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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. The old breton sage called myrmaad was sitting on a tall stool in the corner leaning back against the wall. She took a long sip of her mandrake root beer and in a strangely low yet irritating voice related,

    "Well all i can say is I was on my way to the store to buy new shoes when I got accosted by a Daedric prince who asked me if I could do him a favor and go look after his inn."

    "He had the air of a young sheogorath so for better or worse I figured I should."


    Then she leaned back and took up again, writing in her little black leather journal.




















    Introduce your character here.

  2. Character Sheet : Myrmaad


    Breton Mage, in her mid 40s, an older, time-weathered sage, though lithe and nimble and petite, misleading one to believe she is at least a decade younger. ( so cut it out with the hag business that was a joke).


    Dry humor, but sensitive and caring once you get close to her and earn her trust, married to an Orc.


    Birthsign The Ritual

    Class: Though she had been trained in Archery from a child, she had spent most of her life as a Nightblade/Agent in the service of secret societies. On retirement she has spent her time indulging in her favorite hobby, the arts of magicka and alchemy.



    Skills: As a young woman, she specialized in being charming and stealthy, high in acrobatics, and a sure shot with her bow. She has grown cantankerous and irreverent with age, and may not be quite as fast as in her youth, but she makes up for it with her worldly experience and good judgement.


    She wears muted leathers in dark greys and browns, or black, she often wears a short cape over her shoulders under which she conceals a shoulder belt carrying her various tools and paraphernelia, a small dagger, and a couple of leather flasks and pouches. She usually prefers long pants and boots where she stashes another dagger for emergencies. You don't live as long as she has around here without keeping an equalizer or two handy.


    She always carries her faithful bow, made for her and given as a gift from an artesan who has now passed from this world.


    She rarely talks about her past, and when she does it is with resignation, better to dwell in the present.

  3. Before we get down to the business of the Chattering Scroll, though,


    Take a moment to review the RP Guide here. Be sure to review the issue of Power Posing. I'm not going to enforce setting unless it becomes a problem, but as far as the setting try to take your cue from one of the posts before yours, obviously.


    Be generous with your fellow RPers so that we have fun and show them the high regard they deserve for contributing with their stories. :wub:


    And now, dear Nexus Chatters, here is your thread for introducing your characters their backstory, history, chronicles, storylines, catchphrases, birth signs, screen caps etc adnauseum.

    We will have another thread for hearing their tall tales and tragedies. See you at the Scroll, where you can tell your story.





    This idea came about as a result of the following conversation:



    If you were going to recreate the chat room as place in cyrodiil how would you populate it?



    myrm, Dante has to be a persistant as well as some of our regs


    make me odd and nord


    We have the Lacey Sorceress, The Black Baron, a bleach based anime asian inspired character,


    (dante a guard faction or something with alarm distance of "infinity"


    A waif with a lamp,


    It spiraled forward from there with great exuberance and excitement and seems like a lot of fun so here we are.


    Here are some of my favorite ideas so far:



    Grimm needs to be there too, myrm...big tank armored guy ready to slay baddies


    oh yeah and if you pickpocket grimm he should have a pie!



    Oh oh oh and me?


    HIgh Elf Corlan carrying a giant tome


    Don't forget long Oscar Wildish hair!


    I want to preach Wilde's words all around Cyrodiil!



    Can the inn be on the banks of the waterfront, but away from the shacks?



    I think you mean "Ye Olde Nexuse Shacke"



    Sneaky Pete's House of Skooma



    inn name like (n'c's'r't') something like that ^^



    The Stink Hole in Bravil



    mica thats all of bravil


  4. In fact, the Topic Starter can at any time report their own thread and ask it to be closed, and it will be.


    This thread is full of posts that are both offensive and extremely uncivil. Locked.


  5. You can get through the Oblivion gates, and live with Necromancers and Unicorns fine though, Right? :psyduck:





    And just for the record, Bben is a Rock Star!

  6. Post a link to the one you got from Planet Elder Scrolls, please.


    Exnem has a couple of bodies, the two I know of are the Exnem female body for Oblivion which is made obsolete by HGEC body replacer. The other is for Fallout and is incompatible with Oblivion.

  7. Once upon a time I downloaded a mod that actually makes it so you can use crystal balls for scrying (meaning they're not just useless clutter anymore). I got it right here on Nexus. I am trying to find it again to see if there are any updates or anything, but now it seems to have disappeared and I cannot find, can anyone help me?


    I was not able to find it on the one computer I can access at the moment, and that was an exhaustive search, it's my biggest cache of mods. I do remember that mod, but I never opened it. What exactly did it do?


    By the way, there are very few sites we're not allowed to link to, please PM me the site name, and I will let you know if it's truly on the list. If it's truly on the list the name won't appear, it will be substituted with the words "not allowed". So maybe we can stop the paranoia now?

  8. It seems I mixed up Sir James George Frazer and Marion Bradley there. Still there is the argument reiterated by Dan Brown and originally put forth by Margot Adler of the suppression of goddess worship and sacred sex by the church.


    Christian domination did coincide with the Romanization of Western Europe, but you cannot deny that people still believed in fairies, spirits, and all sorts of pagan relics, even now we celebrate Christmas with a Christmas "Tree". That conversion took a very long time. Henry's codpiece may have been the height of the fad, but even when they were leather, they were often stuffed, as one of those links corroborated. My original information is not available on the web, or if it is I'm not in the mood to go track it down. There's enough information here for people to do their own research if so inclined. They could start here.


    I never mentioned exact dates. You seem to be hell bent on nitpickery.


    The fact is most people on this thread have never even considered that what they imagine Medieval dress is more like Victorian attire, or Elizabethan at best, which is pretty late considering the Medieval period (meaning 5th to the 15th century) to be prior to the Enlightenment which began in about the mid 1600s.


    I've said my piece, and this is not the place to continue this debate I suppose. It seems to be veering into a religious topic.

  9. The medieval period is commonly considered to encompass a wider period than you suggest.


    As for these other quibbles, I expected as much, so you don't have to believe me: regarding codpieces: this and this and you forgot the shoes.


    That there were internal complaints of corruption does nothing to erase the facts of the corruption of the papacy.


    I chose Chaucer because he's a well-known early witness to his times at a time when there are scant other well-known writings in that vein. The Renaissance coincided with and perhaps led to the dawn of the Protestant and later the Puritan movements which led to 'covering up'.


    I forgot to mention that bare breasts were another vogue, probably due to ease of breast feeding.


    The Beltane fires were celebrated by having sex with anyone you met at the bonfire, in hopes to please the Gods of fertility. And the ages of the revelers is really not that relevant to my beef with the thread, which is to quit claiming you want historically accurate clothing when that's not at all the case.

  10. I resent the lack of historical accuracy when speaking about "medieval realism". The medieval times were before the enlightenment that's why they are also called the "Dark Ages". Read some Chaucer, there was a lot of bawdy sexuality, bare behinds, skimpy clothing, and general superstitious behaviour going on.


    In fact, does anyone know how May Day was originally celebrated (called the Beltane Fires) a fertility celebration. The Dark Ages were a transitional period between pagan rites and the Roman conversion, and Latin was the standard written language out of the reach of the majority of people. At one point there, French was the state language of England. And there was so much corruption in the Vatican that priests were sent out to collect tithes, who had nary a penny invested in learning Latin, so they made it up. The vogue among many of their congregations was for the priest to wear his robes above his waste to show off his 'blessings'.


    And then there are the long pointed shoes worn by the upperclass to emphasize the noble "manhood". Do you even know what a codpiece is?





    On another note, if I had to play vanilla flavored Oblivion, I would have moved on long ago.

  11. Once upon a time I downloaded a mod that actually makes it so you can use crystal balls for scrying (meaning they're not just useless clutter anymore). I got it right here on Nexus. I am trying to find it again to see if there are any updates or anything, but now it seems to have disappeared and I cannot find, can anyone help me?


    If someone can remember the name of it, I may have it.

  12. It certainly set the tone for all that followed, and you haven't made it one bit better. This thread is a perfect illustration of a "failure to communicate".


    Now it's very unfair, I think, that anyone else would have been instabanned just for opening this thread, and we have some who can testify from personal experience how that goes.


    It is absolutely against the rules to take complaints you have "to the streets" rather than to a staff member in private. We have a long-standing precedent for not allowing drama in the forums when that's best handled privately by contacting one of the Site Administrators. Dark0ne, the site owner has already posted here. You can also speak to LHammonds, buddah, or The Vampire Dante; if you prefer you can ask a site Moderator such as DarkeWolf, Thandal, Vagrant0, or me.


    I think we have entertained it long enough.

  13. there is a particular mod i have been searching for i saw it on theeyecandy forums but cant get on there anymore for some weird reason,anyways there was a mod that could swap the stats of items so you could use all those smexy outfits and weapons with say one of the unique items or fugly armors in the game that has nice stats.


    I posted a list of my favorite mods on TEC forums a long time ago, and this one sounds like what you're talking about:


    Advanced Magecraft


    It's always at the top of my list.


    There was another one too, I just remembered, and I think it's actually the one you meant. I remember when it was posted.


    Fashion Anvil

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