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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Well it is being in a minority group, Maigrets.


    I have two family members, one on my husband's side of the family and one on my side of the family who have referred to me as "selfish" when I didn't bear my children, knowing full well I had already raised his child from the age of two to 18 and that I had miscarried through no fault of my own (and how painful that is). But I'm the "selfish" one in this scenario?


    A LHammonds has often noted when showing people out the door, people who call names are usually projecting.


    The fact is I have been acutely aware that society, whether I like it or not, has relegated me along with every other woman who does not bear children, to the 'spinster class' to be regarded with sadness, curiosity, trepidation, skepticism, and downright distrust.


    Bachelors who don't have children are similarly maligned.


    From a moderators standpoint, I don't think it's fair to close this topic, and we do allow the debates section to heat up, because none of us likes to deal with it, and if you can't stand the heat you have the choice to stay out of the kitchen.


    I think people have gotten heated here, and that they have had difficulty expressing their opinions because this is a very emotional topic.


    I had a full life and I've loved many children but the truth is, this last child is the first one I've raised from the day she came home from the hospital and into my arms, and I've loved passionately in my life, but never like this. It is a big deal to have a child, and some people who have them don't seem to appreciate that, but just because you don't have them doesn't exclude you from realizing that. The most generous thing sometimes is to make the most stoic decision: remember Solomon.

  2. We have forums that are dedicated to posting spoilers for a reason.








    If it's not posted in one of those forums, we generally will wrap it in spoilers for you if you have forgotten and when a kind soul reports it.


    Spoiler tags do not work in the Chat Room.

    The rules for the chat room are on the 'door' and you can't even enter until you agree:


  3. The sage mage awoke in a dark, dank and musty corner. There was a dirty straw stuffed mattress on the floor but she wasn't on it. Her head hurt like a -- she winced with pain, and gingerly rubbed the back of her head. Damn, hit so hard it broke the skin, she thought as she lightly stroked the dried blood and beginning of scab. :( As she rubbed her head she took stock of her surroundings, the stone floor was disgusting. She heard rats and the subtle drip of water. She saw, nor heard any sign of human or beast.


    She rubbed her arms in a huddle to try to get warm. There was a metal gate at the end of a long corridor and she thought she'd try lockpicking it, once she was sure she was alone, and able to run.

  4. I have never taken birth control. I have been married since I was 19. I never got pregnant until I was 29. (I'm a very late bloomer). When I did get pregnant, I had two ectopic pregnancies, the first one nearly killed me. My husband chose to have a vasectomy after my second ectopic pregnancy. I have always loved kids and have raised several. Obviously babymaking is not the end all and be all. And the babies I've raised would be worse off if I was not 1) in a position to be open and able to raise them which I would almost certainly not have been if I was raising my own babies, and 2) I think it would be the height of insensitivity and arrogance to assume that these children I have raised, and am raising, would be better off without me. I can assure that's not the case. (I've had to listen to that argument too, that I should have died, since an ectopic pregnancy results in the death of the fetus, without intervention it would have been the death of the fetus and the mother.)
  5. vogel18 banned.


    Troll, would-be pirate.


    From the Chat log:



    Today, 10:06 AM vogel18 Where can i download frostcrag spire

    Today, 09:35 AM vogel18 GROW UP TROLL

    Today, 09:35 AM vogel18 You guys are all trolls

    Today, 09:34 AM vogel18 You-you-you-you ain't seen my balls.

    Today, 09:33 AM vogel18 Hey tokyo try meth

    Today, 09:29 AM vogel18 You-you-you-you ain't seen my balls.


  6. Cstahler92 banned.




    Too late to change your story now.


    Posted Today, 12:37 AM


    Cstahler92 said:

    I've read the readme like 30 different times and if I hear Johnny Guitar/Big Iron/ Ain't That a Kick In The Head/ Blue Moon one more time I'm going to f*cking kill myself. I'm soooo happy I illegally downloaded this game because with the radio station play list it isn't even worth $1



    Reference post

  7. Here's clarity. If you post a spoiler, while I'm in the chat room of if I hear of it when I'm not in the chat room, expect a strike or a ban. I will probably give you a warning.


    This is not a new rule, this is an informal rule we have enforced on the site by editing spoiler posts. I have been moderating the chat since its inception, and I've been consistent on this throughout.


    Clear enough for you?

  8. Not when I'm in there.


    I will put you out for posting spoilers, and everybody who knows me knows I have made this statement many times. I don't like Spoilers either. This has long been my policy.

    Old chat logs will prove this.


    Don't let me catch you.

  9. Forgive me, but it seems unfair to add or edit after such a ringing endorsement so I'm going to post this related thought separately.


    The real job-givers in the US and across the world are small businesses, because while they don't individually hire many employees, collectively they out-employ (it you will) the large corporations that pay no taxes at all due to offshoring their profits.


    What do you think this does? It makes small businesses unable to compete through no other failing factors such as even economies of scale, or productive efficiency, but has everything to do with transferring wealth away from taxpayers and towards corporate owners.

  10. Wealth redistribution is definitionally immoral. It takes someone else's earnings and gives them to someone else, no matter how noble the goal may be, it cannot be justfified. People have a right to keep what they earn.


    So, we should just cut off all welfare programs, medicare, medicaid, and let the poor folks fend for themselves? What about unemployment? That amounts to the same thing, people getting paid from other peoples taxes..... shall we end that as well?



    Sink or swim, we are not all simply individuals, we form a country of citizens and the weakest link makes us all weaker by decimating what has been one of our greatest strengths, our buying power.


    Paying taxes is an honorable thing to do, certainly it's the furthest thing from "immoral". You know what's immoral? Using the resources of a people and locality like locusts, and then leaving them with nothing after you've apprehended, used up, and lain waste to their homeland. Corporations have long been given unprecedented access to the workers and buying power of a strong US working middle class, and they use up much more resources than any individual, with their use of fuel, roads, air etc that makes up our infrastructure, infrastructure that the working middle class paid for with our taxes, and they should pay their fair share for the benefits of doing business in such a paradise for corporations as America has been.


    Don't forget that right up until the day the stock market crashed, we were told it was patriotic to own your own home, to buy a car (or a hummer) to continue with our [wasteful] way of life after 9-11 etc, the economy depended in no uncertain terms on American Consumer Credit, so to turn around and blame the people who were actually trying to do the right thing, the thing they had been told to do by government and media for decades, is the height of hypocrisy, in addition to a political sack of raw sewage.

  11. Pardon me, but I know something about this topic, my adopted daughter was on welfare and in school when she became pregnant with my granddaughter and because of the Welfare to Work reforms that occurred during the Clinton Administration, she was not given any additional support for the baby because she became pregnant while receiving TAN-F. (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, "TANF" has succeeded the welfare program.) In other words the new baby did not count and no additional money was given, as per the rules which are quite strict, now. As you can imagine, states don't have the money to just throw it around, and it has become very tight, with competing interests for what little dollars are available.


    So, anyone who claims that people can "get a raise" from having an additional child while on welfare, I know better.


    In our case that actually helped my husband and I take a more active parenting role with the new baby, as we are able to provide resources not provided by the state.

    TANF sets forward the following work requirements necessary for benefits:


    Recipients (with few exceptions) must work as soon as they are job ready or no later than two years after coming on assistance.

    Single parents are required to participate in work activities for at least 30 hours per week. Two-parent families must participate in work activities 35 or 55 hours a week, depending upon circumstances.

    Failure to participate in work requirements can result in a reduction or termination of benefits to the family.

    States, in FY 2004, have to ensure that 50 percent of all families and 90 percent of two-parent families are participating in work activities. If a state reduces its caseload, without restricting eligibility, it can receive a caseload reduction credit. This credit reduces the minimum participation rates the state must achieve.

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