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Everything posted by FishBiter

  1. So then GetNumRefs is what I need, but trying to use it I'm getting nothing. If GetNumRefs 43 >= 3Set SpawnIt to 0ElseSet SpawnIt to 1EndIf So I thought that that bit right there would set SpawnIt to 0 if there were 3 or more creatures in the current cell. That didn't happen though. Basically I'm trying to change the Zombie Apocalypse script so that it doesn't keep spawning zombies if there is a certain number of them in the current cell already.
  2. I need to make a script count the number of actors in the current cell the player is in, and I am wondering if there is a command available for that. It would be really helpful if it could actually count the number of one specific type of actor. Basically something like this Set NumActors to (this is where the command would go) If NumActors < 6 Do this ElseIf NumActorse <= 6 Do Nothing EndIf So basically the script would do one thing if there are more than 6 actors in the current cell, and something else if there's less. Again, it would be really helpful if it could count a specific type of actor (for example, radroaches).
  3. Whatever you did worked, the site is blazing fast now... I actually jumped a little from how fast it loaded.
  4. I still can't login :sad: EDIT: Correction... I just logged in.
  5. I read the news today oh, boy About a lucky man who clicked the link and though the news was pretty good Well, I just had to laugh I saw the avatar He blew his mind out in a forum He didn't notice that the news had been posted.... ...yeah um... well... I did what I set out to do.. even if it was awkward and weird, so I stand by my lyrics switcheroo :|
  6. I currently cannot log into any of the nexuses. I can log into the forums here (as evidenced by my posting this) but when I try to log into the skyrim nexus for example, it spins for a long time, then goes to the page that lists all the available nexuses, or as just happened 504 Gateway Time-Out. I didn't see this specific issue mentioned in the most recent news post, which I did read in its entirety. Unless someone specifically says otherwise, I'm going to assume this is just related to the big move; only posting here in the hopes that it's something else that can be solved by something other than waiting. If you're wondering why I'm in such a hurry to get in there, it's because tonycubed just uploaded version 8.4 of Way of the Dovahkiin and I'm hype to get it!
  7. Just wondering if this is normal, and if not how can I fix it? No ENB. Using Climates of Tamriel and Realistic Lighting Overhaul. http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/6114/2rgg.jpg
  8. I have this weird issue where the combat shotgun will shoot down at the ground while I'm crouching. Doesn't do it when I'm standing, and no other weapon does it that I've noticed.
  9. I don't use a preset. I downloaded what you get from the ENBdev website, and then tweaked it myself. Not sure what you think is wrong with that screenshot other than the water... it's night time, and at night it's dark when there are no light sources around :P Here's my enbseries.ini if you're curious:
  10. With ENB turned on, my water glows at night. Doesn't do this if the ENB is turned off. I already have the particle patch installed, and as you can see it's not related to that anyway: http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/5958/d2wy.jpg I'm using the WATER mod.
  11. Does this happen if you don't have your vampire castle active?
  12. ^ good point Might help if you post your load order. More information helps people to help you :)
  13. I get that issue sometimes when I first load a game.. reloading that particular save usually solves it for me. Not sure it will work for you, but worth a shot.
  14. The information you have given is really very nonspecific. What we know is: 1. You have a lot of mods installed. 2. Your game is crashing. Based on this information, I would tell you to uninstall all the mods. Then, first off, look through all those mods and really think about them: Are they all "must have" mods? Think which ones you can live without, then get rid of them. If you're having trouble, just ask yourself "What is this mod really adding to my gameplay experience?" and "How often during a playthrough is this mod actually going to affect what I am doing in the game?". You'll be surprised how many big mods there are that don't actually add very much to the game in terms of gameplay. Once you've trimmed out some of the excess, it's time to start playtesting. First, don't activate anything (except maybe the Unofficial patches). Start a new game, play for about an hour, make sure that your vanilla installation is crash free. If the game gets crash happy at this point, you know it's something other than mods causing it. Activate a few mods (the most must have of the must have mods) and then go play the game. Keep in mind that this will not be a complete playthrough, so don't get too into it; the best thing to focus on is to travel around to a lot of different places. After you've played for about an hour and had no crash, quit and delete all those saves. Activate a few more mods, go start a new game and do another testplaythrough. Repeat until either (A) your entire mod list is active, or (B) you start crashing. If you do crash during a testplaythrough, don't jump to conclusions! Bethesda games will never be completely crash free, so you have to test the crash to see if it is repeatable. If you can consistently cause the crash to happen over and over under the same circumstances, now you have some specific information that you can post here so people can help you. Yes, getting a heavily modded game to run is a lot of work... you're basically taking on the role of game developer and trying to make Skyrim 2.
  15. So I have noticed an interesting trend. Whenever I load an autosave, it loads fine. When I load a manual save the game will usually CTD. By manual save I mean going into the pause menu and hitting save. Auto saves come from this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34842//? Any ideas why this might be occuring? I had previously heard that manual saves were supposed to be more stable, but for whatever reason in my case autosaves are more stable.
  16. So the objective is to make my followers do very little damage, but to be fairly sturdy. The point is to make them distract enemies, but not to kill them; the game gets kind of boring if my followers are just chopping enemies apart with me not having to do much, but I also don't want them getting beat up within seconds of engaging a strong enemy. Any thoughts on how I could go about doing that? My current follower mod is EFF.
  17. What keeps me playing Skyrim? Um.. I think it's the fact that I haven't actually gotten very far in it. I've had this game for like over a year and I've still never completed the main quest... or really anything. Mods keep me playing this game because I end up doing something wrong with them which makes me have to start over constantly! Will I keep playing Skyrim once I have finally done an actual play through where I actually finish all the quests and stuff? Does the basic gameplay without the promise of "something I haven't seen yet" hold enough entertainment value that I would continue playing the game just for that? Yeah actually, I get a lot of enjoyment out of Skyrim battles just for their own sake. Sort of like Fallout New Vegas... I still play that game, and I completely ignore the presence of quests and just walk around shooting things because for whatever reason it's just a lot of fun!
  18. Not everything has to be about empowering the women's movement. That one female Jarl who's an idiot? Guess what, some women are incompetent morons, just like some men are incompetent morons. That's gender equality right there. Sometimes, when crafting a story, it's more important to worry about making a good story than it is to make sure you're not offending people. In fact, worrying about who you're going to offend and changing your story every time this worry hits you is a great way to completely ruin a story. Would Skyrim really have been better if for some reason they made all the women stronger, smarter, and better than all the men, and made sure that every traditionally male profession in the game had at least a 50% female participation rate? No, and that should never be a goal for any artist. Some stories are about the concept of "women are better than men"; however, a story like Skyrim treats women as equals by letting them enter the story in a natural way. There are some strong women in Skyrim, there are some weak women in Skyrim; is there more of one than the other? Perhaps. Does that have a negative impact on the story? No. TL;DR- you don't ruin a good story because you're worried you'll offend someone. Armor: I agree that in one spot they goofed, and that's armor. Boob plate armor is unrealistic and has no purpose other than to announce the gender of the wearer, which has no purpose in the context of armor made for battle. GOOD NEWS! It's been taken care of by the CNHF body and armor replacer. Go ahead and do a search for it.
  19. Keep in mind that the materials these bows are made of could have important implications regarding how many pounds of force can be applied. It's like in real life if I made two bows, one made of plywood and another made of steel, there would certainly be a different upper limit for each bow regarding how hard that arrow is going to end up hitting something. The various materials in the game would be the same. Then there's also the different styles of craftmanship; in fantasy lore it's generally accepted that Elves just make better bows for example. In the real world we don't have any of these exotic races or materials, but in Skyrim they certainly do exist! I agree however that even given that, the bows in Skyrim are way too simplistic in their mechanics. It would be nice if there was a bit more character to each type of bow than "this one does more damage than that one". I disagree about them all being made the same, because that's actually even more boring than the current system. Each type of bow should feel different from the others, so that not only are you fitting the appearance of the bow to your character, but you're also fitting the actual handling of the bow to your character.
  20. Because what the pokemon mod did was take the animals and monsters of skyrim and gave some of them pokemon-themed textures, so wolves were different colors with strange little patches of color here and there ( I don't remember the specific pokemon it was supposed to mimic... mainly because I don't know anything about pokemon ) and it gave the animals in question this odd alien look that reminded me of morrowind Apparently I'm not the only one who ever had this idea! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/42764//?
  21. Like this? http://static2.nexusmods.com/110/mods/110/images/34950-3-1366559077.png Try this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34950//? Immersive Animations If you don't have it already, you would need to combine it with this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34155//? Dual Sheath Redux As well as a skeleton.nif that sheaths the swords on the back. The requirements for Dual Sheath Redux should send you to where you can get one.
  22. This might be an odd request, but has anyone ever considered making a mod that makes Skyrim have a more alien appearance? Could be as simply as changing out all the colors. That recent pokemon mod got me thinking about this, lol
  23. As an addition, if the npc in question is a merchent and you picked up something in their store, instead of them accusing you of stealing, have them say "So, you wanna buy that ey?" with the player being able to either respond "yes" and pay for it, or "no just looking" at which point the npc gives the player a few moments to put the item back down, or "Nope, just gonna take it" at which point the npc gets mad and calls the guards.
  24. Wouldn't a simpler way to go about this be to modify the merchent's lists so they always have every possible item in stock? Effectively it would be the same as going through dialogue choices to request a specific item, except much simpler and faster with the same end result.
  25. Essentially, this is based off the idea that a guy who has been spending 20 years becoming a master of 1 handed weapons should not suddenly be the equivalant of a clueless novice the second he holds his weapon with two hands. Same with someone who has spent years fighting in light armor... why are they suddenly less protected once they put on a suit of heavy armor; keep in mind that the character's mobility does not actually change at all, so that's not why...it really is as if putting on heavier thicker material suddenly lends less protection, even though there's very little difference between a suit of glass plate armor and ebony plate armor. The mod would make it so that anytime a combat skill raises, all related combat skills also raise. So for example, if you get 1 point in One Handed, then your Two Handed skill would also raise. Preferably the amount that the "other" skill raises would be configurable so people could make it to their own taste. There would really only be two groups of course: One Handed + Two Handed Light Armor + Heavy Armor Not really sure if anything else is related enough to be included; maybe the magic schools, but I'll leave that for someone else to decide.
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