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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Sure, maybe our foreign aid spending is a drop in the bucket when you look at the 'big picture', but, ya gotta start somewhere, right? Just think what the 10 BILLION dollars a year we give to Iraq could accomplish here. Maybe we wouldn't have bridges falling down, and killing everyone on them. Iraq, and Afghanistan are the two biggest beneficiaries. But, have a look at this map. Notice that we are giving some flavor of aid to damn near everyone... including.... China, and Saudi Arabia..... (like either country really needs it....) As I said in an earlier post, seems we can take care of (or, attempt to at least...) everyone else, EXCEPT Americans. Imagine that.


    And what do we get for our money? Another country to export our jobs to? "The Good Will" of the recipient nation? I hardly think so. Is the return on the investment worth it? Not from where I am sitting.


    And sure, the economy is a big issue now. (finally......) and everyone is preaching "fiscal responsibility"....... as that is what is in fashion at the moment. So, what are the first things they want to cut? Social Security, Medicaid (medicare? I get the two confused.) They want to give MORE tax breaks to big business, in the forlorn hope they will deign to 'create jobs'. Sure, that'll work. Just about as well as it did the last time they tried, and the time before that, ad nauseum. It may create jobs, in China...... or India, or some other "developing nation" that congress, in its 'wisdom' decided to give yet more tax breaks for...... (yeah, creating jobs in developing nations, which translated literally to "Moving jobs to developing nations".) Basically, take money away from those that need it most, and give it to those that need it least. In Michigan, they want to start taxing pension income, so they can give corporations yet another tax break...... Some solution.


    This is NOT the America I grew up in. I remember when so called 'american' products were actually made RIGHT HERE in America. Wander thru any department store, and TRY and find a product that was made here in the states. (good luck with that.) Even products that were once considered 'the best', when they were actually made here.... have moved to china, and now, quality has dropped thru the floor, passed thru the basement, and settled somewhere on the third level of Hell. (what? Me cynical? Nah......)


    Now, is this all the governments fault? Partially...... Mostly, it is interesting things like Lobbyists. Where whomever has the most money, can get their pet legislation passed. Or the Supreme Court, deciding that corporations are people to, and therefore have all the rights to do whatever political advertising they care to, along with direct campaign contributions..... doesn't matter that most of the companys employees wouldn't have the same political bent as the folks that are actually in a position to decide where that money goes....... Corporate america calls the shots. Plain and simple. They decide who gets elected, they decide what legislation passes, and what does not. Think your vote matters? It's an illusion. Perpetuated to fool 'the people' into thinking they actually have a voice in government, and their opinion matters. No it doesn't. Your congressman will vote the way he is told to, by the folks that put him in office.


    Is any of that going to change? Not bloody likely. The folks that are in a position to make the necessary changes, are the very people that benefit most from leaving things just as they are. We are firmly ensconced in the handbasket, and we are accelerating rapidly on our journey. We hope you enjoy your ride. :D



    Now you're talkin' my language. I have some slightly different takes from my prism, but the view from here is pretty spot on.


    The thing is, we grew up in an American anomaly. After WWII every major player was pretty much devastated by war, but our factories were intact, our soil pristine, if you will (save for that early scuff in Hawaii). It was a tremendous opportunity and it was a bit of luck. While everyone else set about rebuilding, our factories stood ready and with a population raised to be factory workers..

  2. You only have to buy healthcare when Obamacare kicks in. Everything else is optional.


    No, no.


    Your healthcare is not free. I'm paying for your choice not to pay for it yourself, already. I pay because the cost of providing care to those who don't have insurance is passed along to me. If you have decided you don't need health insurance, you're basically telling me you're stealing out of my pocket. That should be illegal.


    I'm paying for the fraud, waste and abuse in the private sector, that cost is always passed along to consumer.


    There are myriad ways the private sector has been ripping me off, with fewer services and higher prices, and as corporations monopolize and consolidate, and corporate CEOs populate each others Board of Directors ensuring that money flows from the bottom 90% to the top 1%, I am left with less competitive prices, less competition, less innovation, less small business successes all leading to less value for my money which is already overinflated by a fed that prints money with abandon no matter who's in charge.


    Do you think that the problem of fraud, waste and abuse is not shared by the private sector? Because the same people who are developing technology for "forensic auditing" are addressing the issue in the public sector.


    There is waste in the private sector but it pales in comparison and the private sector does not force me to buy their products. Government by it's nature has more waste, they have almost no motive to eliminate it. They produce nothing and the more money they spend, the more power they have.

    I'm skeptical of your claim that there is significantly more in the public sector.


    But that aside for a moment, they are highly motivated right now to eliminate it because of the economic crisis and public sentiment.


    I see this differently, I see our legislators as a board of directors for our ship of state, so they are producing our infrastructure and our "public affairs" (or in other words "foreign diplomacy"), and unlike Exxon, I am represented on the US board of directors by being able to vote for a legislator who will look out for my local interests, who is accountable to me.

  4. I wouldn't mind paying taxes, if our government would spend it wisely, and not give it away to countries that hated us, or spent it on unjustified wars.... etc.



    The amount of foreign aid both military and non-military is less than 1% of the Federal Budget. Wiping away that one percent would do nothing to stop the deficit issue. As a country we waste the equivalent every day before dinner. However, it's my opinion that would do more harm regarding the issue of "hating us", in fact that small investment in foreign aid does a lot of good in my opinion.


    As far as unjustified wars, we were warned about the powerful military complex long ago. Do you really think cutting programs that provide social stopgaps will offset the hunger of the corporatocracy which is intent on looting and busting (and ultimately destroying) the most powerful economy on earth. Whatever country has the strongest economy that corporatocracy will move on to loot in a swarm like a plague of locusts. Those are the same people who are using the media to plant disinformation and discontent and brainwash people into voting against our best interests and our childrens best interests.


    A rich man once said "it takes money to make money" or in other words I've always been able to make some more money with a little money, but with no cash flow, money dries up. We are being fleeced and it's pathetic, the corporatacracy makes Madoff look small time, and no one seems to notice while watching the sleight of hand on the squawk box.

  5. Hey, you.. I just turned 48, so I remember the dinosaurs well.


    I agree with everything you say, except I don't mind paying taxes, and I don't think the government is the actual problem.

  6. It isn't the acts themselves, it is the reasoning behind them. Have you noticed the trend of late, where colleges/universities have been forced to add more remedial courses, as the incoming students are not quite up to snuff on basics, like reading, and math? Why do you think that is? Could it possibly be because the schools can't fail students, as it might cause them undo stress???? (not like going out into the world unprepared isn't going to be stressful.....)


    Trouble becomes, there are no "perfect" solutions. We live in a flawed world, and sometimes, the only real solution, is just a choice of the lesser of two evils.


    Yes I've noticed the dismal state of higher education and I arrived at a different conclusion as to the 'why'. I certainly disagree with the conclusion that the reason kids aren't held back is because it might cause them 'undue stress'. <-- Laughs sadly at cliche. Coming from a family dominated by farmers and teachers, I do realize that teachers are human too, but with all their flaws I know without a shadow of a doubt that's not the reason. Now, we can get into the reasons, but that may be fodder for a different debate, but I'm game if you are. It just needs a new topic/thread. Short answer is that grade retention seldom leads to subsequent success, in fact failing fails.


    I guess it's much easier to choose the "lesser of two evils" now and kick the can down the road for someone else to solve, hm? :) I know you well enough to think you can do better than that.


    Erm, color me confused.=


    Then that makes two of us, as I don't understand what Political Correctness has to do with a bipartisan wall street bailout, or what Political Correctness has to do with bullying in public schools.


    As the great-aunt and godmother of a 5 year old with a severe mental disability (already diagnosed as bipolar, at 3 threatened to behead the kitten and throw it in the dumpster; his mother is drug abuser and used heavily prenatally, and went to jail when he was 3 months old leaving him abandoned at a critical developmental period.) He's basically the kid you described.


    This is simply the facts and not "PC" because I don't want my kid around him, and yet what to do? What exactly do you suggest again? Do the crime, do the time? Remember this is a five year old. He does not respond to spanking, and I worry that violence begets violence especially in his case.


    Sure his mother has responsibility in this, but I witnessed her serious abuse at the hands of family members when I was too young to do anything about it, none of those people were ever held accountable over 20 years ago in that idyllic perfect world you all mentioned.


    This is exactly what I mean when I say I'm sick of cliches and want reasonable, constructive, thoughtful solutions.


    We have gone so far "PC", that it is impossible to tell anyone anything bad, as it might "damage their self-esteem"..... no one fails, no one is responsible for their own actions. And we wonder why the world is such a screwed up place...


    That's not my experience.


    If you spilled the sugar you should clean it up, but if you bumped someone and they spilled the sugar, then you have a responsibility in the spill and your role should be acknowledged when evaluating the culpability of the sugar spiller.


    This ignoring the culpability of the sugar spiller is what I see going on politically on a grand scale.


    I see a lot of scapegoating and blaming that has nothing to do with the reality of how the sugar actually got spilled. If we ignore how the mess was made, we'll never actually get the mess cleaned up.


    Another way to describe it would be a scenario such that I backended you in my car after I was backended by someone else. What is going on politically is I'm being blamed and asked to pay for the damage to the car I backended, without acknowledging or even addressing the damage my own car sustained, completely letting the culprit who backended me off the hook.


    --Not going to fly in court and for good reason. If we're going to talk about responsibility let's talk about it responsibly.


    I also see that in the absence of a population which strives to communicate clearly, concisely, precisely and reasonably we have a population that latches on to catchphrases, soundbytes, rhetoric and cliches that do nothing to enhance actual problemsolving.


    Life may have become more complex but I doubt it's any worse than it's ever been, universally.

  9. A real life example. A mod author was banned, and he contacted us to make sure his mods were left up. After about 3 months he contacted us again, and was allowed to be unbanned.


    Banning is not always for life, and often is for less than a week, and we are easily contacted regarding the author's wishes.


    However, once you take the mods down the loss of stats is irreversible.

  10. As we have seen, just because something was passed on privately it's often available "out there" somewhere as well, and can often be found so asking for so-called "private' mods is fine, regardless of whether it's noted on the imageshare description that it's private.


    If you see a picture you think is violating the TOS, simply report it. The staff will take it from there. Telling people to take down their images is Vigilantism, and will be handled as such. Am I clear?


    I came this close to locking down this thread yesterday to give a break to the constant drama and bickering both here and behind the scenes this thread has been causing this week. Knock it off. -myrmaad

  11. LOL


    Ok, little record straightening here, all in good humor:


    Both our races were created prior to the vampire Twilight movie was released, I think.


    Mine is intended to be a hybrid race based on one of my Morrowind characters a hybrid of Dunmer and Winged Twilight. She was a companion originally added by MCA, and I became quite fond of her and wrote her a back story (here).


    I'm pretty certain the other modder knew nothing of my race when she released hers, it was just coincidental.

    As a matter of fact we messaged back and forth regarding them, so I found her username.


    The modder's name is schtori34 and she has some beautiful races still available.

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