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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. I highly doubt an NPC cast nighteye on you.



    Perhaps you could try one of the following:

    - Wait a few hours

    - Rest a while in a bed

    - Cast a Night-Eye spell or wear an item with a Night-Eye enchantment, than wait/unequip it

    - Use a Detect Life spell/item and wait/unequip it

    - Visit an altar

    - Reload a previous save

  2. Hey there!


    I just created my very own house, but it "laggs" when I walk around in it in 1st person view, it works fine in 3rd person view but in 1st it's a bit... Laggy in a strange way, my character kinda stutters I guess.


    Got any ideas? They are much appreciated!


    EDIT: Just though I'd say what I did to it...


    I added a door with the scale 0.95, added some alchemy stuff with different scales, got 1 book, 1 bed, 3 fat candles copied from another cell and a fireplace



    Biggest factor is Real Lighting. try taking away the candles and replacing them with fake light candles and see if that makes any difference.


    Ok I'll try that now, then I'll only need 1 of them


    EDIT:Nope, did not fix it. Didn't surprise me because I don't lag when looking around or as I said, walk in 3rd person view mode


    Did you try it after changing your character's armor including any gauntlets and cuirass and helm? I know that sounds weird and it's a longer shot than the lighting. It's just a logic possibility, since some of your armor will change with first person view.

  3. Hey there!


    I just created my very own house, but it "laggs" when I walk around in it in 1st person view, it works fine in 3rd person view but in 1st it's a bit... Laggy in a strange way, my character kinda stutters I guess.


    Got any ideas? They are much appreciated!


    EDIT: Just though I'd say what I did to it...


    I added a door with the scale 0.95, added some alchemy stuff with different scales, got 1 book, 1 bed, 3 fat candles copied from another cell and a fireplace



    Biggest factor is Real Lighting. try taking away the candles and replacing them with fake light candles and see if that makes any difference.

    1. Giving yourself competitive weapons and armors (one that is 'levelled to your level),
    2. Giving yourself a 'god' classfied weapon and/or armor and laughing at the opposition,
    3. Getting a mod that modified the caps on the game to extend levelling,
    4. Getting a mod that modifies enemies to be more appropriate or 'dulled',
    5. Not levelling past the peak attributes.

    Just put down your level, what you've done, or what yo'd like done.

    (If your less than level 20, I don't think you'd know what i'm talking about)




    With my first character who I leveled into the 70s I got Ely's Uncapper. It's a mainstay standard in my game now. I don't have any high ranking characters at the moment, I have three that are in the teens, but I do strategize the leveling system. That's why I've been uncomfortable to try any of the leveling overhauls, then I'd have to get used to a whole new system. It just seems more inconvenient to screw around with it. For those really pesky and difficult enemies, a good invisibility cloak can help out. All my new characters are very new, my first character I had for a year and over 700 hours of gameplay. I'd have to check my old save files, but I invested a LOT of time in her, and we did nearly every quest in the game, but not all! :D


    Edit: Hey there she is! in my siggy. She did have some nice weapons too. I was already past level 55 when I went to ShivIsles and got my two favorite leveled weapons of the game. That reminds me I forgot to advise a friend not to go to SI until he's high enough to get those best weapons at a decent level, those rewards are indeed the nicest ones from Beth and trump most of the stuff you can download, if leveled appropriately.

  4. It ruins the game.


    open console, type: player.setlevel 100

    Then, set the difficulty highest. Next, run into angry goblin warlords. Not so funny........>_<






    You'll have some hard times to deal with them, I mean. (At level 100, I declare, goblins are the toughest creatures!)



    I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing with you.

  5. It ruins the game.


    open console, type: player.setlevel 100

    Then, set the difficulty highest. Next, run into angry goblin warlords. Not so funny........>_<



  6. Or you could use my favorite ingame enchanting mod, (And I wouldn't leave home without it, it's an essential no matter what character I play, I've even considered making one like it for Morrowind):


    Advanced Magecraft



    I use the construction set nearly every day because I make clothes, beauty, and now house mods, but forced to choose, I'd rather play and have this mod. If I didn't have this mod, I don't think I'd want to play, anymore.

  7. Do you know the name of the armor in each picture?



    Someone already asked about that white armor on the top left many months ago in this same thread, and a link was given. If you read the old pages you'll find it eventually. Everything else, I don't know.


    Going over 300 pages will be a really long time to find a link that might not work.

    It would be really helpful if you can tell me who made it and what it is called, thanks.


    It's a retexture of this armor and it's a rapidshare link someone posted a few months back. Start from page 250 or so and go backwards. I'm not doing the work for you.


    hey, Lady :)


    I only have 78 pages (the way mine is set up) but with your great description it was easy to find.




    And here's the link, I just checked it.

  8. Ok, i wanted to use a gun mod, so i installed it(yes to overwrite everything) and it works fine

    but the when i went to use my mage staff it din'nt use the vanila meshes.

    what i am asking if someone could copy theres for me! only now do i understand mods and meshe.


    Thank you in advance


    (the meshs are in "oblivion, data, meshes, characters, _male")


    That doesn't seem to make sense. The folder you gave is for animations and body models, not weapons. Can you link the mod you downloaded, exactly. If it's not the same version or a different mod in any way, that won't help.

  9. The problem is they are - User uploaded images,


    not - Author uploaded images


    so it seems I have no way to delete them.



    This just happened to me yesterday when the server glitched.


    For future reference, you can just use the mod's "Report" feature, choose the option near the bottom, "Miscellaneous" and then in the Message Box type a description of the trouble as clearly as you can, with the request to remove the superfluous images. What you wrote above seems just fine.

  10. About that load order:



    Oblivion.esm needs to be absolutely first, before everything else including CM Partners.esm and Bab.esm


    Rule of thumb: Oblivion.esm Always loads first.



    DLCShiveringIsles.esp nearly always loads first in the .esp list, immediately after the .esm files.


    There is only one possible exception to this I can think of and that's Hrmn's script optimization. And that is the only one.

    Did you try turning off all mods except Oblivion.esm and DLC Shivering Isles? Obviously you wouldn't save the game, you would just run in to test if the big lug appears.



    Back to your load order:


    Personally I load all my pose animations near last, only a few things should go after them, and that would be your custom hair and/or race plugin, and some other things you appear not to be using.


    I highly suggest you turn off all your custom creature mods temporarily, I have a feeling it's one of those.



    Finally, I suggest reading and downloading TES4View & Edit. It requires you put on your thinking cap to figure out how to use, but it's worth it.

  11. It depends. The screenshot you showed me earlier was not photoshopped.


    Here are some examples of non-photoshopped screens:










    Those above were all taken with the print screen option, no photoshopping, and unenhanced lighting or shader effects, on a 256mb (sucky) Nvidia 7350 Le.


    But most of those are using the redimized version of Qarls and AWLS and various other texture enhancement packs.


    Since then I've replaced my 7350 with this: XFX Radeon HD 4870 1GB DDR5 750MHz 256-bit PCI-E 2.0 CrossFireX


    And I love it, Here's a new screen after installing that one:



  12. It isnt an NPC though. It is a mod.

    I just used exactly that tutorial to import a character I originally made as a custom CM Partner, into a new game as my own Player Character. He's modeled after my husband.


    Load the MOD AS WELL AS the Oblivion.esm


    Follow the instructions.


    You may need to make a beauty master file for the Hair and Eyes etc.


    In that case, there are additional instructions, let me know.

  13. I don't see the point of wasting precious high school time on a foundation that middle school teachers should have established.
    If you don't build on that foundation, it will simply deteriorate. And as I've said time and time again, there are lots of interesting and worthwhile ways high-school–level students can build on their grammatical knowledge.


    If you think grammar is just about verb tenses and whether commas go inside or outside parentheses, that's because your teachers just chose to leave that thread hanging. (Did you notice how I masterfully switched from one stupid extended metaphor to another? Grammar!)


    Don't start putting words in my mouth. I don't even disagree with most of this, except that you're completely illogical if you think you know my position, chapter and verse, on this subject. You have no idea how invested I am. Where did I say not to build on that foundation? That's actually what reading literature is supposed to enhance. You're starting to talk out your butt, because no one has suggested some review isn't necessary at all. It seems to me that the majority think you should have covered most of this ground well before high school, and educators could be doing a much better job of it, if it's necessary to teach sixth grade grammar to 12th grade students.

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