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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. This is impossible.

    It's not but thanks for playing. It does require that you only allow specific ads however, or you're allowed to preview them before they go into rotation. I've been down this road already.


    You do not need a paypal account.

    Really? Then why for ever why is the only option from canada paypal only(when I tunnel in, and paypal only when I'm logged in from japan)?



    If you are that worried about banking then use Linux or an iPad, both are safer than Windows. As for ensuring you'll never get infected, no honest person can make the guarantee as you well know.

    Well your entire sentence is an pile of fud. But that's okay. Nix makes up about 40% of local attacks these days leaving about 50% to MS, and the other 10% to other localized non-nix variants(bsd and so on). If you flip the other way and switch to servers, nix and variants make up nearly 80% of intrusion attacks. So...yep. Nix is safer! Dunno, I seemed to do pretty good until I sold off my site to IGN, rolled in some cash and all that. I hand picked all my ads, did my best, investigated most complaints if people got infected and offered apologies when they did. It was rare, but it didn't happen often. I think oh 3 times in 7 years give or take. It's neither as hard to do, or difficult to do as some people make it out to be.


    And how big was your site? Did it have 2.2 million users, and a huge database of mods that needed lots of storage, and thus lots of money to keep it going?

  2. @Evilomen


    Ah, but he does have hair... take a closer look. Not much, but it's there :)


    But seriously, someone ask Pete Hines.


    Done, and done!

    Just waiting for a possible answer now. ;)

  3. The risk of becoming infected from an ad on the nexus is as likely as getting one ANYWHERE else. Also there are many preventative measures you can take to protect yourself from such attacks.

    Yeah, block them.


    Or, simply have an Anti-Virus that works, i.e Microsoft Security Essentials, AVG, Avast, etc. I and LHammonds have put together a list of Anti-Viruses that we have found to be good! :)

  4. I was about to post that right now. :P


    They look awesome! :D


    Haha, seems I'm the faster Facebook user then :P


    hehe, I don't know if that's a good thing or not.^^




    Yes, the giant looks small compared to the mammoths, and I just keep thinking: Giants mounted on Mammoths!! ;D

  5. But why wouldn't there be a snowy area next to a dry dead area?It's not easy for things to grow in constant winter


    What I mean is there is a area covered in snow, and there is a log within less than 10 meters of that area, and it dosnt have a single speck of snow on it.


    Also the grass on the otherside of the water looks slightly transparent, which makes it look like some one has used a soft eraser tool to soften the border between 2 scenes in photo shop.


    You know, the snow have to stop somewhere. :P

    That looks perfectly natural to me...

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