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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. This is exactly why you are allowed to ask about it here.


    To everyone, stop feeding the paranoia, and stop the frivolous reporting. I'm starting to think we've got vigilantism and sniping going on, and I won't tolerate that.



  2. I'm not sure it's an absolute no.. I think we need to think it through some more, though. What if you could have a link to previous or even obsolete files. (That happens more than you would think, for example there was a little mod called Clean Quit I believe, it was done again, and the author of clean quit noted on their mod description that a new mod (with link) had made the author's mod obsolete.)


    This is sort of the reverse situation, but it is a "related" mod, and it would be good to address these types of situations.


    Both my file uploads could benefit from a reference to prior related mods, especially if my versions weren't to the taste of the downloader, but the originals may be.


    I am not quite so sure about taking ownership of the files themselves though.

  3. Even in the other picture, the strap is completely different, lays differently (seeming to cut into the armor), and it's the same photoshop artist, I could immediately tell by the headband, who did the image which Moire posted asking about the hair. You can see clearly, at least I could, that the back ringlets were added in photoshop, but hey, wasn't going to argue over it.


    @Trashdog I believe I know that mod, I'm looking for it since I downloaded it recently myself.



    Edit: I believe it's this one, but if not, this one should do.

  4. I have a home called Riverside Shack outside of Bravil.

    Is that connected to a mod or is it vanilla? I don't remember seeing it before and the big problem is, I don't know which mod it snuck in on. Any thoughts?

    I want to coblize it or remove it and make my own.

    I never specifically downloaded it.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    If nothing else, how can I find out what it's connected to?



    I think it's from Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.

  5. While the staff did feel it was too skimpy to be on a child, it was the accompanying artwork that really tipped the balance, featuring a little girl, a much older man, and extremely adult themes. While we were working with the author, the armor was re-uploaded which complicated the issue further. larrytmc, if your mod is converted to an adult model and has proper permissions etc, then I'm sure it will be fine.
  6. I did go back and re-read the thread, which is why I started again from the top. I'm quite certain I didn't call anyone a name. I do get a bit miffed when innocent people are victimized and made into scapegoats. I admit it, I don't like that much.
  7. Roquefort said this:

    For many people, "political correctness" means having some concern for the feelings of others; for example, not using descriptive words for other people that they've indicated that they find offensive. For others though, the term appears to be a blanket-phrase applied to just about everything they hate about the modern world, from hugely significant issues like human rights to annoyance that they can't feel free to use their favourite slang terms for ethnic minorities (a phrase that itself would more than likely be described sneeringly as PC by such people).


    Which by the way, everything I've posted in terms of my own views supports.


    I never did get a proper definition from anyone on the right. Which tells me a lot.



    If you really can handle the truth: you guys aren't talking about political correctness at all.


    So let's talk about JimUk's concerns over Apple's applet that was removed.


    Whether or not you believe homosexuality is curable, that decision was not made for "political correctness". Think logically. Apple is a corporation. Corporations' singlemindedly pursue one over-reaching goal: expand profits.


    Homosexuals most often fall into one demographic group, 'dink" Dual Income No Kids.

    Now say, 'duh'. If I have to spell it out the rest of the way there's really no use in me ever posting at all.



    And now to the last point raised by gators, etymologically the root word is the same for both words. Why would you need to use such a term? I have a pretty vast vocabulary and I've never once needed to make a substitute for miserly. Which is the uneducated and which is just a dope? (If they're already gunning for you, you might want to err on the side of caution.)

  8. Regardless of the original meaning of the phrase, for over a century a "spade" has been used as a racial slur.


    All your other examples are silly and outlandish to the point of meaningless-ness.

  9. :whistling:


    Am I wrong to think it simple-minded, or purposely obtuse to fail to see that there is a whole legal and social system of redress available to those in the majority of any social/legal system where that very system was set up by those in the majority? If you have a complaint, there is a fine system available to you for remedy. It is by its own nature tilted in favor of the majority who designed it, not out of malice, but by design.


    Exceptions to the rule do not disprove it. It's not that it isn't "politically correct" to talk about those exceptions. Those exceptions are simply irrelevant in the grand scheme when we are discussing historical racism and discrimination. So bringing those exceptions up are a bit like a red herring, and tend to look either foolish or like a deliberate attempt to mislead, and I'm not talking about Ginny, specifically, because I think she is simply a mouthpiece for that view, in this case, (the same as she is probably seeing me.) I'm talking about anyone who attempts to make some kind of valid argument to discount the longterm ramifications of generations of systematic oppression and how that affects the opportunities available to an entire class of human, based on nothing else but their race (or creed or colour).


    I have as much right to rebutt as you do, Aurelius. And by the way, your opinions are very much "in vogue".


    For the record, I don't appreciate being called a "raging" anything much less liberal. I voted for Reagan twice, and I haven't changed much. I can often agree with intelligent people who think things through, no matter where they're coming from.

  10. Of course there is. It's apples and oranges.


    I have a pressing family matter I'm putting off for a few minutes to answer you, so sorry if I seem brief.


    You're talking isolated events where you are in a minority situation, but where you are normally a fully functioning member of society.


    Racism is the systematic oppression of one group of lesser social position by the group who holds more social, political, and economic power.


    Those two words, systematic oppression make the difference. That's all I have time for at the moment.

  11. It was not meant a personal attack, it is a personal anecdote of my own life experience used to make a point.


    I do not see why it is so hard to accept that it can and does happen to white straight people. Apart from the fact that it isn't politically correct to do so.


    What's hard to accept is that you don't see the difference.

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