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Posts posted by myrmaad


    People always obsessing about boot times... I've never noticed an issue, even back in the days of Windows 95... You turn the computer on, you go to the bathroom or grab yourself something to drink, come back and the computer is all loaded. Even if you end up having to reboot in the middle of something, is a minute of downtime to reflect on your desk clutter really going to kill you? And really, that's all you're usually trying to shave down unless you have a whole mess of programs at startup.


    Havn't reformatted since I built my current rig (although I really should think about it someday) and havn't noticed any significant slow down in startup that isn't just related to those programs that I want to load at startup. And the speed of those programs loading is kinda something which can't be changed much since they're of the sort that you don't want on a SSD (like anti-viruses which need to update frequently) and which also require processor load. There are so many factors related to boot speed and most of them aren't simple solutions.


    What it really boils down to is keeping a system clean of extra programs, trimming your registry every now and then, defragging, making sure you don't have any spyware installed, and making sure you shut down properly.


    Or, you can keep your computer running near constantly, rebooting about once a week and you'll never notice.


    I couldn't agree more. Posts like this sometimes make me wonder, are you me? LOL






    Rootkit Revealer


  2. lazorusvector78 banned.



    Admitted piracy in chat





    3:20 PM


    how do i download fallout on me comp



    i have it on ps3


    but frezzes

    anonymous chattter

    No console modding bro


    ik bro


    thts why im asking



    if theres a way to download the game on comp


    ileegally lulz








  3. Funny, I haven't noticed *any* historical female armor lying around lately since men picked up the plow. < (pointed reference there for historians in the know)


    Joan of Arc apparently had a custom armor based on the patriarchal fashion in vogue.


    We have no records on what Boadicea wore exactly, and there is no reason not to believe that when you're shorthanded any able body that can fight will. There's a point in pregnancy when you may not be able bodied, but necessity is the mother of invention.

  4. You have a point, it isn't really "realistic".... but, within the confines of its universe, it tries to be. Still, unless human gestation periods have been extended greatly in such an alternate universe, most of my reasoning still holds.


    No, it doesn't.


    Women have always handed down maternity clothes to each other. And great maternity clothes have always been treasure!

  5. Why...in a place and time like Fallout....would a woman not fight..pregnant or otherwise. I can see...a woman that was an engineer or something of that kind...scrapping together this prego power suit...in order to protect her home, her unborn child from the things that will surely come.


    Who else would save her? Even if she lived in or around a town...Fallout is very much a game of "I will save your arse if it doesn't get my arse killed in the process." Woman throughout history have fought and worked to save what they had....I don't think the bad things stop and say, "OH...with child are we? Well carry on then we'll be back in nine months"


    People need something to *censored* about and they often forget the vision they have is not the same as everyone else's. I find this scenario just as realistic..or un-realistic as anything else out there.



    Right on, Lisa! Exactly this, mygawd I could not have said it better. If I'm pregnant, [profane epithet here] I am a million times more motivated to protect my offspring. A great mod would be to make them more savage and more stealthy than average NPCs.


    The crocodile, one of the most savage animals in existence, pays great attention to its young. After the young hatch, the mother carries them in her mouth to the water. Until they can look after themselves, she carries them in her mouth or on her back. Her mouth is the most secure place for them, for it is a sack that has been created to carry and protect about six babies. Whenever they sense danger, young crocodiles hurry to this protective shelter. However, given that crocodiles are both savage and unaware, one would not expect them to protect their young, but to eat them indiscriminately.
  6. coolmzn222 banned.


    Trolling the file uploads section.


    Seriously, what are you, the troll king?



    In Topic: Pregnancy armors


    Yesterday, 10:06 PM

    How can A pregnant woman go around shooting stuff, and more importantly, HOW THE f*#@ WILL SHE PUNCH DEATCLAWS! I mean, it confuses me. This defies logic

    In Topic: Bugs


    Yesterday, 08:58 PM

    I can't get it to work! It won't let me talk to the street wh*%#!

    In Topic: Roleplay-Start


    Yesterday, 07:09 AM


    In Topic: Freeside Abode


    27 July 2011 - 06:22 AM

    I officially hate this f*#@ing mod, It caused me to FAIL GI blues, because that f*#@ING Rat, KILLED pacer, damn you! goddamn you! DAMN YOU TO HELL!


    Until you fix that problem.



    Reference post

  7. I skimmed over this but want to thank Genocide Lolita for stealing my thunder. lol just kidding, but yeah that's pretty much how I see it.


    It never even occurred to me, old skool gamer that I am, that a game that doesn't offer "upgraded gameplay and graphics" was by definition an expansion.


    My favorite feature of New Vegas that sets it apart from F3 : the Humor. That's why I fell in love with Nv.







    There's a perpetual rumor that RDR is coming to PC in August 2011. :woot:

  8. intheundertow, you have been assessed one Strike.

    Unnecessary comment just to troll the mod, you may feel very lucky you weren't banned, as trolling a mod is a serious violation of our Terms of Service


    Gratuitous post removed.


    Oh boy, I can't wait to see what horrific crimes against nature people commit by using this mod with their own mods D:




  9. To the last several entries, Bravo!


    Kayla and Ian that was wonderful!,


    and Oldnotweak, I love your character, already! That is awesome.


    Let me introduce a secondary character, Snout.


    Snout is an Orc and the caretaker of the Inn. He's in charge of the Kitchen, the Rooms, collecting the rent, taking care of the barns, and making sure the crops are tended in the fields.


    He's handy with a Waraxe as well, but he's a lover not a fighter. He's unusually astute, creative, good with handling money, and super smart for an Orc. :P

    Which is how he ended up keeping things running smoothly behind the scenes at the Chattering Scroll. He's always looking for help around the place so if you're low on cash and not up for adventurin', hit him up for a job feeding, watering, and tending the horses, milking the cows, collecting the eggs from the chicken house, or working a hoe. : :laugh:


    Snout is an Orc with a beard, you don't see that everyday.

  10. She had been examining the contents of the room hoping to find her bow, or at least something she could use as a weapon.. there were piles of rubbish and the only thing that seemed weapon-like in the room was a large old bone in one of the piles. It seemed they had also stolen her shoulder belt, with her purse and essentials. She set her jaw and clenched her fist instinctively at the realization.


    Continuing to peer around her, she stayed perfectly still as she martialed her strength and evaluated her options, but inside her head questions raced through her mind.


    The stillness was shattered by the click-clatter of pins falling in the chamber, releasing the lock in the gate. Jolted by surprise, every fiber in her being felt as if it were stood on end like the hairs on the back of a hissing cat! She had been peering into the darkness at the gate, and still she hadn't seen anyone.


    She peered further into the darkness, stiff with fright, instinctively reaching for her dagger, her missing dagger. She heard the low voice but still could not see anyone. She crept down the dirty corridor hugging the stinking shadows of the wall, furtively she picked up the large femur as she moused passed.


    Approaching the gate, she saw the owner of the voice, a dark and dazzling woman was emerging just beneath the shadows, surely an ancient race rarely seen.


    The captive woman pushed the gate and it swung free, still clutching the femur but pinned down at her side, the anger rose within her and she pulled her chin up, pushed her shoulders back and in a threatening tone demanded:


    "Why am I here? Did you see them? Why did you unlock the gate? Which way is out? And most importantly WHERE IS MY BOW?"

  11. This was not a situation with a random stray spoiler. This was a game of posting spoilers.


    Let me make it super simple, this is the only rule you need to worry about:


    If a member of staff (noticeable by the colour of their names; blue, green or red) tells you to stop doing something then stop doing it. Don't argue about it as you'll probably get banned.

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