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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Loubegarocks banned.


    Duplicate account of Brotherhoodofsteel1, banned this morning.

    I wouldn't have even noticed but he started badmouthing mods, I gave him a second chance (why do I bother??) and then he decided to start PMing me a bunch of back-talk.


    This is why the file side is a zero tolerance area.

  2. Once upon a time there was a mean giant who lived on a mountain, and he lived with a colony of dwarves called the trideans, or trids for short. The trids complained to the local rabbi about how the mean giant would get mad and kick them off the mountain, (this sounds like the nexus doesn't it ? :P) and then they'd bounce all the way to the bottom. (Because trids bounce. )


    So after hearing the poor trids complain of being harassed over and over the poor rabbi decided to go visit the Giant and intervene on their behalf.


    It was a long way up, and the further up he went he saw it was a long way down. By the time he got to the top of the mountain, he was veritably shaking in his monk shoes with fear! When he heard the pleas of the rabbi the giant just got mad and started kicking all the poor trids down the mountain. The terrified monk cried, "Are you going to kick me down the mountain?" But the Giant just replied:



    Silly rabbi, kicks are for Trids!







    ok I promise never to do that again.

  3. Are you trying to get banned??


    I have removed the inappropriate image. I told you it was an inappropriate image and we removed it, just about every staff member has looked at it and concluded it was inappropriate.


    Furthermore, our decision is not up for public debate, I've entertained this long enough. I believe there is a modified version of the Asuka armor that is allowed here.

  4. /offtopic


    "Word" is the shortened form of the phrase: "my word is my bond" which was originated by inmates in U.S. prisons. The longer phrase was shortened to "word is bond" before becoming "word," which is most commonly used. It basically means "truth." Or "to speak the truth", or "well said".

  5. You still didn't read that link??

    The FormID for Martin that we see through the game console is NOT the one we need... (Something must load before the NPCs which offsets the ID numbers we see in the console.) BUT, if we look closely at the NPC lists in the Construction Set window, there's another column of values hidden in between "EditorID" and "Count"... If you expand the column, lo and behold, there's the form ID we need. :)



    hmmm, well it seems you did.


    Let me try an experiment here. (brb)

  6. It was reuploaded by the author, which can only mean he was attempting to either circumvent the issue or, maybe move it along. In most cases he would have been banned for doing that, but we gave the benefit of the doubt because there is some language barrier.


    I don't care if it was meant to be a joke, an image depicting a little girl describing herself as rape bait in the context of a sexual situation between her and an adult male, will never fly here.

  7. I think I worked out what my trouble was, it looks like I had saved a bad normal over my proper normal, but I still had the psd version so it's all good.


    But the very best thing is now that I understand the agemaps, I understand what Tk meant with that last suggestion, and that is very compelling. I've read that a hundred times, but it never clicked until I read it again, Astymma. Including it here was just great!

  8. Edit: Oh, and the boots on this?




    Laughing Vampire beat me to it LOL You are right.

    I did use the boots from Ravenous Elegance to go with that dress.


    I like that dress very much, is it somewhere I can go get it?

  9. Normal map was created from the head06 texture.


    However I didn't create an age map, and I thought you said a brand new NPC wouldn't be assigned one, I might be confused.


    By the way I long ago unpacked every BSA into a folder in my modding drive.


    Yes the normal map has the same name as the texture with an _n suffix.


    I didn't make an age map for this race, nor do I even want one, so are you saying I have to stick a blank one in there? And if not how do you make the age map?


    So, for example, if we want to replace Martin's face texture, we take his FormID (00033907), name our face texture accordingly as 00033907_0.dds, then place the texture in \Oblivion\Data\textures\faces\Oblivion.esm\ (Oblivion.esm is a folder with a ".esm" in its name, not an actual *.esm file.)


    That's it — start up the game and Martin will have a new face texture. (External resource files with a time/date stamp newer than the corresponding resource shipped by Bethesda will automatically override the default resource - no ArchiveInvalidate entries are necessary.)



    Note that all pre-rendered Oblivion face textures have alphas and are largely transparent — this is done so that the skin tone of the body shows through underneath eyebrows, beard stubble, cheek ruddiness, etc. (That's why you almost never see an NPC with a mis-matched neckline.) ;) Face textures are *just* the portions of the face that are altered.


    And I guess then try this as well?

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