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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. The Thu'um is supposed to be an incredibly dangerous power. The effects and visuals are fine, but I'm a little disappointed by the audio files. You'd think that speaking in an ancient language to invoke a devastating power would just...sound cooler. I don't know exactly how to describe what I'm thinking of, but look at it this way - when the Greybeards summon you to High Hrothgar, the ground shakes, and their Voices echo from the top of the mountain, spreading across the land so powerfully that every guard in Skyrim can hear it (The Greybeards have summoned the Dragonborn to High Hrothgar!). So then why, when the Dragonborn unleashes their violent vocal fury, is it only loud enough that those nearby hear it? I guess what I'd like to see is the Voice become a truly earth-shaking power, one that rends the very fabric of time and space itself with each word - and the more words you use, the more powerful the sound itself.
  2. Recently, I played a game on Newgrounds that scared the absolute hell outta me. It was all jump scares, though...and somehow I found it enjoyable. I'd be walking through a room, open a door to a hallway, and suddenly an apparition would come screaming down the hall and run through me, knocking me off my feet. It was absolutely terrifying, but incredibly fun. And I thought...what if this could be added to Skyrim? Maybe, in addition to the enemies already in dungeons, you could add triggers to doors that send ghosts and corrupted shades tearing across the room to get to you, only to pass right through you and knock you over or stagger you before vanishing altogether?
  3. This would turn Skyrim into a game I couldn't play without Depends...lmao. But I love the thought. I could use it as a prank for my friends..."WHOA!! DID YOU SEE THAT!?" *feigns ignorance* "see what?"
  4. I like this. I definitely like the spectral dragon idea. I could also see having a Power that allows you to "release" the dragon's soul from your body in a burst of power that sends enemies on all sides flying, as well as inflicting some sort of magical damage... Or maybe a spell that, when your health reaches a critical low point, consumes the dragon's soul in return for a short-lived boost to your speed, damage output, and damage resistance. Sort of a limit break a la Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts. But obviously, we'd want to balance that kind of ability...some sort of penalty afterwards, maybe causing you to fall to one knee while your body recuperates from what just happened.
  5. Seems to me like you probably could. I do, and my rig's a little older.
  6. Can we please get a release date on this!? Even if it's just ballparked...I am going NUTS waiting to add Sofia to my Tamrielic shenanigans!
  7. I have a story that would make an absolutely incredible Skyrim mod. It'd be a big one, probably unofficial DLC-sized. It would basically end up as a quest/weapon/armour/house/companion mod...with two paths to the story - which I think fits, given the duality of a lot of other Skyrim questlines (Civil War, Dark Brotherhood, etc). Short version is this: The Dragonborn (or player, if you didn't choose that path) is approached one day by a Paladin, and is asked to help her seek out and destroy a source of great evil. But there's more than meets the eye to this woman, and the Dragonborn/player finds themselves with a choice to make - stamp out this dark shadow and find glory amongst an ancient order of warriors of light, or side with it and obtain power that even makes the Daedra tremble in fear. Longer version can be found here, where I'm looking to establish the overall personalities of the two main NPCs involved. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1567388-mods-for-a-character-backstory/ Unfortunately, given my lack of modding ability, all I can really contribute is the idea portion. I'd need 3D modellers, texture artists, scripters, voice actors/actresses, and someone who can bring the entire thing together in the CS. I can also provide hand-drawn artwork for the new meshes and textures, if needed. Anyone interested in creating a team to create something this big, please PM me for details.
  8. So, I've devised a set of two characters with intertwined backstories, and I would like some suggestions for mods to really flesh them out. I have their basic appearances and personalities created, but I'm lacking things like armour, weapons, accessories, and such. The backstory is as follows: A few years before the beginning of the Stormcloak Uprising, Muira LeCharmane was a spellsword in the Imperial Legion. She fought ruthlessly against the Thalmor, but committed many atrocities due to a deep-rooted hatred for all Elvenkind. After the Great War ended, Muira, haunted by her past, took up the oath of the Paladin, vowing to fight solely for all that is good. However, she found that despite her best efforts, her old ways never truly left - they only hid for a while, surfacing at the worst possible moments. She sought the help of the Divines to purge her soul of the darkness that lay within it, but her past crimes had already taken their toll - the Eight would not commune with her, and turning to the Ninth was illegal, and violated her new creed. So she sought the help of a sorceress at the College of Winterhold. Unfortunately, this sorceress was a devout follower of the Daedra, and tricked Muira into striking a deal with Clavicus Vile. Muira got her wish - the darkness was purged from her soul, but it left her shattered, split - actually split - into two people. "Muira" was no more, and in her place stood the two halves of her former self. The good half, whose memory was as fragmented as her soul, took up the name "Illumina", and slew the twisted sorceress for her treachery moments after. However, she was unable to catch the evil that had manifested in time, and that half of her former self slipped away. Years later, as the dragons returned, Ivory began to hear whispers, rumours, of a dark warrior who had razed entire cities to the ground in High Rock. This evil presence, referring to itself as "Cimmeria", had been reportedly spotted in Skyrim, moving from one place to the next, slaying any living creature in its path. Illumina knew this to be her other half, and set out to destroy this embodiment of evil once and for all. So. Basically, I'm looking to build the epitome of the Warrior of Light, and the absolute darkest of Dark Knights. Can anyone recommend mods that would add the kind of gear I'm looking for? I've been searching the Nexus, but I'm not really sure what kind of search terms to use. Also, if anyone wants to convert this into a standalone mod in which the Dragonborn helps Illumina (or Cimmeria, even), go right ahead!
  9. I remember this mod! "Snow...needs more snow"...XD I would LOVE to see this happen...though it used NPC idle dialogue, and the NPCs don't really speak to themselves so much anymore.
  10. I was playing Devil May Cry 4 the other night, and I finally (way behind, only just acquired it this winter) got to the part with the Bianco Angelo enemies. I absolutely LOVE their armour, and would just love to have it in Skyrim if anyone thinks they can make it. It also got me thinking - the Bianco Angelos use tower shields, and I really miss those from Morrowind. Is there anyone that can make - or already has made - tower shields to match the stock sets of armour?
  11. I've got all the "unofficial" patches installed. I'll try using the console to see if I can't get it to progress, once I can figure out why the hell it's lagging so hard all of a sudden.
  12. You sacrifice a little quality, but avoid the irritating glitch. It's probably due to your graphics hardware.
  13. From the Skyrim Launcher, go into Options and turn off Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering. I had this same problem a little while back.
  14. So, I recently acquired Skyrim: Legendary Edition via the anthology. I updated my game, added in the new content... ...and suddenly I can't absorb dragon souls at all. I can progress past "Dragon Rising", as is a scripted event, and not an actual "dragon soul absorb" like every one from there on out. However, when I get to "A Blade In The Dark"...(check spoiler section for this one, it's the main problem but also a big spoiler for the story) nothing. Nothing happens. Since the story can't progress without the actual animation playing, all Delphine does is stand there and comment in wonder, even when I try to speak to her directly. I've tried installing the Unofficial Dragonborn Patch, but all it does is cause my game to CTD just after the initial loading video. Is there another way around this? I've searched the Nexus, but I think I'm doing it wrong, because I can't find any other results. I'd REALLY like some help with this, as I share this computer with my fiancee, and she hasn't completed the main quest yet. She probably won't, she's way fond of the free roam aspect, but just in case she does...and I'd also like to be able to play through the story again, I have a wicked idea for a new character build. And as a side note...I spawned up enough dragons to blot out the sun with the console, and began to take them down one by one...slayed a total of about ten or so, and not a single soul.
  15. There's also a mod called "Exploding Chickens" that makes chickens, well, explode, when you kill them. Big fiery blast, sure to piss off a whole town. Might be able to use the scripts from that.
  16. Well, I ran into a new issue. MGSO installed just fine, but now I have no distant land. I've run the distant land setup countless times, nothing.
  17. So, I built Lakeview Manor, helped the people of Falkreath, and became Thane... ...but Rayya's nowhere to be found. I've left and returned to my house several times, gone in and out, waited...but nothing. She never showed up. I don't have any mods that modify any Hearthfire content, and none that modify Housecarls in any way. But she's just not showing. Will adding her with the console fix the situation, or will she be present, but unable to become my steward and what have you?
  18. My latest character build has been what I call a "dark paladin", which is just a corruption of the classic "holy warrior" type. I've searched around the Nexus a bit, but there don't seem to be any armour and weapon mods to suit a fallen warrior like that. I'm not talking about anything with, like, inverted crosses or something...that's a little too controversial. But maybe black armour with draconic wings instead of angel's wings or something like that.
  19. So, I took a hiatus from Skyrim to play Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. When I was done beating the hell out of Megatron, I went back to Tamriel...to find a much, much different world... Every thirty to sixty seconds, the whole game will lag out horridly. I think it has something to do with the sky, as the lighting jumps all over the place once the lag ceases (which there's no discernible time frame on, it seems to be a random amount per incident). It's cost me a save file, as it caused me to do the strange "saving during a fatal fall" thing. I made NO adjustments to Skyrim between the last time I played it and now. Didn't add any mods, didn't change my ENB, nothing. Does this sound like an issue with my graphics themselves, or does it sound like it's something in-game? Think maybe installing FoC changed something?
  20. Turns it was MGE after all. Apparently this computer can't quite handle XE...which is bizarre, because I can play Skyrim with a heavy ENB with no lag at all. But eh. I got it fixed.
  21. I don't think MGE had anything to do with the problems. I just can't figure out what the deal is...the final version, 3.0 I think, is the only one that gave me problems. Prior versions ran just fine.
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