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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. I too must throw in with Firefox. I've been using it for quite a few years now and find it essential, especially with all the addons and innovations that other browsers invariably strive to imitate.


    I always use and recommend my favorite addons:

    no-script, ad-block plus, IE Tab, Tab Mix Plus, and Lazarus Form Recovery.




    And the Headers and toolbars are customizable, it's the first thing I do when I make a new install. I like my address bar all the way to the top, next to the File Menu.

  2. Is there an equivalent DA Wiki like there are for the TES Construction Sets? If not, there really needs to be.


    Forums are NOT a good technical choice for a knowledge base. An occasional tip or link direction yes, but not a source of information.


    The Article database can host some standalone tutorials but again, it is not geared to be a knowledgebase repository of related information like a wiki.


    Until there is a centralized wiki that is well-maintained, I doubt you are going to see modding "open up" to the casual modder unless a lot of informational how-to articles are created and made to be easily found.


    In the TES Construction Sets, people could easily find the wiki sites because it was built into the tool under the help menu. Somebody could easily find the documentation without ever having visited a single forum or fan site.





    Requires an account to view:




    PS, I've attempted to answer a few questions even though I don't have and have never played this game. The answers are out there. You just have to search for them, but as Lon and Vagrant said, as the game becomes more popular and more mods are made and uploaded, there will be more support, because, as with all modding, the users are the support.

  3. Is it possible to use two different female body replacers simultaneously, assigning one to a specific race while assigning the other to another specific race? If so, how could it be done?





    Yes. You can use the CS to do it, and if you need step by step instructions let me know, I'll try to throw together a quick tutorial.


    You can also use one of two existing mods I know of, to accomplish something like this.


    One is called Set Body and Set Body Self / Set Body and Set Body Self More Body Types

    originally by Thumthing now supported by LFact in the later version (more Body Types)


    and the other I'm trying to remember the name and will update as soon as I remember.

  4. I guess we need to distinguish between 2 forms of uglyness:

    The first being that the models and textures are awful, which is not an aesthetic discussion but a failure which might be fixed, and the second being that we don't like the whole appearance of a character, including things like face, expression, breasts and whatnot.


    So I guess what you (curious) mean is that orcs are often designed horribly, they should be ugly in an aesthetic way but beautiful regarding their model, they should look dangerously ugly and not stupid. Right?


    This is definitely how I feel about it. Skinny, voluptuous, tall, petite, hairless, bearded.. Beauty comes in many packages.



    About those historical teeth:


  5. Aslo Dremora Companion. You summon two Nightmares, and both characters ride them.


    If you use Companion Share Recruit, any person you recruit as a companion will ride a horse that you own or that is not stolen. Good to have Slof's Extra Horses for that purpose.

    I just took a bunch of screen shots this week of my character and some Dark Seducer shop keeper she recruited out of someone's mod both riding horses.

  6. I suggest getting everything for oblivion that Korana has made starting with this and working through the rest.

    Ooo that's nice.


    And the KFChapel Shop might be a fun stop for her when she's down in Black Marsh region.

    Eh, too modern... except it has a recolor of that one negligee-type outfit I really wanted in Hentaimania.



    You might find something she likes in there, that alt hentai Lily version in the Chapel Shop is actually just a top, which comes in handy for mixing and matching.


    I'd suggest you reconsider anyway, as that Chapel Shop gets high marks for atmosphere alone. Even when I'm playing my male character I keep that shop in my game, there are a couple of good weapons, and the scenic photo-ops are out of this world:






    Ok Would she wear this dress? It will work with any body, because it covers everything. Get it here.


    Is that maybe too goth? I still don't think I get your girl's style.


    But I know a great house near Skingrad that has a spectacular bath, since she apparently needs one.


    Since she enjoyed that strange schoolgirl armor so much, she might get a real kick out of DesuChan's Lolita Finery, and I really like this one, but my characters tend to be ranger-like no matter what they do for a living.


    I watched your vid and I must say your whole style of game play is "interesting". She never changed her clothes, and seems a bit psychotic. I never cheat my stats personally, part of the fun of the challenge for me is working them up, I practically run a spreadsheet.


    Hope you find something useful in this reply.

  7. I heard there was a version of your Tabby textures for Exnem, probably not then?


    Also how do HGEC clothes display on Roberts bodies? I've tried hours of googling for answers and it never comes up with anything.


    As for the Clouded Leopard race, I thought it used a different model since it seemed more bulky and muscly than the vanilla races.


    The thing is that I have a tonne of clothing for HGEC that I like but I want good textures for all races and the only Khajiit textures seem to be only for Robert's Bodies.

    I had an acceptable texture for the beast races before but I had to uninstal Oblivion to fix something and I can't remember how I got them in the first place


    Here are some of your current alternatives:







  8. Well, you know, it is a creepy game, so maybe that's why you haven't attracted a lot of players.


    I do like the Underworld armor best of those choices, except for when traveling in the Shivering Isles when she'll need some shorts because, "shivering" does not refer to the weather there.


    In that case, she should take some advice from Meris (below), and utilize that Namco game outfit.


    But I feel really sorry for her because my ObliviBarbies always have a closet full of clothes.


    I suggest getting everything for oblivion that Korana has made starting with this and working through the rest.


    And the KFChapel Shop might be a fun stop for her when she's down in Black Marsh region.

  9. I confess I rarely look at these debate threads because it's kind of pointless--arguing with a bunch of people I don't know, not really worth my time. I would explain it, but for a fee.

    Even though I do, from time to time get involved with these threads, I've tried to stay out of ones like this. There are simply too many special interests involved with any and all of the data. About the only thing I'm willing to entertain on the matter is as follows:


    There is more CO2 in the atmosphere than there was 50 years ago, however the cause of this increase has likely more to do with natural sources than man-made ones. Humanity could vanish from the planet, factories and engines could cease functioning, and the CO2 levels would likely still increase at a similar rate until plantlife could overtake the cities. It is likely a natural cycle that we are just experiencing the other part of. Dirty industry and pollution are still bad in many environmental aspects, but are not the sole contributors. We've been experiencing generally mild climates for the last few generations, so naturally see any change as being evidence of catastrophe. The environmental "crisis" of the time just seems to naturally coincide with about every other prophetic tale of Armageddon simply because people choose to believe it (and for some crazy reason, like it).


    But that's just my uninformed opinion on the matter.


    I still think there are some positive aspects of getting people concerned about the environment, but find the fear-mongering and lies used to get people off their lazy, greedy, self-absorbed asses to be doing more harm to those aspects in the long run.


    Why assume that we've only got records from fifty years ago.


    In fact we know precisely what the temperatures were from 950 to 1300 AD in western europe, for example. It's not simple which is what makes it a debate for simpletons. I don't trust the people who are so loudly against it, as I actually value my education.


    I tend to be highly skeptical of people who have an expensive education trying to convince the masses that "education is worthless". This is what I see happening every morning when I turn on CSpan. I also think it's laughable that people actually believe they don't need an education in critical thinking in order to draw a critically thought conclusion.


    Not because I think people are necessarily stupid, on the whole, but more because, people do not understand that their conclusions are colored to a degree they can't imagine by their own biases. In fact, unless you have been educated to have a hyper-awareness of it, all people are "Predictably Irrational", and actually cannot draw a critically thought rational conclusion. I believe the only way around this is to be armed with the knowledge that we are prone to make irrational decision and conclusions.


    So, this is not a class, these are not scientists, they are certainly not 'experts' by any stretch of the imagination, and in fact it's a room full of people who not only are predictably irrational but do not give a rat's butt about what I think.


    Better for me to spend my time educating those around me who I actually can reach and teach.

  10. Let me get this straight. You're the only one who has ever had an independent thought.

    And this is your conclusion.



    I see. You know, critical thinking is not taught in schools, generally. It would be extremely unwise for those in power to teach critical thinking, and they don't. And this is how we get people making connections based on those half-remembered factoids and believing that they are thinking critically.



    I confess I rarely look at these debate threads because it's kind of pointless--arguing with a bunch of people I don't know, not really worth my time. I would explain it, but for a fee.

  11. What is also debatable is it's medicinal properties. Scientists did several studies (double blind and others) where they took the active ingredient in pot and made a pill (or patch) out of it.


    The problem with that is they can't exactly make the THC the way the plant does. It does not give the same effect if it were smoked or eaten. Something about extracting it from the plant "changes" it...shouldn't mess with a plant :P



    Actually it's not. Different that is. The receptors in the brain cannot tell the difference. What you are thinking of is the speed of pickup. Essentially what happens is smoking it brings it straight to where the blood supply gets it's oxygen thus contaminating your system faster. On top of that great high you get you also get at least 10x more carcinogens than you do from a cigarette. So on the one hand where you may or may not have a valid point as to the efficacy of THC grown or produced in a lab, you would ask the Government of the country you live in to contribute to their own health care demise by advertising it is ok to inhale anything into your lungs... Where do you stop with this? Make it ok to puff or use inhalants? The cocaine you get from the poppy is not as strong as the cocaine you get on the street, people chew on the leaves. There are different levels of THC in different kinds of plants, Hashish containing the most, do we then make it a Milligrams thing? Your pain is greater so you get hashish not pot? Where does that go?


    I think what would happen is "if" and that is a big if, it ever got legalized the International Medical Association would determine an appropriate dose based on symptoms and weight. This would in turn infuriate those that use it for "healing", then again you have to prove that there is a medical benefit if any to THC and if that benefit outweighs the cost not only in monetary value but well being as well. Just remember Freud was a huge proponent of Cocaine. And they used to give heroine to babies for teething. Seriously? Heroine? Then they realized there were side effects and addiction. And it has been proven over and over again that THC is addictive, let alone some peoples need to smoke it.



    This is a pretty good summary of the argument against "legalization" which sends a message that condones the use. I think that's not a good message to send. On the other hand, decriminalization merely stops putting potheads behind bars, or into the legal system which is already overburdened, and costs taxpayers so much money. Leave the potheads out of the system, and go after the violent criminals and thieves.

  12. Marijuana is found in a lot of medical supplies and since this is the case, there's proof that it can be used for good things as well. Even though it can also be used to smoke, there are currently no recorded deaths of people having taken the drug (Source: http://drugwarfacts.org/cms/?q=node/30 ). While it may be unpleasant, the idea of smoking it as well, the fact that it can be used in medicine, and the fact it hasn't killed any of the millions of people taking it is enough reason for it to be legalized.


    That being said however, doesn't mean I would ever want to take it. If you want to smoke something that smells awful, that's up to your discretion.



    Legalized is different than Decriminalized. I think Decriminalized is enough. We shouldn't be wasting money rounding up and jailing pot heads. We should be taxing them.

  13. ps- i havnt always used streamline or quiet feet, got them both yesterday, before i got them both it worked fine.


    Why not just un-install Streamline?


    If you have a low spec computer (I do) you can try LowPoly Grass and Short Grass V3 - works well in outdoor areas.



    Quiet Feet Max is a good thing.



    Uninstall Streamline, it is pretty finicky to set up, and if you don't set it up just right you're better off without it. Personally I don't use it.


    I have a 1gb vid card and I still prefer to use Low Poly grass. Why waste polys on inessential items?

  14. Gateway drug that makes you kinda stupid. No thanks.




    I fully agree with decriminalization. Let the tax revenues pay for drug treatment programs instead of lining the pockets of drug dealers.

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