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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. I'd been fighting with my computer for several months now trying to get it to run my favourite game. I'd run into problem after problem after problem, and I finally found a fix for it. Using revision 3.0 of the Morrowind Graphics & Sound Overhaul, I disabled User Account Control. Instead of pulling up the Control Panel box for it, it opened a DOS-based command prompt and did something - I don't know what, it was too fast to see anything. After rebooting my computer, I found that short of resolution issues, I had NO problems running Morrowind - in fact, it runs like it was built for this computer. I fixed the resolution trouble using MGE XE. I'm not really asking for help so much as I am an explanation...I have no idea why this worked, but it did...and I'd like to know what it did in case I end up having to help someone else. If anyone's got a good head for the tech stuff behind this, I'd love to know.
  2. My favourite is probably, "No, don't eat the skin! You don't know where it's been!"
  3. So, first, I'll outline the mod's basic concept: "When at death's doorstep, the Nords are able to call upon Frelsun, an ancient ethereal blade whose name means "Salvation" in the old Nordic tongue. This mighty blade, rumoured to have once belonged to Talos Stormcrown, transforms the wielder into a demigod, for a short time, and then vanishes again, returning to whatever unknown source it came from." The weapon's appearance isn't necessarily important, it's the scripting I'm more interested in. I want it to act like a bound weapon, but be auto-summoned when the player-character's health reaches somewhere between 15% - 25%, and then vanish after 30 seconds. Within that 30 seconds, the blade's power transforms the player into a berserk beast of battle, rapidly regenerating health and fatigue, while also disintegrating enemy armour. In addition, it enhances the player's speed, strength, skill in the weapon's class (short blade or long blade, depending on the player's choice), and makes them very hard to land a hit on. To balance this burst of power, when the blade vanishes, it causes the player to "pass out" (fall down) for a short time (to simulate the strain such an explosion of power would put on the physical body). Now, I know there may be some limitation with the game engine. If it can't be auto-summoned, maybe it can be made into a Greater Power, and the spell could be used in a roleplaying manner (only used when close to death). And now that I have this awesome plan laid out...let me state why I'm asking here for help. I haven't the first clue about how to go about creating such a mod. I know nothing about scripting, and I don't know how the combination of constant-effect and cast-on-strike spells could be put together.
  4. Makes me think of the Lilarcor mod for Morrowind.
  5. Rayek's End is JUST what I'm looking for! I love the layout, and I love the location! Thank you so much!
  6. I never could do much with NifSkope, all I ever really figured out was writing texture paths. I just don't have the head for 3D rendering software.
  7. Basically, I'm wondering if anyone's made a house yet where everything is one interior cell, no loading doors. I had mods for Morrowind that worked like that - everything was one interior cell, and the individual rooms were identified by a renamed door. (instead of "Door to Kitchen", the door would just say "Kitchen" over it. I think Princess_Stomper made a mod or two like this. Or, if anyone has expanded the existing homes without having the "T.A.R.D.I.S. Effect", that would be worth looking at too (I'll look into that myself, but any help is welcomed).
  8. I recognise the armour in the first set as the Lustmord Vampire set: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25852 I don't recognise the second set. Also, the hair in the first appears to be Apachii, but I'm not 100% on that
  9. A bank...now there's a good idea. Not just one that could hold your money, though...something a little more like in World of Warcraft, where you can deposit items. Maybe a large "vault room" with armour mannequins, weapon racks, shield displays... Obviously, you'd have to be pretty darn rich to start with to buy that kind of a vault...but isn't that the point of storing money in a bank? To save up for a large purchase?
  10. Well, the "unsheathing" animation is the same, and the sheathed positions are the same. I'm talking about the way it's held. Instead of holding the sword at your side, as is stock, I'd like to hold it down low like the heavier weapons.
  11. This. Bahaha, my sides. I like the concept of the mod. Other NPCs get to yell and shout whenever they go into battle, why can't we?
  12. Stealth...that's something I'd forgotten. I'd love the stealth system to work a little more like the Metal Gear series. I'd never play a combat or magic character again with an overhaul like that.
  13. The one issue with making the PC essential is that if an enemy uses a decapitation move on you, you can actually end up as a headless zombie of sorts. I found that out the hard way.
  14. 1) I definitely miss this from Morrowind. You could be hunkered down in the shadows, picking away at a stubborn lock, and BOOM! Guard walks by with a torch, "You're under arrest!" 2) Requiem does a good job with the crafting books. You can't even craft an iron dagger until you have a basic crafting book. Dwemer? Daedric? Gotta go digging for 'em. It made it feel a little more realistic, like, how the heck can you craft a Daedric dagger without knowing the first thing about the art? "Yeah, I got some ebony, lemme throw a Daedra heart in there and see what happens"...right. 3) I'm not 100% sure what you mean here, but I'm going to give my best interpreted commentary. As far as enchanting goes, I believe that some enchantments should be unique to their items. I mean, for example, the Daedric artifacts - Dawnbreaker has a unique enchantment that causes the undead to explode in flame when they're dealt with. Why should I be able to take something that Meridia created, break it over a table, and suddenly know the secrets of a Daedric prince? 4) I'd almost sell my soul to be able to return to the Isles. After I first entered...I hardly ever spent any time in Cyrodiil anymore. And with the hints that our favourite madman is actually our old main character from our days in the Imperial Province, being able to return to New Sheoth once more would be epic. We could listen to Sheogorath's tales of the days before princedom, and nod, fondly remembering the fox, the severed head, and the CHEESE!
  15. There should be a "like" button on the forum for posts like this.
  16. I've spotted one here or there, but as I spend more time looking at the ground, I can't say for sure. I believe they're there, but don't quote me.
  17. Crossdressing. I'm MtF transgender IRL, and would love to play that kind of lifestyle in Skyrim. Unfortunately, the only option I seem to have with things as they are right now is to create as feminine a male as possible and deal with the male meshes. Using the sexchange console command has very limited results and causes clipping. To be able to throw on an outfit and get the "proper" form out of it would make my day.
  18. I'm just going to go ahead and say this, speaking from personal experience... Don't hold your breath too much on anything from anime. Everything I've requested has either gone nowhere or been flamed. Perhaps I'm a tad bitter, but I'm just going to warn you...don't hold your breath.
  19. I'd look over Requiem if I were you. It doesn't add any new trees, but it does add a couple of new perks to existing trees. I would imagine that the same coding used to add perks can be used to add entire trees.
  20. I'm finally back here after a long absence thanks to Pokemon X, and I've been given an idea thanks to some fanart. There is an evolutionary line of Pokemon that are, well, floating weapons. Ghost types. And after seeing a bit of fan artwork, I've realised they'd make great weapons in Skyrim. The three are as follows: Honedge http://images.vg247.com/current//2013/07/honedge_screenshot_1.jpg Duoblade http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/268/2/b/doublade_by_theangryaron-d6nttjk.png and Aegislash http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/aegislash-blade.jpg My thoughts are, they'd be great as floating enemies that could be picked up once defeated. I'm not sure how to go about making "phantom" enemies in Skyrim, but I'd imagine it wouldn't be too hard to make an invisible NPC.
  21. Throw in the 11th Doctor's suit and you've got me hooked. Are you personally familiar with the T.A.R.D.I.S. mod for Skyrim? It adds the T.A.R.D.I.S. itself, as well as 11's Sonic Screwdriver.
  22. My first thought was Muramasa from Bleach...lol
  23. I love this idea. After all, you're the Dragonborn, you have the blessing of Akatosh...why would He allow you to simply keel over? And even if you don't RP as the saviour of Skyrim, there's always the potential to play as a character that just refuses to stay dead.
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