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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. This when loading a save? Edit make sure you make the appropraie edits to your skyrim inis to accommodate enb and disable all aa
  2. Hahaha yeah enb is great, but it kills 4k. Also, did you set refresh to 30 for smoothness at 30fps or your tv is limited to 30 via hdmi?
  3. Opening the launcher with a new card should have reset the inis, unless they were read only. I guess it doesnt always do that either :/ Delete rendererinfo.txt also.
  4. Well ENB is a rather complex graphics mod, what you want from it is ENBoost, this solved Skyrim from running out of memory. Regarding how to know memory problems, i find that even when i use programs like memtest for ram, itll pass but then i have obvious problems with the pc. Skyrim launcher should work though, do you know if your inis are set to read-only? Id just delete them and rerun launcher but ill assume youve already done that. Given youve reinstalled everything, i find it valid to say hardware or drivers might be a cause, usually i am against saying that outright cos so many people post "you need rma" and blah blah. I would have recommended unplugging stuff on your board and plugging it back in, but seems youve done that too. Try the memtest program, but at this stage dont get any hopes up. You might even try removing your ram and testing one stick at a time. Then we can blame gpu. But what bothers me is you cant load the launcher. Edit - ill tell you what, ill give you the enb mod with just the settings for enboost and no graphics. Just need to know how much memory your 760ti has first.
  5. So you directly upgraded on a game that you already had custom inis for? Or you never touched the inis before? Also any mods or enb?
  6. Thats odd, you got any mods changing the values or the system?
  7. Thats not good advice, Win10 is great. Its much faster than 7 in terms of memory. I ported my modded game and ive never been happier. If you are getting no problems with other games, but then you say you started getting them, im thinking you have bad memory. Skyrim is a fantastic benchmark of memory because it will crash before many other things if you have unstable memory of any kind. I overclock a lot and Skyrim is my favorite game, so i see this all the time. On a bad OC i can play geaps of other games all day, then crash Skyrim in 20 minutes. Ifk if you OC, but likely your tests are passing flying colors. You might try memtest but i suspect you GDDR is fried. You got an enb? Try using unsafe memory hacks option. Lets see if we can prove bad memory.
  8. You might also try resetting your inis. I mention enb because enboost stops you from crashing from running out of memory (as in Skyrim does.)
  9. Are you using an enb? Also im pretty sure you dont clean Skyrims esms.
  10. Yeah you only need one. Personally i disabled them all and just used the mesh from smim. I think it might even be in the smim esp, ill check. Your load order is better and easier, lemme order it for you. Skyui Moss rocks Armored horses Smim Sfo Sfo dragonborn Skysight (not sure your meant to use this with sfo) Realistic lighting Realistic water Waves RW dawnguard Waves RW dragonborn Waves Infinite gold
  11. That in itself isnt bad, obviiusly we'll try get it better if we can, but yeah there is no solution to the render limitations. You will often find the fps is worst in the corner of a place looking back at it and then fine in the middle.
  12. Ive seen worse load orders but LOOT hasnt done you any favors. Youve got your weather and lighting mods in the wrong place, they should all be grouped appropriately at the bottom or at least near there. Try moving ELFX exteriors down there. You also want its ETAC patch. The rest of your stuff seems like small mods but you are gonna find not many people willing to help you order it.
  13. Yeah none of these cards ate quite the answer for 4k yet. But i cant speak to much about that because optimizing your loadout and inis is another story that can greatly improve your game. Id be interested to see what gains you get playing at 1440p if youd care to share. My fps drops by half at 4k, but thats on account of my no holds barred approach for 1080p XD. I too have also recently switched to nVidia. Couldnt be happier IMO
  14. You dont want your RAM/VRAM/disk moving too much. If you have correct memory setting you wont see much changes to how much memory is in use, and when you do that wants to be on loading screen. Keep as much as possible cached on game load. I can tell you my SSD doesnt do a whole lot in multiple hour sessions.
  15. Check your inbox :) Do note any spots you see fps drops, with ETaC or jks youll still get them but they should be smooth still. SFO, ETaC and JKs increases the amount of meshes in acenes a fair bit. Also note your grass density if using grass mods.
  16. You might try the unofficial patches by arthmoor and co, these days they have a merged beta version called USLEEP. And if you havent already, order your dlcs properly in your load order. You might try resetting your INI files too.
  17. Oh dont we all XD. Dont remove the textures, but rather optimize you INI files. I will upload you mine via pm shortly. The 5820 is hexacore right? Edit - Ive PMed you my INis and some tips on some changes you might try.
  18. @Mofakin - Jelly. I miss the beauty of it, but im not dropping my ugrids just for that ;). Bethesda rwally is the devil, there is always a catch to their games XD. Ill give it to the 3960x, it is a good overclocker but l2 cache and dmi just not hard enough. Personally i have a temperamental IMC (memory controller) but this doesnt mean much as there is only diminishing returns from ddr3-2400 vs 2133 (i run my 2400 kit at 2133, bonus is it is low latency 2400 i can acheive same data rate at 2133 with slightly lower latency 2ndary timings). Anything higher you wont see in real life application, which i still believe stands for ddr4 (overhyped for gamers). And dont get me started about AMD Fury X... Long story shirt i have a 980ti now ;) I expect great things from Skylake E, if it cant do 5ghz daily then i will be very upset, especially if its because they go down the 10 or 12 core route.
  19. Any object you want to remove via esp is easy, just add the initially disabled reference in tesvedit. Dont mark deleted because this can cause problems. But otherwise you have the right idea by placing said changes into a separate esp patch.
  20. If your INIs are optimized than unfortunately youll never get better frames if you mod too much. I have similar setup to you minus 1 980ti but clocked to 1502 and my 3960x is weaker than your but im getting same drops to 45 in some places that are mesh heavy. The problem is DirectX 9 has a single rendering pipeline, and after roughly 3.5million triangles on screen your fps will inevitably drop slowly even with these cpus. You will notice that during these frame drops your gpu usage actually drops because waiting for frames from cpu. EDIT - The only way to combat this is raw Mhz. Overclocking is the only solution but be careful to keep a level of oc where your memory is 100% stable. Skyrim is better at picking up memory problems than even prime95 in my experience, if your oc is unstable here the game will ctd early, maybe within the first 30mins, even when you are sure you have a clean setup. Also dont bother using the enb setting Expandedsystemmemoryx64, leave at false, it will bring about ctds. Try JKs cities mod. Go to top of dragonreach and look back. Over 6 million triangles at 8000 draw calls on my setup is 29 fps but this still somewhat smooth but yeah nah i got rid of it. You will also find that most pop in and pauses/frame spikes are due to renderer suddenly reacting but not fast enough. You are better off than me with a 5820 vs my 4.65ghz 3960x (no HT), but this is as good as it gets. Max your ENB and textures cos they wont phase the 980ti, but limit how much meshes/objects in outdoors scenes i.e jks cities. Personally my game consumes 7.3gb while active, with optimized INIs this amounts to 1.2gb Skyrim.exe, 3.7gb vram, 2.4gb enboost, max ive seen is 7.9gb all up but usually hovers at 7.3gb I use Vividian ENB ultra, with no shortage of 2k, 4k and 8k textures. Hell my grass is 2k from verdant at 70 density. Outdoors is better than i could of imagined with the 980ti, my CPU runs about 60% (2 cores maxed, other 4 half or less) and my 980ti usually hovers at 70% usage.
  21. On my first vanilla game the firat to get me was the Thalmor that i attacked walking on the way to morthal with a prisoner. This is a serious shame for my Nord stormcloak, would rather have been pulled apart by mudcrabs or eaten by a troll.
  22. One thing, you shouldnt have any trouble making money, just make sure to sell the right items to the right ppl to maximise this. Example, sell your simple swords and sheilds to a smith, sell foods to inns/alchemists and save the random stuff/magic stuff for riverwood trader and belethors goods and Risaad the khajiit. You might consider the Trade and Barter mod by Kryptopyr to enhance all this, and maybe Economy of Skyrim mod for realism. I always start the dlcs later on, but have never started them AFTER the main quest. As far as gfx, look up vividian enb, its the best. Especually with all weather mods added in. I believe they provide a nice list of textures etc to use. Off the top of my head i use Skyrim HD texture pack by Nebula01, SMIM and realistic water 2 with enb watercolor. I use a lot more, too many to list For mages, have a look at enchanting awakened or Wintermyst and maybe something like better magic rebalanced or TTRSO. PerMa is a big mid and requires a lot of time in patching other mods if you want to use a lot, TTRSO is nice and light weight. Id also highly recommend any of author Krypopyrs mods and also Cheskos Frostfall and Perseid9/Mofakin Realistic needs and diseases
  23. Welcome to nexus. Afe you able to look into the current attack on Skyrim nexus? Ive been offline since this morning, come back to find every time i click something im redirected and many keywords are showing up. Only happens on Skyrim nexus.
  24. Its not something i have ever experienced, however I imagine that the console is tied to the engine and by this I think it only understands the qwerty kboard. I could be wrong but i would imagine this is the cause. If you havent tried it already, you might consider using a profiling app to force the keyboards azerty keys, this way maybe you can "trick" it into giving the correct keystrokes. Let me know if that works.
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