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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. The only thing I can say with certainty is that there are horses in the game, but more than that I do not know.


    When creating your character, you will be able to adjust height, muscle-build (thin, fat, muscular, etc), and some more. The slides from Oblivion have been taken away, and you now have only the specific slides for your look, and not tons of different slides that affect the same things.

  2. Some are probably saying something like this: "That Trailer can't be all in-game!", and therefore we have been looking around, asking questions and the like, and rest assured, it is all in-game!

    Also, it's all from the xbox Version (Not PS3, but that is pretty much the same though) and it is all real.


    Nick Brickon said on twitter:

    "Glad people got to finally see some Skyrim animation in this trailer. All that dragon stuff actually happens dynamically in-game."


    "To answer many questions at once: the Skyrim trailer was captured entirely on Xbox 360. Also, none of the draw-distance was faked."


    Pete Hines said on twitter:

    "@OutlanderDF Yes, in-game. Only things not in-game are the shots of the wall from the previous trailer. Dragon fights are pretty epic"




    @sgtbarney: My first character will be a male Nord with beard, muscular, medium armor, using either a two-hander or dual wielding. (Dual-wielding would be a a sword and an axe.)

  3. Just got home from town, and the first thing I did was to watch the trailer...


    Oh my god! :D

    That looks awesome!! When the Dragonborn uses the dragon shout there.. It's EPIC! :D



    Lon, thank you for uploading it to the Nexus. I'll add a link to the OP. :)

  4. Both FunOrb.com and RuneScape.com lives on people paying every month to get special features.

    There's a bigger demand on those features on such sites, as those features are more or less essential for the games to be any good at all, whereas on The Nexus, not many bothers to go premium because they already get what they need, and premium is just a plus, and not a necessity, thus very few people pay for premium. :/


    I can understand the frustration of a video ad, but sometimes, they are essential, unfortunately... :(

  5. Why? Does not everyone have their right to explain their opinions? You claim to have years of knowledge with web sites, but I don't really think you know exactly how ad marketing works. (No offense, I even admit that I'm no professional.) It's proven: ads, especially when you're forced to watch them, makes people mad. I'm just warning you of what the consequences could potentially be, for these ads.


    I run several sites, and yes, I do have ads. However, they are just a simple bar ad in a remote location. (My two main sites don't have ads. We have affiliates, however, but they're only on one page.) I don't mind the bar ads, it's just the popups, and forced ads that get on my nerves. (And I'm sure you've probably had the same attitude if you have been to a site that has tons of them)


    EDIT: Someone else could potentially build another site like this, but use an affiliate program with a file-uploading site.

    And your sites probably have 2,108,326 users, 41,744 files, 83,530 images, 246,825 topics & 2,606,261 posts, eh? (By the time this is posted, those numbers have increased though.)

    The Nexus has those "simple bar ads", but they're not enough, that's why the new ads was necessary in the first place.


    There have been made sites like this (Not as big though), but they have since disappeared, because they didn't find a way to keep it going. Robin has found this way, and although some hate it, and can't live with it, most actually lives with it, and doesn't complain at all.



    Which is wrong. The retarded mods of naked women and skimpy outfits are plain out perverted, and should be banned from any site.

    This is your opinion, not everyone's else. And by the numbers of downloads on those "retarded" mods, quite a few seems to disagree with you.

  6. You don't get it at all do you?

    "Find cheaper hosting..."?? - This is a family of sites with together 2.1 million members, who not only can post on the sites, but who can upload/download files! This requires A LOT of bandwidth, and it's not as easy as to finding cheaper hosting.


    Anyway, I won't try to put sense into your head anymore, as your obviously just trolling... :wallbash:

  7. I'm not paying. Like I said on my old thread that was locked, it's not like anyone's going to even watch that. It's pointless, pathetic, and it just ticks people off.


    It's pointless? I guess you think The Nexus is pointless as well then, since you want to bring it down by removing it's only long-term revenue?


    I never said I want to bring the Nexus down, and I never said that the Nexus is pointless. I said that having annoying ads like that, which you can't skip, are pointless. You kiss-ups, you don't even see what they're truly doing to the site.


    Actually, you are saying "bring down The Nexus", just not directly...

    As I've been trying to say is that ads are Robins only income for the Nexus, and without the ads, there's no way on earth he would be able to pay all the bills for the websites! Thus, ads are essential for the "survival" of The Nexus, and without them, it would be gone.


    Robin has been trying different kinds of ads, and every time, people have been complaining! He's running out of options, and this is the ad where it's been the least complains.

    Suck it up, it's either Ads, or no Nexus!


    Unless you can come up with £80,000 ($128,000) for the Nexus each year, ads are a necessary evil.

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