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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. Nice effort, looks like it's coming along swell :). Mind posting a pic of what happens in game? I've got 2 theories but i'd like to be sure first ;)
  2. If you're referring to the Legion that are already there when you get there then I must say I have not experienced this bug there, but I have experienced similar with other quests. Load up a save before you get there and when you walk in talk to him again, when he doesn't take your stuff resurrect him and try talking again.
  3. Yeah get some shots if possible, I have seen similar things but a screenie would be great to be certain.
  4. I dunno about SLi but when you disable Xfire, in my case I have 2 DCU2T 7970's, the other other card turns off altogether. On my old Rampage 4 Extreme, it had PCI switches where I could just turn them on and off at will. But didn't need to. I know for a fact that as soon as I turned on Xfire FPS dropped heaps, water did not render, textures leaked, shaders were broken etc etc and eventually after 5 mins it would cause a CTD. Again I dunno how SLi works with the latest drivers, but if it's anything like Xfire than it's a no go :). I can guarantee you that running NV on 3 monitors in SLi will break the game. I run 3 27" ASUS VG278H's also, never with NV. You could google it if you wanted more evidence ;). If you really have to, take a card out and try play the game. I know that's a hassle, especially if your water cooling. Otherwise you could also try disabling SLi and disabling the second card in Device Manager, be sure to get the right card though haha. Let us know what you find :)
  5. That just looks like a bad texture leak/tearing to me, again i'm putting it to hardware and drivers. Revalidate your cache to be sure you're BSA's haven't suffered any corruption anyway. Hey hang on a minute - Are you running NV on SLi? That'd be problem number one. It doesn't play nicely at all with Xfire/SLi. ENB will make that worse.
  6. Truly? That doesn't help your cause at all. have you tried using a previous save and doing it again?
  7. LOL there you go XD. I probably should of realised that myself.
  8. Maybe look into NVEC, it has EVE inbuilt: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44204
  9. Just let FNVedit load up and then right click on the mods list and when the context menu apeears select apply filter, and when the next menu comes up just select OK and let it filter your entire LO. Go into HH after that and find anything that's highlighted red or orange (probably won't be much orange) and take some screens if you don't know what to fix. You don't really need to be looking under items or cells etc etc, mainly quests, scripts, dialogues, NPC's etc.
  10. Played nearly 9 hours straight yesterday without crash! Applying for Guinness book of records entry!
    1. SMB92


      And gonna do it again today!
  11. Waiting 4 days at PH fixed it. Reinstalled my resources package just for fun sake afterwards. Had to be a save problem. Didn't matter anyway I already played another 8-9 hours on the other save yesterday, if you didn't already see my post lol.
  12. Load order here is okay, some adjustments would do you well, but you really need a merged patch my friend. Use FNVedit for that. And while you're making a merged patch I'd strongly recommend you run apply a filter to your LO and have a look in HH for conflicts. With that LO though a merged patch should fix it, unless you need to manually patch something such as a dirty edit in one of the lower mods.
  13. Re-download EVE. Go and try another file on Nexus over 50MB and try extract that. If it's just EVE then something has happened since the update and it's broke the archive, report it.
  14. You're done for buddy, if you don't have Steam than your a PIRATE, that simple. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! BTW I bet you need to set the INI's from read only to not in the properties section, not Windows permissions. EDIT: Just to quote you here: "I'd really rather not reinstall NV, as that was beyond tedious" - Care to elaborate? Cos I have my theories lol. NV is not that hard to reinstall if you have the disc.
  15. Go here instead: http://legroom.net/software/uniextract
  16. Believe me they have stuff all to do with it ;). The game would crash enough on a dual-CPU Xeon rig, with vanilla LOL.
  17. Should only be one archive to download from that page, just one exe, download from the US mirror. EVE isn't broken, I can assure you that. I used to have a problem a while ago where when I made downloads they'd like to stop at 80% but say they were finished, stupid thing to happen, but it did, and regularly, on ADSL2+ as well (20Mbits/s). I had to watch all my DL's. Haven't had that problem for a good long while now, but I reckon that's what's happening to you.
  18. They were loading fine when I got there and walked around. Just loading it back up killed it. Maybe somehow the resource got corrupted. Lucky for me I plan ahead and made a backup of all my resources when I did my base install, fresh from the archive for an easy cut and paste lol. I make a habit of creating 2 NV installs these days, a full backup and playable one lol.
  19. Distant flickering is called Z-Fighting, it is a problem with the engine, just things like you see windows or doors on houses flickering black or same with rocks on mountains from afar. You can't get rid of that I'm afraid. As for that texture glitch in that screenie, that looks like bad LOD generation, but then you say armor's and other stuff goes missing to? If you have textures completely disappearing and random textures showing up on vertain things, from walls to armor, whatever, then you may have crossed the "Magic Threshold" as jim said. This is when you exceed 140 active plugins, (but not limited to active plugins, if you also have many unused ESPs in the data folder this will count toward this limit although you can use Wrye Flash to ghost the unused plugins) and the game starts to corrupt it's resources. Usually this is accompanied by missing meshes, you know, the big red exclamation marks lol. If your experiencing ridiculous texture leaks and tearing, there are 2 common causes: You've OCed your GPU/GDDR but haven't given it enough power, too much power, and/or your GDDR is corrupting because it's running way over spec and then the second problem is you may have programs fighting for priority with the GPU in the background, casuing, again, lack of resource to the game and therefore undesired effects. These are two common things that I have experienced myself and many others too. Your problem may be different but still knowledge is power and now you know these things XDXDXD. The card could be on it's way out too lol, if you haven't already tested that. I gotta say one thing as a matter of opinion though, ENB isn't the greatest thing to be using with NV, you may want to try out some of MGE's great visual enhancement/control mods. Find them here: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/users/1538812. Also Cinematech if you really want: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/39947 Post back and let us know how you go :).
  20. Sounds like the archive has not downloaded completely and a sector is corrupt. What mods, and did you try redownloading? Just in case it is 7zip try this little beauty: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Compression-tools/Universal-Extractor.shtml If that don't extract it then archive is broken.
  21. Yes that's right, they break as soon as they start to fade in. Upon load, they are broken right in front of me (front of visitor center). Thing is though, if I scope down the wall of Hoover a ways, I can see the lights have loaded in full detail, illuminating all the ground and all, but of course the LOD itself for the terrain has not. ugridstoload is set to 7 (was 9 but 7 is much better with 16x SSAA in CCC). I walked to Forlorn Hope and found the lights there went out as I got close enough for the LOD to come in. All objects are loaded, Object fade is at 20 and Object LOD is 100K. All buildings are set to show distant LOD versions also. Possibly I should loa up that save again and try waiting 3 days far away from there and go back just to see if it changes back.
  22. I see. Well you really need to go over to Bethsoft and read the GECK guides on cell editing. Then you'll be sweet. It's quite easy really once you get a hang of the controls :). BTW I recommend CASM for your saves, then you will have many many saves to play with. Look up CASM NV on Nexus.
  23. Hi all, So I'm having a problem here, I just played NV for some 9 hours flat on the LO below and I didn't experience a crash. Walked all the way across the Wasteland, rarely fast traveled, loaded many saves cos I got killed heaps (This wouldn't of happened if not for Monster Wars XD) and did many quests. Only bug so far was the Camp Golf quest. What went wrong? I'm scared... Does this mean I will win lottery tonight? Will Jesus return? Will Pepsi finally realise it's not as good as Coke and stop trying to advertise that it is? Will the moon be blue this night? Will Mars attack? Will Kevin Rudd make a comeback? I just don't know anymore XDXDXD Here's my LO: (Minus the patches merged into Bashed Patch, including several of my own) For those of you who seen this before you might notice I've made several optimizations and merges :) FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmHonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmClassicPack.esmMercenaryPack.esmTribalPack.esmCaravanPack.esmAmbient Temperature.esmCompanion Core.esmCaliber.esmHonestHearts-CaliberX.esmCaliberXhonesthearts.esmCaliberXgunrunners.esmCFWNV.esmCINEMATECH.esmFOOK - New Vegas.esmFOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esmInventory Access.esmMore Perks.esmNVEC Complete + NVCE.esmDARCPH.esmRedRockRanch.esmAWorldOfPain(Preview).esmRustTownV1Master.esmSeachlight Airport NCR.esmdangame.esmMoMod.esmMonster Wars.esmNSkies URWLified.esmNVInteriors_Core.esmInterior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esmProject Nevada - Core.esmProject Nevada - Equipment.esmProject Nevada - Extra Options.esmAdvanced Recon Tech.esmDetect Traps.esmRobCo Certified.esmProject Nevada - Rebalance.espProject Nevada - Cyberware.espSelective Fire.esmSpeedyResources.esmClean-Deluxe FNV.esmELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esmELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esmoHUD.esmLings.esmThe.Armory.esmWMR.esmNVInteriors_ComboEdition_AWOP_SLAP_NCR.esmDarNifiedUINV.espCASM.espFairyRadar.espHUD Extended.espHUD Extended - Ambient Temperature.espVera.espNew Vegas Error Corrections Extras.esppipboy2500_edisleado.espShilohDS-Color Maps and Icons.espThe Mod Configuration Menu.espThe Weapon Mod Menu.espUHNV_TRON_GSA_HiVE_JUWHNV.espProject Nevada - Rebalance Complete.espProject Nevada - Cyberware Additions.espProject Nevada - All DLC.espNVEC NVCE PN COMBO Patch.espRobCo Certified Friendly Hit Fixer.espAWOPMonsterPatch.espNVEC+NVCE-Expansion-AWOP.espMonster Mod Wasteland Edition.espHell on Earth - Basic + Creature Replacer.espHell on Earth - Nightmare Realm.espNVEC+NVCE-Expansion-MMWE.espFOOK - New Vegas.espFOOK - New Vegas DLCs.espNVEC Complete NVCE FOOK Patch.espCFW-PN-DLC.espSelective Fire - Project Nevada.espDetect Traps - Traponator 4000.espDetect Traps - DLC.espAdvanced Recon Gear.espAdvanced Recon Riot Gear Helmet.espJetpack.espchristinecos.espAdvanced Recon Range Finder.espAdvanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.espDIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL_NV.espFlashlightNVSE.espAWOP - Patches.espMore Realistic Aiming.espQuick Trade.espReactive People - Ultimatum.espWMR_Vanilla_R.espWMR_DeadMoney_R.espWMR_HonestHearts_R.espWMR_OldWorldBlues_R.espWMR_LonesomeRoad_R.espWMR_GunRunnersArsenal_R.espWeaponModsExpanded.espWMX-ModernWeapons.espWMX-DeadMoney.espWMX-HonestHearts.espWMX-OldWorldBlues.espWMX-LonesomeRoad.espWMX-GunRunnersArsenal.espWMX-FOOKNV CP.espWMX-PreOrderPackClassic.espWMX-PreOrderPackCaravan.espWMX-PreOrderPackMercenary.espWMX-PreOrderPackTribal.espNVEC Complete NVCE WMX Patch.espMail Order Catalogs.espWMR_WMX_DLCs.espThe New Bison Steve Hotel.espRustTownAdditions3.espNVEC+NVCE-Expansion-NVIntAWOP_SLAP.espThe.Armory.Leveled.List.Concise.espTA - Patches.espNVEC+NVCE-Expansion-ElectroCity.espNskies URWLified - DLC.espInterior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.espILO - NSkies URWLified Patch.espILO - A World of Pain.espClean-Deluxe FNV Merge - AWOP + ILO.espNVEC+NVCE-Expansion-ILO.espELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.espDYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.espNight Brightness Adjuster.espDirectors Chair.espBashed Patch, 0.espMyPatch - Heavy.esp Total active plugins: 133Total plugins: 133 Any advice much appreciated. O.0 XDXDXDXD
  24. Okay cool, I'll just disable mine in case, don't use it much anyway, just for my MC and TV remotes. I'll just make me up a batch file and put it on the desktop for reactivation :smile:. Still blows my mind that such a bug could possibly occur haha.
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