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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. Yeah, ENBoost murdered my poor system worse than any other ENB I've used. Honestly, RealVision works the best for me, and I've got a pretty low-end PC. It's not running flawlessly, mind you, I do get some low spots, but not nearly as bad as I did with ENBoost.
  2. Whenever I die and reload, the pulsing screen effect stays active until I quit and relaunch Skyrim. It transfers itself between saves...is there a way to clear this with the console? I'm fairly confident that Requiem is to blame for this, as it didn't start until I downloaded and installed that mod. Requiem, to those who haven't used it, does a lot of stuff, but the aspect I'm looking at is the fact that it uses imagespace modifiers when you catch a disease, get poisoned, eat a bad ingredient, etc.
  3. I'll practice with some of the stuff in there. Who knows, might even be able to come up with something worth uploading!
  4. As long as you can get the models, we're good. I'll start looking into how to make textures...hopefully I can use Paint Tool SAI or regular Paint to make them, because I can't afford Photoshop. If nothing else, I'm sure that there are plenty of free texture files available. All I can really do right now is re-colour existing textures, provided I can open them in one of the two aforementioned programs. I have no idea how to go about lining them up on the mesh properly.
  5. Well, if you've got the skill, I've got the ideas, we could definitely make some stuff happen!
  6. When you said power armour, I immediately thought of the blades on the omni-tool, or the explosive armour ability. Folding weapons like that WOULD be awesome though. A folding Dwarven crossbow? That's the epitome of cool right there.
  7. Energy...armour...? Hmm...I'm gonna do some research, I like the sound of that.
  8. And the countdown begins! I can't wait to see what you can come up with. Sadly, I'm just an idea gal, not worth much for meshes or textures. EDIT: I'd also appreciate some credit, just to know I actually accomplished something. I'm not gonna raise a stink if you don't mention me, but it would be nice :D
  9. Okay, I tested out the magicka sabers mod. It's so close to what I have in mind...so very, very close...I just have a couple of adjustments I'd like to see. Obviously, the Star Wars sounds are an issue, but that shouldn't be too hard to fix. I also want to see a slightly different blade mesh...something reminiscent of the bound effect, where the power has a slightly rawer form to it. I'm now inspired...perhaps, in addition to the basic weapon set, there could be "legendary energy weapons"...weapons that are so powerful that, when drawn, manifest themselves in such a violent manner that they damage, stagger, or knock back anyone too close to the wielder. Basically, they explode. Of course, these "legendary" weapons, being so powerful, couldn't just be crafted. They'd have to be placed around Skyrim, in locations that are guarded by boss mobs. I'm thinking...dragons, dragon priests, stuff like that. And they'd definitely be a little OP...I'm thinking extremely high damage output, massive swings...balance that with slow speeds, maybe?
  10. The attack on Helgen was a display of power. He came out of the Time Wound, and sensed that there was another Dovah nearby. There's no telling exactly how long he felt he'd been adrift in the currents of time. It could have felt like centuries, or it could have felt like the blink of an eye. All he knew was that he was disoriented, and that the Dovah presence he felt nearby wasn't one of his followers. He first flew over to investigate, to locate the source of that presence. When he saw nothing but humans, he knew that what he felt had to be a Dovahkiin, his arch-nemesis. He burned Helgen to the ground to challenge the legendary dragonslayer, to show the power of his Thu'um. He then flew off, basically saying "catch me if you can, you wingless worm". Later, he was presented with many opportunities to slay the Dragonborn himself. But he didn't perceive that mortal as a threat, so he decided that he would rather wait around and let his lackeys destroy them - because he felt that they were better suited for his underlings. Dirt under his talons, essentially. But they couldn't crush the Dovahkiin. Try as they might, the lesser dovah just couldn't kill them. One by one, the dragonborn slayed them. Devoured their souls. Grew stronger. As the slayer's power grew, he sent more and more, stronger, and stronger yet. But all to no avail. And then, just as his frustration was growing to a head, he felt the one thing he knew would surely mean his downfall - the Dovahkiin, that low, filthy mortal, had tapped into the Tiid-Ahron, the Time Wound. He felt the presence of the Elder Scroll, and knew it could only mean one thing - his nemesis had looked beyond the veil, and had discovered the ancient secret of the Banishers, the mortals who first cast him adrift in time. The Dragonborn, without a doubt, had learned the Dragonrend Shout. The World-Eater knew he had to move quickly, lest this bastard of a mortal try to kill him once and for all. Then, and ONLY then, does he see the Dovahkiin as a real threat. [forgive the long post, I've been in a deep, reflective mood tonight]
  11. Maybe the bows could come in different levels of power, each level firing a successively larger number of arrows at once, that converge on a single target. Obviously, there'd come a point at which you'd be completely overpowered and one-shotting enemies...but isn't Skyrim's archery system already like that?
  12. I just looked up the Magicka Sabers mod, and it's basically what I'm talking about, but...I want something lore-friendly, something that looks like it belongs in Skyrim and not the Star Wars universe. Still going to use the Magicka Sabers until I can find something...were I any good at modding, I'd craft up some new handles and just release a replacer mod...sadly, my computer-art skills are still at the same level as a 4-year-old's crayon doodles. I could provide some sketches, if it would help anyone... I definitely like the thought of adding hammers and bows to this too. It reminds me of a weapon that Phijama made for Morrowind, the Ultraviolet bow. It was basically just a fancy handle, and the bow itself was made of blue-white energy. Fired its own supply of arrows. An "energy crossbow" could also be done for Dawnguard users, but it wouldn't be real practical, since the only way to keep it lore-friendly (and realistic in any sense) would be to have a standard crossbow body with a "string" made of energy that fired bolts of light. Not a real workable concept...and I'd like to keep the mod dependent upon Skyrim alone, since I know how difficult it can be to get ahold of DLC. I still don't have Dragonborn. Personally, I'd like to see a weapon in this set whose "handle" was just a soul gem...or, wait! EUREKA! That's how the weapons work! They have handles based upon their metal equivalents, with soul gems sticking out of the handguard instead of blades, acting as the focal point for the energy. Soul gems...or normal gems...wibblywobblytimeywimeystuff...sorry, got off on a rant. Time to fix my bowtie and go eat some fish fingers and custard.
  13. I'm sure that "energy weapons" have been suggested before, but I have a slightly different idea. Instead of the entire weapon being composed of energy, like the bound weapons, would it be possible for someone to make a weapon that, in appearance, is nothing more than a handle? Sort of like a lightsaber, I suppose, but with a more lore-friendly look. Upon drawing the weapon, the blade roars out of the handle in a blaze of magicka, upping its damage. For a little bit of realism as to how it's powered, maybe it could draw off your magicka reserves, and then the blade burns out when you run out, dropping its damage and leaving you with just a simple handle again? I know there's probably all sorts of mechanics involved that I don't have the first clue about. But, if anyone's genuinely interested in it, I'm basically asking about a weapon that works like the Energy Sword from the Halo franchise.
  14. There are mods that make unread books glow...maybe something similar could be done with arrows? I've played games where weapons and ammo glow (Call of Duty, I believe, and I think maybe Fallout...though it's been over a year since I touched Fallout last). It's really helpful to be able to spot things like that, even if it is a little on the immersion-breaking side...some sacrifices are worth making though.
  15. Try looking in your Stats menu on the pause screen...I don't ever use it, so I don't know if it actually tracks quest completion or anything, but I'd assume there's got to be something. If not, however...then this is definitely worth looking into.
  16. Well, in the mod "Requiem", you have to find books and schematics to be able to craft all but the most basic of items. Maybe you could contact the mod author and see if they used another mod to do that, or if they'd be willing to release just that part (if you don't want to use the whole mod, which I highly recommend)
  17. I suppose you could technically change each interior cell so that they're marked as exterior cells...I just can't promise that won't make it rain inside. Lol.
  18. I'm going to assume you had no idea you were quoting the hell outta that post...lol
  19. Actually, if you look at the edge of the screen itself, when you're dead it's kinda pulsating reddish.
  20. Check the space you're aiming at. Summon Durnehviir works more like a Conjuration spell than a normal Shout. If the spot you're facing is too small, he won't appear, and your character won't always complete the full Shout.
  21. My character prefers to think of Akatosh as her father. :D
  22. You managed to find my mod haha I meant to post something on this thread showing off what I have done so far. I was eating dinner with my brother tonight and she mentioned to me that when you use dragon shouts the game has voices for male and female. I've been looking into how they do this but it's so convoluted I have no idea how it's done. Anyone have any idea on if it's possible to use the same method for spell incantations? Once I figure out how to do the voices for male/female/races I'll definitely be looking for voice actors lol. I want to finish the Baldur's Gate version first though =) Yeah, definitely finish that Baldur's Gate mod! I haven't actually tested it out yet, but I've had trouble with downloading absolutely anything, be it through NMM or chrome.
  23. Unfortunately not...I really wish it did, though.
  24. Yeah, that's what I'm doing. Just hang loose for TES: Online. No guaranteeing it'll be as awesome, I haven't watched any of the gameplay trailers (I would rather surprise myself), but I'm sure it'll wind up taking up as much of my time as WoW does! :D
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