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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. /facepalm.


    You've got to be kidding.


    I have two nieces who were removed from their home for neglect at the ages of 5 and 7. One (we'll call her niece 1) went to a house where she was the only girl and had to watch baseball, and endure a stern father figure who worked nights and slept during the day, so the house was kept neat as pin and quiet as a mouse every day. On Easter she wore a beautiful new dress made for her by my aunt, and at Christmas she reaped the benefits of being the girl child my aunt had always yearned for but had 3 boys and cervical cancer that resulted in a hysterectomy.


    The other (Neice 2) went to a farm where there was always a lot of work to do, but little money spent on frivolous things. Mornings she was awakened with a glass of ice water in the face if she dared oversleep, and holidays were grim reminders that she was not one of the children who belonged there. She was teased at school because she didn't have time to wash the cowshit off before she changed to meet the bus. That didn't work out to well, so the aunt who had custody of her quietly gave her up to the state without notifying the rest of the family, and that's just scratching the surface.


    Niece 1 to this day has hysterical crying jags if you imply she had it better than Niece 2.


    Guess which one I'm reminded of.

  2. Webster63, I'm seriously considering giving you a strike for personal attack. Also, for someone who regularly uses the New Vegas Nexus, you seem surprisingly confused about how Steam works.


    This is one of the silliest arguments I've ever seen, locked.

  3. I wanted a more succinct definition of the topic under discussion because what I consider politically correct, is not any more social tyranny than has been used by social groups to enforce the mores and values for being a competent member of a society for millenia. Consider Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter.


    I found this quote, which I relate as a very close approximation of my idea of what the subject is:

    "The expression "politically correct" came about in the 1970's and was intended to mean "inclusive." It referred to the use of language that would not cause an individual of any demographic (social or cultural) group to feel excluded, offended, or diminished.. It now seems to have been redefined by those who prefer an exclusive culture and dominance for themselves or their group. The distortions were made popular by comedians who observed the change in U.S. culture toward more inclusiveness and the struggle many people had in breaking exclusionary habits."


    The term "politically correct" has now, in my opinion, been coopted politically to mean a threat of legal enforcement of laws that infringe upon an individual's rights instead of as a societal enforcement of shared values. We have so little common or "community" culture left in modern western society, we have become all about "me", the Me Generation grew up and seems to be running the political show nowadays. I find it morally reprehensible, myself, to live that way. But on most occasions I'm too polite to mention it.

  4. How about just say \"PM me\" or \\\"Check your mailbox\"--even better, say nothing and quietly send a note to their inbox. -mm


    I don\'t take anyone\'s side here but maybe \"PM me for the link\" is directed to one person only and not the whole tesnexus?


    This isn't about taking sides. If your message is directed at one person, perhaps it would be wise of you to send them a private message. :wacko:


    Is this really that hard to understand?


    Speaking of wisdom, do you think it's wise to get into a debate with a moderator? (Other than in the debate forum, of course.)

  5. If you want to get into something really interesting, brain research is cutting edge right now. Since about 2004 or so, when a small group of scientists started using MRI to "look at" the brain, either while experiencing direct stimuli, or comparing healthy brain tissue to diseased, brain science has really taken off, and it's fascinating stuff. We do know, for example,


    Serotonin is one chemical that has received a great deal of attention for its contribution to mood. It's a neurotransmitter (a chemical involved in the transmission of nerve impulses between nerve cells) that's formed in the brain and primarily found in three parts of the body — the brain, the lining of the digestive tract, and in blood platelets. In the brain, serotonin's main effects include improving mood and giving you that "satisfied" feeling from food. It's also thought to help promote sleep and relaxation.


    and that concentrated amounts of seratonin are found in many venoms.



  6. These are some great suggestions, I've been thinking about this too, because I have so many mods that they become hard to manage.


    There's a point where I can't recall whether I've endorsed a file I wish to support, but where browsing through my history becomes tedious to the point that I feel guilty about the waste of precious time.


    I would like to look at different account management options that can help automate this type of personal management. Tracking helps but doesn't completely solve the update issue. I think when the site is redesigned we may be able to come up with a host of new features, so hearing suggestions is always welcome.

  7. The majority of the thread has been pretty reasonable in assessing the fact that this is media sensationalism.


    This is a reporter's article, I'm disturbed to have to remind you guys, that this is not a scientific paper, and I will point out this line, "Experts have warned about the dangers of drawing conclusions about human sexuality."


    In my view, one bad apple does not spoil whole bunch, in a barrel of water it sinks to the bottom.

  8. You shouldn't have to reinstall all your mods.


    It is always best to make a complete back up of your game folder to some place safe. (I recommend TotalCommander a free, reliable, safe file management utility. That way if something goes wrong you just replace everything)


    Now the process

    Leave your Data Folder alone

    but Back up your Fallout3 folder which contains the launcher and the ini files and such. Back up everything in it except your data folder

    Use the disk and reinstall the game over top this same folder location, this will tell your registry where the game is located.

    Copy and replace the fallout 3 folder with the one you backed up.



  9. I'm posting to clarify the rules not only to you, Maigrets, but for the benefit of all, and although I believe you, personally, would not be abusive via the PM system, believe me people are all the time, and there is a report button available in private messages so that abusive private messages can be reported. And I personally just banned a person who was abusive to me via PM--and that is quite relevant because he was abusive because he thought I had reported him and gotten him banned for "private sharing".


    Dark0ne said it's not allowed, and that is right but if we don't know about it you can't be banned for it. This is so silly now. The person who was recently banned for it ANNOUNCED HIS INTENTION on the open forum. Come on.



    And, we post the ban thread for the sake of transparency, just so we can be criticized regularly. :D

  10. connRAR banned.






    7 genital warts?? that sounds a bit uncanny


    42''s more like it


    no but really




    i got my girlfriend prego 2 months ago


    and she wants to keep it


    but i dont




    i cast a spell of dissintegration on her womb


    Giving birth into a blender....ewwww


    no need to be a dickass


    kicked connRAR


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