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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. I've been looking into these too:


    Of course, The Wiki:



    There is some stuff at the bottom of this article I found helpful, regarding animating an existing mesh:




    There are more if you google, but I'm not sure which would be most helpful, I googled "oblivion nifskope animation". Good luck and please share your progress and discoveries. I may do the same, I'm working on a simple weapon animation, I hope it works.

  2. I'm pretty sure Slof is doing ok, now so let's keep it that way and respect her privacy. She's a moderator here, and has been around lately and all her latest releases are still up and available at this moment from what I can tell. She's always got something in the works so be patient and she's sure to put something up sometime soon.


    But please, let's not stir the pot or fuel the fire of those who lack the manners to leave her be. She's had more than her share of trauma and drama.


    I think and I hope that she's doing fine now.

  3. I'm a ways into the game after a fresh installation and would like to change the face of my female character. One possiblity would be to import one from an old saved game using Wrye Bash, but I don't want to import any of the the old stats, which were somewhere around level 50, for my new character, which is level 9. I've read the instructions but I'm not sure about whether I can do that or not.


    Another possibility is to use one of the face mods (Cynder's Female Faces looks good). Any recommendations would be welcome.





    You can do that. Read this tutorial.

  4. ..and I can't believe that models based on jailbait are really the only option players seek. Not me, anyways.


    You totally get it! Thanks for your comments.


    I don't know what you are talking about...


    this is deffinatly NOT jailbait ADULT ONLY



    That's not a flat chested model you linked and that model looks mature/legal to me. The jail bait comment is appropriate for some models that look just like 12 year old brook shields did in her infamous ad, and for the notorious (but now fixed) particular body model that looked exactly like a 4 year old. NOT "14", FOUR YEAR OLD. Thank heavens that one has become much better, because it was a little disturbing, moreso then the caricature models by implication. I not only am a woman, I've raised several girl babies, so I'm pretty sure I am an expert.


    I'm not going to argue further over it because frankly, my viewpoint on this is not up for debate.

  5. wow, nipples on your thighs, nice.


    I am not a modder, but if a had to guess it looks like something put your torso textures on the legs.




    what body mod are you using?


    You've got your body models and body textures mixed up it seems.


    Those legs look vanilla to me, by the way.

  6. Hi. I'm running into a bit of a problem...various bodymods; there are four main one's spoken of here http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:Body_Mods. But I can't seem to find them in the search engine on tesnexus because everybody posts mods relating to those body modifications and not original files. I was wondering if you could help me find the source files, and perhaps describe which one you prefer and why. This is because I'm a total noob (obviously) lol. thanks.


    That's pretty far out of date.


    I think I'd revise the female body list now to these main categories, but there are a lot of subgroups and variants. Here are some of the most popular current choices.


    Bab Retail, (use mirror)

    Bab Complete




    Robert's Original

    Robert's Compendium





    Growlf's Hot Body v5



    There is really a wide range of high quality bodies and variants now that you're sure to find something you love. Due to space and time, these are the bodies I know of that have the most support for skin textures, clothing, and armors and that's why I've listed them.

  7. Okay, so im tired of my character being Listener, Arch-mage, FG Guildmaster, The Gray Fox, Champion of Cyrodiil, and several other positions. I was wondering if someone could make a mod which would create a new position for each guild called 'Retired'. You could go, appoint Raminus Polus Archmage and give him the robes, appoint Armand Christophe the Gray Fox and give him the cowl, appoint Modryn Oreyn the Guildmaster, and appoint Arwenial the Listener giving her the blade of woe. Wouldnt this be pretty easy?


    I'll try making a spell, although I have no idea if I can script it...



    How can it make you tired? My character became those things, and didn't have a damn thing to do anyway.

  8. I´m looking for a mod, that makes a shop owned by the player, where the player can sell his loot to other NPC


    That's a truly great idea. I think an NPC wood elf employee who calls you "Mr. Boss" or "Mrs. Boss" depending on your PC's gender tending the shop as well. At 7pm Sweeps the shop for an hour each evening. Sleeps in the basement from midnight to 5 am. But who buys the stuff?


    The only people who actually purchase things, normally, are the Player Characters ourselves. We could have a random spawning "customers" each day, and the loot could disappear after a certain amount of days, (3 or 5?) and then the equivalent gold fill the Owner's Profits chest.

  9. I'm not sure I really believe in perfect matches, I think I believe in two people remembering to treat each other respectfully every day.


    I think there are good matches and sometimes there are relationships that feel so right they seem like soul mates.


    My husband and I are about to celebrate 28 years after the holidays. We love each other as much as ever. Life is tough, and a lot of it isn't as much about the flowers, as about whether you listen respectfully, consult before making important decisions, and speak your own resentments early and compassionately before they become insurmountable differences: that's just common courtesy and living honestly, and having faith in your partner to change that behavior that hurts you. This does not give the right for tyranny, though, if your demands are met by your partner as unreasonable your behavior becomes the problem.


    By the way changing your behavior in order to live harmoniously is a good thing. All this BS in the US about "don't change me" is a cop out for lazy whiners.



    The easiest rule of thumb to guarantee your long happy relationship is:

    Never be the source of my partner's unhappiness.

  10. why shouldn't it be possible?


    you're asked to type in your player name when creating your character...


    so there should be a way to enter text via scripting...



    Don't you have a Script Extender for FO3 yet?

  11. At least the movie looks a bit of promising. (maybe)


    But it's sad that the proofs that "2012 ISN'T doomsday" just so small. Just search in google. I'll bet there's more proof of doomsday than proof of no-doomsday.


    But I'm asking . . . "Does anyone here think 2012 is doomsday ? Just checking." (post if you do)



    I really think the movie looks great. But there's no proof on the internet because you don't disprove myths. These prognostications are based on mythology. Let's use logic.


    First and foremost the very prophesies are themselves misunderstood.


    Did you hear the song from the sixties about The AGE of Aquarius?


    Well if you understand that song referred to an ASTROLOGICAL CYCLE which is an astronomical cycle imbued with some divinity/mythology by the greeks and arabs who studied astronomy a thousand years ago and more. Some of those who wrote about it were Ptolemy and Al-Biruni , and these guys were great mathematicians but they were really into Symbolism and that's where prophesies come into play.


    This mythic-symbolism-infused style of studying and observing the celestial mechanics was not just limited to the egyptians, babylonians, hellenists, and medieval folks but evolved all over the world in China and Peru and of course the in the Mayans civilization as well. In their version it was practiced as part of their religion.


    At any rate the long and short of it, is that the idea that they prophesied the end of the world is actually fallacious, and based on mistranslation. They merely say that the "this is a time of transition from one World Age into another."


    Just like the "Age Of Aquarius." I didn't even notice the age of Aquarius, I think it came and went, and was never even a blip on the screen.

  12. I'm a little old for that now, but I've actually wrestled a pig in a bikini and bare feet, in real life. I won.

    you tell em and show em girl!!!




    Ah, no one cares about my dusty old ass! http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/icons/oldlady.gif

  13. Good for you, you escaped the dopey gene handout. I don't think that many rational folks are taking the 2012 phenomenon seriously. As with all portents and predictions something might happen. Which proves nothing, there is a mathematical predictability of chance. I'm confidant the world will go on as usual.


    Maybe it will signify the end of the world's dependence on fossil fuel. Queue Twilight Zone music.

  14. I think there isn't anything to fix. Nifscope shows a mesh. Bump maps and displacement maps don't alter meshes in any way. If you want your helmet to have wave effects you will have to create a bump/displacement map yourself, or just recolor the old textures using GIMP or PS. Look here for bump and displacement maps explanition. Pages 11 and 12



    I think what he's looking to fix are the vertical ridges that the bump map is visually "creating". I believe he would like to have horizontal ridges like his nifskope screen shows.



    If you just would like a quick fix, send me a link to the files via pm.

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