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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Robert female bodies compendium is finish.


    this OMOD allow to choose between five different body models: Athletic, Average, Curvaceous, Slim and Thin.

    All body models can be choosen clothed or naked, and give the choice between five different breast sizes, depending on the model.


    it's also possible to choose one of the four escutcheon, shaved, light hairy, average hairy and very hairy.

    each exist also in three sutan levels.


    You both deserve Kudos for this work!

  2. could someone give me a good female body replacer that works with rens mystic elfs and lineage, i currently have eye candy underwear OMOD but it dosnt work with rens elfs. thanks alot (:



    Not sure why it's not working for you, put your mystic elves and lineage mods near the bottom of your load order.

  3. I used to do it like RGMage2 described as well, but after I discovered how wonderfully TES4Files manages and documents the process, I have never looked back.



    I wonder why it stopped working, David, maybe we could figure that out? Sometimes you have to unpack those jar files, I've been able to help several people get it working that way, and double check your links. And check your version of Java, of course.



    Once I've got the folder package ready I zip it up with 7z.

  4. I'm plenty more agile with less bulky crap dragging me down in real life.


    So you tend to walk around wearing skimpy home made chainmail or plate armor outfits? I bet you get a lot of stares and funny looks. :P I guess that agility is pretty handy for avoiding all the battleaxe-wielding maniacs at your local Wal-Mart.



    I'm a little old for that now, but I've actually wrestled a pig in a bikini and bare feet, in real life. I won.


    I just saw your edited post. In my opinion the only one being snide was and is you. I'm dead serious about my real life. Some of us actually have lived colorful lives.


    I'm now quite a bit miffed you projected your own snide attitude onto me. You don't have to run out on the thread when I'm telling the truth about my real life. Just because you don't like skimpy armor doesn't mean that it can't serve a utilitarian purpose, that's is my point. And it's really funny you feel so confidant about shoving your opinion down the rest of our throats when you are absolutely free to create all the heavy armors your heart desires.

  5. I agree it looks really good. Sexy even.


    I have to say, I am of the same opinion as Lepus, lol. I find it absolutely hilarious some of the pieces of clothing that people call "Armor". As far as I see it, real armor actually protects your vital areas, not exposes them for your attacker to admire before he sinks a blade in your guts.



    That's great that you're comfortable sharing your opinion, it says a lot for this forum I suppose.


    However Frank Frazetta's heroines never worried about adding heavy armor, and personally, I like to ride without a helmet myself. I'm plenty more agile with less bulky crap dragging me down in real life.

  6. could someone make a mod where, if you have a companion out and you get on a horse, the companion also gets on a horse if there is a horse in the area, maybe set it to a certain amount of feet away from the companion, or if the horse is in site then the companion will get onit.


    is this possible?


    thanks ^^


    This already exists. CM partners mods can do it, and Companion Share Recruit npcs can use a horse that's not stolen if you add it to the available horses, i.e. recruited companions won't ride stolen horses. (Read the readme, I forget the procedure.) Make sure you get the latest versions.

  7. So we're assuming that her friend would have purchased it, if not for the aforementioned "piracy"?



    That isn't even close to what I said. I compared it to a video rental, which is also perfectly legal. Grow a brain.

  8. Hi!


    I need some advice, and help. There is a new game in the Gothic series called Risen which we should've all heard of, and I just wanna know two things. Is it legal to transfer gothic models + textures to oblivion, and if it is - how can I?


    Thanx I require much help because I'm making a mod for the Skyrim jungles and I want some nice fresh palm trees and plants from Risen. :yes:



    Haven't heard of it, but I wouldn't have. But I'm pretty certain this is not legal.


    (Come on, are you kidding?) But, Yeah, now that you mention it those are some pretty sweet looking armors.



  9. I don't think lending the disc alone constitutes as piracy, the license just temporarily goes to your friend as you can't play the game yourself without a disc.


    Except that in this case, she can play because she has made a backup. This argument comes down to whether the company is "losing money" based on her actions. I would consider it similar to the situation of the friend renting the movie or game from the video store, but no money is changing hands and if the friend wants to own it, s/he still has to buy his/her own copy.


    But as far as making backups for your own use of your own disks, which you paid for the write* right to enjoy and which you're not lending out, there is no copyright law I'm aware of that specifically forbids this. I'm pretty certain, last I checked, this was perfectly legal.





    *Edit: that was freudian.

  10. Myrmaad's law of fair use says It's not piracy if I bought it and I'm using it not sharing it. I really don't give a rat's butt what anyone else thinks, I'd fight it in court if I had to, for the laughs. I feel pretty confident I could win that case, in other words.
  11. I like making characters and have many times been asked for my characters. To this point I haven't shared, but after a recent request I am planning to do so with some of my random NPCs. I prefer not to share my main player characters, but those characters I've made just to populate my world I am much more willing to share.




    Finally, you just had to go and step on my pet peeve, didn't ya?


    The saved game is all about the face; breast size has nothing to do with it, as is dictated by a completely different system of mod - the face will go on to whichever body has been selected or added. A clean saved game won't have any mods except those that are used to make the face. I think that's more than obvious. I think my next mod will be castrated penises. That's about how I feel whenever someone wants to make derogatory comments about breasts. I know how to use blender.


    This breast hatred seems to come in the form of immature people who are afraid of any hint of adult sexuality; and those who idealize masculinity to the extent of misogyny. I don't like it, and I have every right to make clear how offensive I find it. If it's not to your taste keep it to yourself, I don't normally go around bitching about all the breastless pedophile mods all over the place around here.

  12. More pertinent might be a discussion on using boolean search operators to narrow your results.


    For example, using the term "-save" in a title search may effectively get rid of many of the 'save game' results.


    What I have not been able to ascertain is how or if we can search across specific categories. For example, "abodes- player homes" AND "castles ...estates" but not "cities ...hamlets"


    Know what I mean. That would be useful.

  13. I haven't started on it, Lil Hagrid and I have been sending PM for a bit. If you want to take it over, please go ahead as I didn't have any special plans/ideas for it :).


    The only important thing was that 10+ beds were needed for all companions.


    What I had previously had in mind was:

    Using the Bathing mod/Toilet resource from here (both allow use when credit is given) and to use a castle-like environment. (as the Conquest mod has castle-interiors)


    Again, please take it off my hand if you want to. I always make time for requests, but if you have any idea to make a personal touch to your own I don't want to block you from that :)



    As I said, no time to work on it for now.



    There's room for everyone whenever I eventually get around to doing something, if I do.

  14. There are already many mods that expand the Rosethorn-house...


    ...And I'm pretty sure I've used or tried every one of them.


    And yet, I think lil hagrid's is an excellent idea. No time for me to work on it at the moment, but I'll put this in my modders diary, it has given me an idea.

  15. Pronam, I was about to post the same link, when I read yours I didn't see it.


    TES Construction Set Wiki Mod Cleaning tutorial




    For your mod, I'm not sure you even need a tool, you can do a lot of cleansing in the Construction Set:


    As directed in the wiki, find your mod and select it, then choose the Details radio button (circled)




    For me its easiest to click on the heading "Type" in the File Details pop-up window, which will sort the contents so you can easily find the race entry you're looking to remove. Read through that tutorial carefully so you will understand how to remove the bad entry properly, and why sometimes you need a separate tool.


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