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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. jokeonthego banned.


    There is simply no excuse for Piracy.



    steam i think although its pirated but i dnt have the money to go buy it for pc and i already have it for ps3 and my brother came home from being away for 2 years and he's like addicted to the s3 1 so i dwnloaded the pirated 1 s i cn play on my comp


  2. Interestingly, Steam users get a lot of demos, screenshots, friend recommendations etc.


    I have no sympathy for people who don't want to use Steam. Don't want to use steam? Play something else. As the point has been made repeatedly,

    Click Steam and then Go Offline..., problem solved.

  3. You only have to connect in order to verify the DRM, you can play without a connection any time. You do not have to be connected to play. For the first 2 months I played offline only. But now I like the online mode because I'm starting to enjoy the social aspect.
  4. Eh, I don't think lists are the answer. I agree that if you get a chain like so:


    Copyright Content -> Rip Artist -> Clueless Modder


    It should probably be questioned if the clueless modder had knowledge that the rip artist stole content from whatever source. Some people really do seem to painstakingly recreate a model from another game just so they can legally share the content with the rest of the community, so it's not always fair to say that it looks like the content from game X so it must be the content from game X and you should've known. It doesn't really matter (for me), but it would seem unfair to get banned just because someone duped you.



    Duh. Do you think we just fell off a turnip truck. pfft We don't ban the victims of Ripoff artists. And : :

    We give out second chances like candy at halloween. Give me a break.


    I will firmly resist spoon feeding common sense to people. Count on it.

  5. indeedjoshisawesome banned.


    Admitted piracy in chat



    Select Fallout NV from the list and Right Click on it


    i dont have steam lol


    what do you mean you don't have steam?


    i don't have it lol



    lol really. i just bought a cd off my friend


    well Josh you got ripped off then


    did he gave you steam credentials?



    New Vegas Requires Steam


    no i just put the cd in, install and bam you're done


    no. that's not it, Josh.


    so that's that.


    don't i just google fallout new vegas patch, download it, and replace my exe?


    kicked indeedjoshisawesome


  6. May 22nd.


    Thread Necromancy is not allowed. Please keep that in mind.



    Sorry. I just raised the number of posts per page on my preferences and this one popped up. I like to post, but I don't want to flood the place with mine. How far back is acceptable?


    This one's borderline. A week or two is usual.

  7. Flaming, arguing with a moderator.




    i hate quebec but then again Fck any country that doesnt have english as a major language



    what you gonna do throw your own fecies at them


    Bennysafink, that's inappropriate.



    monkeys throw their own fecies


    you have somthing against monkeys?


    kicked Bennysafink


    Bennysafink that wasnt argueing but i sense power abuse

    myrmaad kicked Bennysafink

    myrmaad Fine have it your way


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