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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. ...and don't recommend the MGSO. I don't know what it is about Windows Vista, but it just seems to hate MGSO. I had to reinstall Morrowind twice because of it. Basically, I'm looking to achieve the same sort of appearance, but through the individual mods, and without all the 3rd-party programs like mlox and so on. I think that the automated portions of it such as those are what's causing my particular screw-ups. I know this is a big request, but if anyone can compile a list of the mods used in MGSO and where to find them individually (if they're not on PES or the Nexus, anyways), I'd really appreciate it.
  2. I have the Steam version of Oblivion GoTY obtained through the Anthology, if that helps with diagnostics... But here's the problem. Breton males are using the Imperial male voice files. I first noticed it when I went to Weynon Priory...Jauffre and Prior Maborel sounded kinda...off. It didn't register at first, but once I got to the Cheydinhal Sanctuary and spoke with Vicente Valteiri...yeah, I knew something was wrong. EDIT: Lucien LaChance seems to be a little off too. He doesn't sound nearly as sinister as I remember.
  3. Bwahaha...whoops...that's a definite facedesk moment. Can't believe I...oh boy.
  4. So uh...wtf's going on here...? Only happens with certain items from the SpeedBuster collection. I'm using the Female EyeCandy Body mod found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/10171/? http://i.imgur.com/bdo6Mcr.jpg
  5. Steam Overlay's disabled. I'll keep an eye on it in the future and see if it shows up in mgeXE.log
  6. It's in the x86 directory. I decided to just do a quick pull/install to get it running. I haven't played in months, I'm going crazy here lol
  7. Windows XP Home Pro. Morrowind is installed in my Steam directory, and no, no other mods.
  8. Okay, just tried using Morrowind.Original.exe and it makes no difference. Crashes at the same point.
  9. I recently installed the latest version of the Morrowind Graphics & Sound Overhaul on my computer after purchasing the Elder Scrolls Anthology. I followed all steps, disabled UAC, etc., and now every time I boot the game, it CTDs after the Bethesda logo video. I tried de-selecting all installed mods, and it doesn't make any difference. I know how to get the kind of graphical experience I want out of the game without MGSO, but it's a real time-saver since I don't have to hunt down a bunch of mods, catalogue them properly, install them, move the archive files...(I have OCD, there's a specific system I use to mod my games and it takes a LOT of time...) Can anyone tell me why it's happening? The ONLY mods I'm trying to run are the ones installed by MGSO. Is it maybe one of the third-party alterations? (As I was writing this, I happened to remember I have a Morrowind.Original.exe from the Code Patch's overwriting...I'm going to try going back to that particular EXE and seeing what happens, I'll update here.)
  10. So, I don't usually do followers because normally, they just get in my way. They're noisy, they detect me so I can't tell if I'm sneaking right or not, and they seem to have a knack for getting in the path of my blade. Not to mention the flat character designs of the vanilla followers... But. Thanks to Requiem, I definitely can't keep soloing the various dungeons. I die more in one hour's gameplay than Kenny in a whole season of South Park. I want some followers that are believable, intelligent, and won't muck up a dungeon crawl. The followers from the recent mod "Dragon Break Episode One: Bad Wolf" are hilarious, love having them around, and the upcoming Sofia mod looks promising as can be. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  11. Megakoresh is right. They leave the CK open to us for the very purpose of modding...so how about they just give us a world with just a few fully believable, high-quality characters, a handful of weapons and armour to pick from, maybe a few miscellaneous items...and just let the modders go to town on it? Build a game specifically FOR the modders...hell, modders could even come out with sub-versions of the game a la Nehrim...and then those of us, like myself, who don't have much modding talent, could enjoy from there? Sure, it'd be a huge risk to create a game with virtually no content, but isn't that what Elder Scrolls fans are all about? User-created content, put together by "average joes" like ourselves? That's the entire point of the Nexus and other sites like it - a place for people who create content for existing games to come together and share their love of the game.
  12. So, I've been playing a character who's basically an embodiment of all that is pure and holy (not a traditional "paladin" type, my own variant), and I wanted to use the Schwertleite set with her...problem is, when I put it on, I realised - black just isn't her colour. I've searched around for any retex mods, and it seems there aren't any. If someone could create a white set, it'd be great ^^ I'd retexture it myself, but I don't have the right programs to run it - nor can I afford them.
  13. They are mostly idle changers, as you said...but I already feel a little more "kick-butt" with those. Thank you! It's a great start until I'm able to find some more stylish combat moves. :)
  14. Long story short, I'm tired of the vanilla combat. It's just the same old hack-and-slash, left-and-right-and-left-and-right, over and over...I want to add some style, some flair! I miss the "DMC Stylish!" mod for Oblivion. My characters are usually all about their two-handed weapons, and I was just thinking about how great it would be to be able to use some of Dante or Nero's combat styles. I know a mod called "Smokin' Sick Style" exists that overhauls the combat system COMPLETELY to a more Devil May Cry-esque ordeal, but it's not quite what I'm looking for. I don't necessarily want to go all-out like that, but the ability to wield my two-handed blades one-handed while maintaining the back sheathe position would be great...basically, I'm wondering if "DMC Stylish!" can be adapted into Skyrim somehow. But yeah, if anyone can point me to a mod that changes things like how weapons are held, how they're swung about, etc...I'd appreciate it.
  15. I love her! She is HILARIOUS! Very believable as a character! Can't wait to see (and download) the finished product!
  16. Well, as a start, I recommend installing Open Cities Skyrim. This removes the limitation of "interior city cells". Now, while I'm not sure about the actual moves that a free-runner uses, I'm sure the cities could be re-decorated a bit (with open cities compatibility of course) so that it would be easier to move about. I honestly want to see something like this, though. I'd love my assassins to be able to maneuver along rooftops, jumping from building to building, never catching the eyes of the guards as they slip through the night like a shadow itself.
  17. ....now I'm wondering if I can enchant a fire/ice staff somewhere along the way...hm...
  18. My fiancee and I share the gaming computer in my house, and we both play Skyrim. We also both have very different ideas about armour replacers. She's more of a modest sort, and is fine with vanilla armours, but I'd prefer the "Heavy Metal Magazine" look. A lot of replacers are .esp-less, so that complicates things a bit. And for the replacers that do have .esp files, it's just too much work for us to go down the Data Files menu and select/de-select the plugins. What I'm looking for is one of two things... - Standalone mods that add extra versions of existing armours that would better suit my tastes, or - Replacers that could cater to both of us at once. If anyone can help, I'd be really grateful. P.S. - I use a lot of mods that add armours I like to the game already, I'm just disappointed by the stark contrast between those and the vanilla sets! :hurr:
  19. Nothing wrong with the fonts themselves, but all menu items and pop-up messages have a "$" at the beginning of them. Main screen says: $Continue $New $Load $Exit When I increase a skill, it's "$One-handed increased to 25" Level-up screen says "$Choose an attribute: $Magicka, $Health, $Stamina" Not game-breaking, but rather obnoxious. It didn't do this until I switched from Winterheart 2 ENB to RealVision ENB...but I don't see how that's related at all.
  20. Could very well be. I'm grateful as all get-out that it worked, it just left me scratching my head.
  21. Morrowind was my introduction to fantasy gaming. It is, and will always be, my home away from home.
  22. WHY can I see the Doctor saying this? XD I have a few pronunciation problems. I always pronounce Hla Oad as "Hiya Owed"...Dagon Fel comes out "Daggone Fell", Sadrith Mora is "Sad-rith More-uh", Balmora is "Ball More-uh" (now doesn't that sound gangsta?) I had a friend who pronounced Nerevarine as "Neverine". Caius...that's one I can't wrap my head around. Is it pronounced "Kai-Us" or "Kay-Us"?
  23. ^This. Just. Everything about this. And he eventually ascends to sainthood, remember? Saint Jiub, Who Drove Out All The Cliff Racers!
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