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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. DawningJR banned.


    Trolling as a way of life.


    Seriously you have nothing good to say, and when I removed your post you went back and trolled some more. I think we've all had about enough from you.


    The final straw:


    Irony will not save you from my Evil Force. Bwahahahaha. Uuuh, you are all so smart behind the monitor. That's why you all hide in the virtual space? No love from mommy, daddy and the evil, evil world? Oooh, poor, poor, sensible people, the reality is so hard for them to swallow. Let me give you a hint: buy a gun (a real one this time), a rope and a soap, if one fails the other with certainty will not. Have a happy life in your crappy Paradise.


    And By The Way (speaking correctly with all letters into one word): who are "we"? Are you suffering from dementia and split personality, are there more than "you" in there, in that little head? ???



    I hear what you are saying, myrmaad, and from what I understand the only time the staff become involved with PM's is when a PM is reported as abuse. I've had only a couple of such abusive PM's, one of which I reported and the other which I didn't, due to the fact that it was so rambling that whatever staff member had the misfortune to read it would have felt like :wallbash: as much as I did.


    That's right..




    I sometimes think we should eliminate the debate section, but it's not my call.

  3. If you've seen a ban on "spurious" grounds, than you should ask a staff member about it via PM in a respectful tone, and you will get a respectful reply.

    EDIT: And I forgot to mention...I thought the PM system was a "private" area for people to communicate. Unless there is a reason for someone to report another or Rules are broken via abuse etc, how can it be dictated what is said between consenting adults or even non adults. It's not really private then.


    Oh so if you want to abuse someone via PM that's just your business?


    If that's not your point I don't what it is, because you cannot be banned for "sharing" via PM, as we've stated over and over. But if that's your business, don't mention it in the forums. Simply PM the person, what is so hard about that?


    As far as being "impartial" I've always felt that "blind justice" is not justice. All people have off days, even moderators.


    I've always enjoyed your company, but I don't think your argument is fair. The site has grown since the "good old days". No matter what we do, we're damned if we do and damned if we don't so I will put my own head down and keep doing the best I can to listen before I act. If you think I made a bad decision, then by all means, bring it up to me and I will hear it out, but not if you're going to call me names. That's where I draw the line.


    Rabbit, when we look at posting history, time is a good thing, a member of long standing with no problems is not going to get an immediate ban for less than suddenly advocating piracy or intentionally uploading copyright materials, things I'd guess you're safe from doing. Come on, your fear seems a bit exaggerated--to me--just a little bit? Coupled with the sarcasm, it appears to me to be attached to an agenda. Just sayin'.


    I don't think I need to see a screencap of a ban post. I'm trying to figure out why it matters that the moderator read the person's blog, I'm certain the person getting the boot was getting it with or without the blog and sometimes the staffmember has a parting shot. That has been true for as long as I've been a member, the staff have personalities too. It sounds like the point was that the troll was trolling on their blog as well as here. So where's the injustice?


    I reserve the right to cut anyone slack whenever I think I want to.

  4. I didn't send a PM because it was a minor violation, and you weren't getting a formal Warning or a Strike. Had it been a case where you are starting to be "noticed as a violator" you would have received a PM. Several people received PMs regarding images that were removed yesterday. When you don't get a PM, it's a freebie. You might want to reconsider asking us for a change to a more formal system regarding this.


    I'm just sayin'.

  5. As far as I know I'm the only site moderator working this morning, and I'm multi-tasking, and prioritizing.


    It's not like this is a new rule. When we see illegal content in the imageshare, we remove it.

  6. aeriz banned.


    Staff abuse by PM


    For the record, I've never made a report regarding a mod detective post, you dope.



    So you're the lowlife idiot who reported me? I said to PM me but not what kind of information I would give, so how is that public sharing? Use the little brain you have before posting such retarded comments. What I do in private my own business.



  7. Arkitektbmw banned.



    User banned for using pirated software.



    Arketektbmw - You say you've sent multiple requests to be unbanned, yet there are no unban requests from you. You need to log in with the banned account instead of willy-nilly making new ones to bypass the ban. Make your case, make it good. You only get one chance. I, for one, would like to hear what you have to say.

  8. At present greywaste, we just remove them (images with illegal content) when we see them. We usually don't see them unless one of our sharp-eyed members brings them to our attention. Strikes are usually reserved for repeated postings of image content after warnings and removals.
  9. Offtopic food for thought: How does modeling violence not teach violence? (it's possible to teach a child not to pull the dog's tail without hitting or spanking. Ask me privately how I know if you like.)
  10. I wonder where the kid got the idea to 'take a shovel to" the dog's head? From the same guy who responded with a level of violence that warranted jail time? :whistling:



    ^an example of common sense: the ability to actually connect the dots.

  11. Alrighty then, forget The Corporation if you insist, and read dan ariely's predictably irrational. The market will do anything, including antigravity handstands. I won't even tell you what I think of Adam Smith. pfft. Nor that psychopath Ayn.


    I should say I think a lot more highly of him than her, though, and I think it's important to understand that writings are almost always a product of their time and historical context. If you lack a historical perspective, you'll miss a lot.



    Aurelius it was nice walking with you this far. You can have the unicorn, my gift.

  12. Have I got a playlist for you.


    The trouble is, none of these can be shared in a mod release due to copyright infringement.


    But your ideas sound great. Most of these are pretty doable.


    One way to solve the copyright infringement file sharing problem is to allow people to add their own music to the music hall playlist.

  13. Yes, there is quite the variety available, with something to accommodate almost any taste, though people still complain.


    There isn't anything I would call obesity, but there are what I would call monstrous proportions.


    search for LL butt

    or LL bouncing butt


    These are HGEC variant body replacers, and have a lot of support for clothing and armor options.


    There are also some other replacers available that do not have as many armor options but may be your taste, you just have to look for them. There are many body replacer options available for females.


    You might check out Team Fantasy Figures, it is a very pretty body.


    There is a new Roberts Female body that has lovely and generous proportions, it's new but I hope to see more support for some of the Roberts Female variants.


    There are some over the top bodies as well, DMRA and such.

  14. Desu: OMG you are kidding me!


    I've been so busy, but I'm finally back to work on modding, and I'm almost finished those eyes, and when I send them I will probably ask for that blender template for Sims2 hair conversion as well.. And.. has anyone noticed that Sims is offering a new Medieval Sims. Things could get even more interesting.

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