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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. OK, Under this thread you can discuss and debate EVERYTHING related to suicides.


    I think not.


    And don't even think about starting another one.


    I freely admit I'm not the most objective person when it comes to this topic, but I will have the last word anyway. Suicide is the coward's way out. All it does is leave everyone behind picking up your pieces.

  2. Well, I have no direct experience with the American educational system (and after reading through these posts, I must say I am inclined to consider myself lucky), but I found a good read a few years ago that may give some food for thought:


    James W. Loewen - Lies my teacher told me


    It's about history taught in high school in the US. This book focuses on the criticism of how history is taught but the author wrote another book where he presents his solution, and he even wrote an updated textbook that does not try to glorify the past to instil patriotism based on a whitewashed version of past events.


    This is a quote from one of the comments on Amazon.com (rebuking the 'most helpful critical review' claiming that the author does not offer a solution):

    "Dr. Loewen has actually written a replacement high school textbook for Mississippi; "Mississippi: Conflict and Change" (1974). He tried to bring it into circulation, but was denied by the state textbook purchasing committee. The case was brought to supreme court where he won his case. Reference for the court case: Loewen v. Turnipseed, 488 F. Supp. 1138 (N.D. Miss. 1980). His textbook was taught in the Mississippi public schools for several years."


    Apparently, there are attempts to fix the system and there are roadblocks that try to thwart those attempts. The question is: why? Lack of money? Political or business interests?


    Note that with the most schools and thus the highest purchasing power, Texas dictates which books will be used by the rest of the nation's public schools.


    I have the book you mentioned, have had for years. If there's anything specific you're interested in, let me know.


    I'm a product of both public and private education, but that was in the 70s, thank goodness.

  3. These are two separate issues.


    The twilight of a life well-lived that has run its course. Sure I support your choice.


    An impulsive decision at 33 fairly good health leaving your 5 children behind to fend in this life for themselves? That is a coward.

  4. The older woman looked coolly at the Nord at the bar. Slowly she removed a tobacco pipe from her pocket, carefully filled it, and said, "I don't know any like that. You'll have to find your own." She used a flint to light it and took a long draw. Snout, the Orc behind the bar, came over protectively, turned and asked the younger Nord if he needed a drink. He adjusted his apron, and busied himself with the stock when the Nord nodded to refill his mug. After a few minutes Myrmaad handed the filled pipe to Snout, the Orc.


    After writing a bit more in the small black journal, she snapped it closed and walked assuredly up the steps to the back of the tavern.


    Once inside the room she shared with Snout, she packed some tools and essentials in a small kit and then headed out. Sometimes if you want something done right, you might as well get it done yourself.




    It was dusk as she neared the grove where the trolls had been spotted earlier. Using the herbs in the pack she mixed them with the contents of a small bottle and drank, enchanting herself with a powerful chameleon potion. She would have to work fast. She sprinted deftly from tree to tree listening for the guttural sounds of the trolls. Truly disgusting creatures, she thought, as she came close to the first one. She could hear its phlegmatic wheezing, smell its putrid odor. She used a small crossbow to snipe it, knowing that as soon as it went down, it's companions would be on alert, would use their powerful sense of smell to track her down, in spite of the potion.


    But luckily it went unnoticed by the others. She thought, it's funny they compare Orcs to pigs, considering that trolls are much more pig like with their rutting and snuffling. She heard another and whipped her bow up to aim.


    It was a female with small ones.


    A familiar battle arose in her psyche. She would prefer to leave them in peace, but they wouldn't do the same. The little ones would grow up to be dangerous nuisances, and the mother, well she'd have to just do it quickly and take all of them down. An older troll had wandered near the small group. Now Myrmaad was well-outnumbered and the potion was wearing off. She had to act now. She raised the bow to her eye and took her shot, just as she heard a twig snap close behind her. The pain was exquisite as blunt object connected with temple. Then the lights went out!

  5. I have the same mod, and missed his banning and the reason for it, myself. I actually re-textured some of it for my own use before I realized there was any problem.


    So what would most likely happen is that if you upload an illegal screenshot, and it is reported or otherwise noted, a staff member would remove it and send you a note with the an explanation of why.

  6. The old mer looked at him for a long moment, and said, "Well. It could be I guess.. but I'll handle it." She paused and sipped her tea. "On another matter though, we're having a troll problem." She glanced at the big Nord in the back. He was walking around in a circle, talking to himself and occasionally dispatching his sword to slice circles in the air.


    "Maybe you and a few others could take a little hunting party out? If you're bored, that is. I heard there were some seen on the other side of the woods across the road. Sometimes they just walk in like they're going to order a drought. Are you up for it? Or you could sit here and be cozy and safe with us womenfolk." She gave him a droll glare before she laughed heartily and took another drink of her root beer.

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