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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. "E-e-e-excuse m-me, I-I-I-I know you're th-the N-n-n-n-n-nerevarine, a-and a-a big hero..."
  2. Wasn't posting that link for you anyways.
  3. I can see two ways for this to work... 1.) I do a little swordplay IRL, and one of my signature show-off moves is to take a running start and then jump, using my weight to make a fancy downward slash (I don't do it for serious combat, just to kinda show off to people. It's an art!) 2.) I can also see jumping from a ledge, or a balcony, and doing an epic cinema-style power-dive-strike, crashing down on your opponent like the wrath of Talos himself.
  4. Yanno, I like this concept. I mean, it could even set up a premise for TES VI. Theory for thought: The Dragonborn, mortal son of Akatosh, marries Serana, princess of the Volkihar, daughter of Coldharbour. They have a child together...a Dhampir (half-vampire) with the soul of a dragon. Now, a few years pass, the Dragonborn grows too old to adventure, and Serana, unable to bear the thought of losing her husband, turns him into a vampire. (we're assuming the Dragonborn is male because of Skyrim's cover art and whatnot) Dovah-vamp loses control of his new level of power and starts to destroy things. Now you, the Dovahpire, must stop your father from destroying Tamriel, and quite possibly all of Nirn, and help return him to his former self, be it through beating him into submission, curing him, or killing him. Oh man...I think I've got a new mod concept there...too bad I suck at modding!
  5. Might I point you to this mod? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/39643//? It adds a few verbal incantations to a few of the spells. They're currently female-only, but I have every reason to believe the author will expand it. Now, personally, I agree that there should be incantations. I mean, where does this magic come from? How is it harnessed and manifested in the chosen form? In just about every fantasy book/movie/game/tv series you can think of, there's a verbal activation for the spell. I like this concept so much that I'd even be willing to offer my voice to a project...but, I have a house full of parrots, and no soundproof room, so any incantation would be interrupted with random bird sounds.
  6. So, I finally cracked and decided to re-download ENBseries for Skyrim...but there's a problem. It comes with the main files, and two folders - Injector version, and Wrapper version. I honestly just can't remember how to install it.
  7. After much searching around the Nexus and other Skyrim mod sites, I've discovered that there's pretty much no proper crossdressing mod for Skyrim. I even experimented with using the sexchange command, only to find an irreparable neck seam problem...and pulling up showracemenu from there only caused more issues. My poor character was completely destroyed by my excessive use of the console. Basically, I'm just asking for the ability to use a male character and still wear a dress...or for someone to come up with a way for the male head to fit the female body seamlessly. The reason I posted here and not in Mod Requests is because I'm hoping someone can come up with links to existing content, if any exists in places I wasn't able to discover. And before anyone flames me, because I know this is a weird idea, I'm just going to say that I have personal reasons for asking this. Thanks!
  8. Yeah, I hear ya there. I know it'll take some doing, I just get these ideas and need to get 'em outta my head before I go bonkers. Don't really expect anything to come of it, just gotta get it out there.
  9. Hm...I don't see why a reversed weapon style can't be developed. IIRC, the Prince of Persia carried his weapons like this too. Looks do-able though
  10. My opinion is that Ulfric AND Tullius are both Thalmor puppets. The Elves use Tullius to enforce their laws, which they write as they please with no desire to explain themselves... And honestly, they're a bit hypocritical. They ban the worship of Talos because he was once a man, and yet if you read into Elven mythology, Auri-El (otherwise known as Akatosh) was once an Elf who ascended to godhood. As for Ulfric...the Thalmor would LOVE to see the Empire fall apart, and that's exactly what would happen if Ulfric were to claim the throne of Skyrim. Basically, the Thalmor win no matter who wins the Civil War. If the Empire wins, they can continue manipulating the human races to do their will. If the Stormcloaks win, the Empire begins to crumble, and the Thalmor can work on completely eradicating or enslaving men as they see fit.
  11. Just to be thorough, are you a vampire? If so, you're probably at level 4. If not, I haven't a clue.
  12. This guy knows what marriage is all about. :P
  13. Well, I'm a big fan of the movie "How To Train Your Dragon", and the series "Riders of Berk", and it got me thinking... What if the various dragon models were replaced with Dreamworks models? Obviously they couldn't be exact, as they'd look to cartoon-y for Skyrim, but since they'd have to be built from scratch anyways, I'm sure that could be worked around.
  14. I downloaded Requiem, and I gotta say...it's exactly what I was looking for. It'll be more than enough to give me some inspiration to get the keyboard flowing again.
  15. Try Evil Lair Of Hydra: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12556//? It's initially adult-oriented, and it's a pain to move into the joint, but if you can put up with that, then it's a great Ruin home. I'll look into more for ya and get back here asap.
  16. Erm, you may have another mod doing this, because I have DG and I get chased around every time I fast travel.
  17. Alduin is probably something beyond our normal comprehension. As stated above, he was not truly destroyed in Sovngarde. What exactly happened to him is probably going to remain a mystery until such time as Bethesda sees fit to reveal. However, I have a theory. To truly understand Alduin, you have to understand Akatosh. According to the in-game book "The Monomyth", Akatosh (as we know him) has many names and forms, each one differentiating between the various races of Nirn. To the Mer, he is a great Elf. To the Khajiit, he is a dragon-cat. To the Men, he is a dragon. Akatosh chooses the image he manifests himself in based upon who he is appearing to. Similarly, Alduin chose the form of a great black dragon to appear to the mortal folk of Nirn. Therefore, Alduin is NOT a dragon - he is a shapeless diety who chose the form of a dragon to carry out his role as the World-Eater. When his mortal form is destroyed in Sovngarde, he does not actually die. His "mortal" body is torn asunder, and his "soul", for as much of a soul as a god can have, returned to Aetherius, most likely to sit beside his Father and contemplate his mistakes. Alduin is neither man, nor mer, nor beastfolk, nor dovah. He simply "is". Alduin is Alduin.
  18. Ah, the Sigil Stone Speed Run...now that brings back memories. I'm beginning to see the right way for me personally to go about it. I'm a freelance writer, and I've been looking for something to get me back on my feet after losing my inspiration when my first wife left me. I was initially avoiding the "fan-fiction" route, but the more I read this thread, the more I think that writing a fan-fiction is going to be the best way to get me back into writing AND role-playing. That said, I'm now going to post a list of concepts I'll need to incorporate into the game, and any directions to mods that add these things will help enrich my writing that much further. And, of course, all writings that ensue will find their way to the Nexus forums! Okay, here's the list. A way to tell the time without hitting Wait Realistic hunger/thirst Need for sleep Weather affecting your character A slower timescale (I don't remember the console command, and would rather not touch the console in a true RP) Better encumbrance effects (I mean, why would I be able to carry ten tons of crap straight out of jail?) Maybe a map of Skyrim that I can open from my inventory, instead of having to open the pause menu And...lemme think...ah yeah. Disabling map-based fast travel.
  19. Bethesda didn't want anyone slaughtering a child, even if she is an ancient vampire. It's an ethics thing.
  20. My only message to OP is this... Why do you play a Bethesda computer game if you don't want a game that has glitches, bugs, or CTDs...?
  21. So, despite my love for role-playing games, I've never...actually...role-played. I know, "WHAT!?!?!? WTF!?" I just never really had a good lesson in how to RP in a video game. I used to LARP, but I've found that it just doesn't transfer over very well for me. I would -really- like to try roleplaying the proper way, but I honestly just don't know how to go about it. If anyone can give me some pointers, it'd be great.
  22. What I can't help but wonder is how they're going to maintain continuity. Morrowind is mostly destroyed, and the rest of Tamriel is still scarred from the war with the Aldmeri Dominion. I'd love to see Vvardenfell as I remember it, but there's just no way that the time that has passed would allow for it.
  23. I'm going to assume you've never played Morrowind or Oblivion...most folks that I know got sick of the fame thing in those two.
  24. What you're suggesting is that, basically, when you become a vampire, instead of or in addition to the comments on your appearance "There's a hunger in your eyes", etc., they also say things like, "Stay out of trouble, Khajiit", or "Staying out of trouble, kinsman?" Am I right?
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