show the two part demo?

    The information says 1:00 PM PST but the G4 website says 4:00 PM PST along with a lot of other demos.


    Anyone know when exactly it will be shown?


    I am basing it on PST, but G4 website is basing it on PSE, which has a 3 hour difference. :)

    So, what am I saying? It's the same time. ;)

  7. In the video there is this fox in the beggining that runs across the player and when the fox runs to the left we can see a rabbit running away to some bushes and then coming out as the fox goes away.Looks like a nice predator/prey AI interaction.


    Yeah, that's one of the little details that I really liked.

    It looked real, and the rabbit acted like it should: It knows it can't outrun it, so it tries to outmaneuver it! :)

  8. and coming from me, who enjoyed Dragon Age 2, that's saying something.


    that you have bad taste?


    Halororor is correct though. Oblivion was nothing more than a modder's dream rather than an actual game


    a lot of game reviewers sure love something that isnt an actual game. http://www.metacriti...ls-iv-oblivion. reviewed without mods. my point is that youre saying oblivion is bad?, bad for you but its not bad.


    I'm not sure why anyone attaches any importance to the opinion of paid reviewers, they've shown time and again that they are no better than player reviews, in fact they tend to be worse because they only play an hour or two before passing judgement. Oblivion was bland, had terrible dialogue, a disjointed world and treated the player like an idiot. When Todd "let the player win" Howard admits it was dumbed down then it must have been bad.

    Well, this is your opinion, and mine is almost the opposite of that.

    Reviewers don't mean anything to me at all, as I am the one who is going to play and enjoy the game, not some totally random stranger who I have no clue as to what he likes, dislikes and what kind of person it is.


    Howard just did what Microsoft did, before the release of a new game, admits that the previous game did not meet the expectations. Exactly the same as Microsoft said about Vista when Win7 arrived. It's just one more way to sell a product, by saying it is sooo much better than the last one. ;)

  9. - The AI looks kinda stupid... like when he shot one of the bandits and the other just pulled his weapon and stood there. I was hoping for a huuuuge improvement in this area, so that part of the video was kinda disappointing.


    I think this is an improvement from Oblivion.

    In Oblivion, they knew where you were as soon as they knew you were around, while in Skyrim, they know you're there, but they don't know where. ;)

  10. Just look at this:



    There's the same leather "straps" that goes on the back, but there's a different armor underneath, and on one of them there's even no armor underneath at all.

    And look at the pauldrons, on the image to the left, there's one on the left shoulder. On the image in the middle, it's still on the left shoulder, but without the cuirass, proving that it's at least not connected to the cuirass. And on the right image, he's wearing pauldrons on both shoulders.


    It does not prove anything, but everything indicates that the pauldrons are separate, or very customizable to allow you to wear pauldrons on only one shoulder.

  11. Hmm.. Would having open dungeons imply that we now have a way to 'break' the landscape to tunnel under, WoW style? That would prove useful. Unless they did the Oblivion approach, where you lower the landscape around it and cover it with rocks or stuff.


    Yeah, that's what I mean with the terrain editor improving a lot, so I'm hoping for this! :)

    I'll call it Gothic style instead though... Wasted so much of my life on WoW that I will never compare a game with it again.^^


    Corakus, it's both, 20 minutes Tuesday, and 30 minutes Wednesday. ;)

  12. I am currently trying to get some information about this from Pete Hines, but he always talks in riddles.. reminds me of Gandalf...


    Anyway, holding both buttons down is how you bash with your blocking hand, so it's not that at least.

  13. Anyone know when and where the real demo is going to air on TV in Eastern Standard Time?


    The 20 minute one, you mean?

    I will look that up. :)



    EDIT: WOW, 1537 posts in this thread... I'm glad this isn't Bethsoft Forums, then it would have been the 7th thread by now. :P

  14. I don't find "simplification" as some people call it to be a bad thing depending on what aspects of the game are affected. There is a difference between frustrating and difficult, confusing and complex, etc. Most changes that people perceive as "dumbing down" or "simplification" of the game is just the rational evolution of a game franchise and that evolution can be good or bad. Skyrim seems to be making all the right choices from what we have seen so far. They streamline aspects of the game that where clunky and dated like the meaningless classes and unused talents, bring back some aspects from earlier titles people liked such as the discovery and immersive RPG elements, all the while doing something new that is distinctly "Skyrim".


    A lot of people have this pessimistic hipster mindset that all change is bad, that if anything is made more fluid and efficient it is for stupid people, that streamlining any aspect of a game franchise is somehow an attempt to appeal to some sub human playerbase, that if something is not as grindy, frustrating, annoying, time consuming, and inefficient as possible than it is for casuals. Some people get some sense of gratification from complaining about any and everything that is popular. It goes back to the hipster mindset,"Oh man Obscene Japanese RPG 4 only sold 10k copies because of grindy buggy gameplay and terrible game mechanics? It is the best game ever and I am so cool because no one else plays it." "What Elder Maps 5: Dragons sold 10 million copies because of smooth streamlined dynamic gameplay, graphics, and an already large fan base? Must be garbage made for casuals."


    One thing people have been whining to no end about is Skyrim having 18 skills vs. Oblivion's 21 and Morrowind's 27, yet did you ever seriously use Hand-to-Hand? Speechcraft? How about Mercantile? I would rather have the less than interesting skills melded into the more lucrative ones. If I wanted I could make up 120 different skills off the top of my head but it wouldn't make them any good. Would you rather have 18 well fleshed out skills that evolve with different perks to your play style or dozens upon dozens of lackluster skills you won't find yourself using? A lot of these changes just make sense like rather than have 2 or 3 different skills for bladed weapons you have a single ability to govern those same skills but the one skill through perks can be specialized to create as much if not more variety in a far more efficient format.


    There have obviously been game franchises that have made changes not for the better such as Dragon Age 2 or World of Warcraft (In my opinion anyway but that's just me) but I wouldn't be too worried about Skyrim. Don't let other people ruin your fun. Many forums and boards on the internet are cesspools of negative sniveling little teenagers that think hating fun with a passion makes them game critics or something. Go into every game with an open minded positive attitude regardless of other opinions, game ratings, or changes. If you go into something expecting the worse and purposely trying to nit pick out every single tiny flaw you can think of you will never enjoy another game as long as you live.

    The best post I've read in a long while! Thank you!


    I agree with you on every point, but I'm afraid, like you said, people have an obsession to complain about things, no matter what. If no one were starving on the whole planet or there was world-peace, people would find a reason to complain about that too

  15. Yeah, it was all speculation.


    Hopefully though, it is like you said, that the outer part of the dungeon is open, then you have to enter to get into the real dungeon. That would mean that the terrain editor is WAAAY better! ;)


    It might also be that you still have to press "exit" like you said Corakus, or get a loading screen upon walking through. :)



  16. I don't see what you're talking about, I watched the video several times and saw nothing to indicate that the dungeons don't have separate cells.If you're talking about the way it has lighting pouring through and the fact that you can see the sky from inside that doesn't necessarily mean that the dungeons are open.It doesn't make much sense to me to have the dungeons open and not have the cities and houses open as well, from what I gather some of the dungeons are supposed to be large enough to last you at least two hours long.


    The exit to the dungeon indicates that it's open, as you can see the outside through the exit.

    Might be auto-loading when you pass through, I don't know, but it just seems like it's open.

  17. Yeah, the dungeons are open-world, which is really amazing for such a huge game like Skyrim!



    Pictures from the E3 Skyrim Booth:





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