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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. if you are referring to re-installing Windows/formatting HDD then all you need do is take your save files out of MyDocuments/My Games/falloutNV and when you have sucessfully reinstall Windows and NV, pop em back in that location. be warned that you will want to set up your mods the same way you did last time, or at least very similar!
  2. You might find some useful information here: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Creating_A_Custom_Weapon
  3. An you specified the new model in your esp/esm file? If you are not using an esp/esm than you will need to install the mesh to the same directory it's in in the BSA file. Idk what mesh your replacing, but I hope ur texture fits it if using default textures.
  4. @Ablazw - Glad you found this useful :). I have been studying this quite a bit, still haven't found any clue as to what controls this. Well I have had some theories, still testing a few but I doubt anything will come out of it. One thing I wondered was if the game, if it had a certain problem, would that problem cause the save game table to be broken? Anyway I was putting two and two together, but the evidence suggesting FalloutNV.exe is loaded into the 74th slot, makes perfect sense thus killing this idea :(. Where there is a will, there is a way, and modders have the solution ;).
  5. Archive Invalidation is required to show custom tex's/models in game. Correct implementation of it will fix the problem. I recommend you use FOMM, Fallout Mod Manager to automate this, it applies it automatically on install.
  6. If it isn't a missing mesh/texture (big exclamation + missing mesh - pink tex = missing tex). I think it is likely you haven't activated Archive Invalidation properly, look it up on google, plenty of guides around.
  7. Tried looking at any tutorials/threads for more info?
  8. No that line is in NVSR.ini, EDIT: yeah you have to reactivate it, launch the game and find the ini in new veags directory.
  9. That's a typical bug, very common, 90% of people will have that with a modded game. New Vegas Stutter Remover has an option to fast exit the game, stopping this crash. Download NVSR: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34832 and in the INI file that appears after first launch of the game with it, look for and change this line: bfastexit 0 to bfastexit 1. Also, you could technically do this by typing "qqq" into console everytime you quit the game. Be warned that this will cause any changes you make in game such as GFX, sound and controls, to not get saved to the INi file with this setting on. Small price to pay for the convenience. Just change your settings in NV configator or something.
  10. I'd be checking your GFX card if I were you. Also when HDMI cable go, these things can happen. Try a new HDMI cable if using one of those. If not keep playing with the GPU.
  11. Your stimpaks have been replaced by Strange meat in a mod, whatever that mod is it's not very good. Go and get FNVedit: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34703 and delete the overriding data out of the mod that does this.
  12. Can you post your load order? If you have FOMM you can go to "Load order" at the top and select "Copy to clipboard' and paste it straight here. Really, I wouldn't be too worried about the DeathClaw spawn, I have seen weirder things happen, it's just one of those "what the" moments hahaha. The revolvers I'd be concerned about though.
  13. @Zyaba: there is no save editor for NV sorry. Lot's of things can cause the game to either corrupt saves or appear to CTD upon load. Incorrect overclock settings will do this, especially if the CPU needs more power. If you are running stock don't worry about this, but if your PC is older and playing up it could be the case. Other things include a cell that is in need of patching because too many mods are touching it and haven't been fixed up (even one NPC in a cell that is incorrectly patched will bring on a CTD depending on what needs fixing), other things like orphaned records that weren't detrimental at load up ( so not causing the no menu bug) but cause a CTD when needed/loaded in game. Truly never ending when it comes to what whacky problems you'll have if you miss some of the slightest things, and even if something you think isn't related or never even thought of at all gets left unchecked, boom it all comes down :(. I advise both of you to learn a bit about FNVedit and check your games for conflicts, and make merged patches if ypou haven't already. CASM will look after your saves, but you need to look after your load orders :).
  14. Look for "shots per second", change it to like 3 or 5 or something, drop the overall damage amount, and the DPS will go up heaps. Play with this until you get a good setting.
  15. Ah if you are looking to merge mods then you need FNVPlugin Utility. FNVedit doesn't auto-merge mods unfortunately, but a skilled user can merge mods in FNVedit. Be warned if you do decide to use FNVplugin to merge mods, only merge mods that don't have any other files dependent on them in the LO, and try not to merge any larger mods together. Small mods like the two in your pic should be fine, easy as cake :).
  16. Start by deleting all your old INI files, re-validating the game cache in Steam, and reactivating Archive Invalidation. The save game is probably missing something it really needs, likely you'll need to start a new game unless you can determine the exact needs of your prior save and can fix it based on this knowledge. If you saved in an exterior and it crashes as soon as it looks like it's about to load, it could possibly be a problem with your hardware settings, i.e incorrect CPU/RAM settings cause all sorts of weird problems, including failure to load. This only really applies if you are OCing your rig, as you say you tried on a laptop also so this is probably not the case, but for the sake of good advice I make a note of it anyway. Let me know if that does anything for you :)
  17. Apply a filter, and under "Other" in that context menu is the option to create a merged patch. EDIT: IMO, you don't really even need one with that LO because it is soooo small lol :)
  18. The Deathclaw must have got placed there from a mod, are you using any mods like MoWars or DFB/NVEC random encounters, or even IWS? These things can happen with them, even at low levels. NVEC/DFB is usually good about that though. If you could post a pic or vid of the revolvers having problems, I may be able to better help you with it :)
  19. The issue you are having is you are using a non-steam version. All genuine copies of NV require Steam, that is a fact. I recommend you buy the game, it's only $7 for a genuine copy with all DLC. For now I can't help you, nor can anyone else :(
  20. Have you tried revalidating the game cache in Steam or are you using a non-steam version?
  21. Someone else had this problem before, you might find if you click on MCM and exit it, the other options should reappear. There is a more solid fix than this, can't remember off top off my head sorry :(
  22. You need BOSS tool to sort your load order big time. And a merged patch. Look it up on google, there are plenty of resources available :)
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