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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Hi.

    I am looking for the mod that lets the player build his own house on Imperial Island. I've been looking around for it, but not having much luck.


    It's reportedly a very good place to start in figuring out how to make my own build-your-own-estate mod for the Champion of Cyrodiil.

    Also, while I've seen mods that expand Cropsford significantly, I still haven't seen one that does it in stages like Bloodmoon's Raven Rock, so that's something else I'd like to try.



    This is the one I was talking about, check it out. Obviously it's not going to be a blueprint for your proposed mod, but it's very unique and should be interesting.





    I also found this in the comments (posted very early in the thread, probably modified):



    17 January 2009


    Thank you posting,everybody.

    And Plz pardon me no response for long time.


    Our team (Wynton and BeZen) had dissolved Last summer.

    And I can't carry on updating Oblivion's MODs anymore.


    Since first Uploading, our Mods have been "free from copyrights"and free to modify and redistribute.

    and Now, I beg you ( if you want), Please develop this to quality.


    again, I'm sorry.


    --- BeZen

  2. GotY edition actually comes as v1.2.0416 if you install the 2nd DVD (SI + KotN expansions).



    ^yes, exactly.


    Strikerdes, what is your Oblivion version?


    I doubt the problem is that the mod was not made correctly. It is a complicated mod with a highly detailed readme and extensive instructions.


    Did you both read the Description and the Readme?


    Have you both installed the Unofficial Oblivion Patch?

  3. I'm looking for a mod that had a white tiger companion. I think I remember something about it being 'Lord' or 'King' of the animals in the description, and I believe it had some kind of fancy jewelry stuff on it, like an Egyptian-y collar.

    Darn it! This is one of those times I could kick myself for not downloading it when I saw it! XD


    It was probably Maigrets' Satu Ra - Lord of Beasts


    Maigrets has moved all her mods to Savage Artistry's forum and you have to be a member to download.



    I've learned the hard way, too, when you see it download it, because many great mods are here today and gone tomorrow, wherever you find them.



    (I fell asleep in the middle of typing that, and after I posted I see SA got here in the meantime! :D )

  4. No one thinks Persuasion could be useful if acted like a haggle/barter ability, too?



    I think it's a good idea, but I don't really have time or inclination to do it, but I'd probably use it, if you figured out how to make it.


    I encourage you to make the request at the official forums if you don't get any interest here, and think about learning to do it yourself, this seems like it would be doable. I'll bet you could get some help if you try to do it yourself.

  5. Thanks for the suggestions. I guess if I want to have multiple custom races it'll have to be through multiple profiles in Wrye Bash, which is actually more preferable now that I th ink about it.


    So from what you're saying I'm not going to be able to get multiple hair/eye mods to function simultaneously? I remember reading somewhere that I could fuse them all w/ wrye bash, which as you can tell is what I was trying to do. If one is all I get is there anything you can recommend that gives a goodly number of additional hair/eyes? The eyes that come w/ BP (I think it's mostly all from rens beauty pack) are ncie, but most of the hairs all look the same.



    The one I usually recommend is Savage Artistry's Modified Hair and Eyes , she hosts it on her own forum though.

  6. I absolutely feel your pain.

    In truth, most of my mod ideas never got, and never will get, off the ground at all simply because they're just too awesome. I make little bitty things all the time, and I do mean little bitty, but the really good stuff is simply beyond my wildest hopes.


    For example, one major mod I planned was an epic of little odd discoveries all over Cyrodiil which led to clues and to more clues and to a search and finally to nothing less than finding the lost tomb of St. Alessia. Naturally, that sort of thing would make a lot of people very upset, ( imagine someone finding the body of mohammed or Jesus ) especially considering the curse on the tomb's seal... long story short--> civil war in Cyrodill, with everyone suddenly getting a re-assignment of factions so they'd choose sides and fight! The player's job would be to somehow get everyone to calm down and solve the mystery of the can of worms this opens, after which everything would return to normal, pretty much.

    Yep, I fully share your problem.

    Now all I want to do is let the player, as Champion of Cyrodill, build a sprawling estate, over time, via several quest stages during which the player does important stuff facilitating that construction. Piece of cake, right? LOL! Oy vey.



    Both of these are actually really GOOD ideas, and both of these are actually do-able.


    Let's start with the more humble or the two. You did find the mod around here that allows the player to build a house on Imperial Island? Look for that one and examine the scripts carefully. See if the creator gave permissions to use the mod as a resource (the scripts alone would be priceless for this task).


    It simply requires a series of quests: a questline. As for sprawling estate: start with a nice home, a stable and a nice garden, all gated.


    Once you get that together, then you can add a Valet or Caretaker or Maid NPC, (one) and a horse or a dog.


    Get those working right, and add some more.


    That's my advice, along with downloading similar mods and examining them for 'how they did it'. If you copy anything directly like a script or a resource, get permissions before you stake your mod on it. With scripting there's almost always more than one way to skin a cat.



    Show us some progress, and when you get stuck ask questions. But as the grmblf said, break it down into smaller pieces and build on your successes.

  7. I love Wrye Bash more than most, but I do not recommend using it for races.


    As you have found, it's just not optimal.


    I think you're going to have to find the custom race you really want and install the recommended mods from it's readme.



    The body and armor/clothes (HGEC) you choose will have no impact on the hair and eyes (and ears), so don't worry about that part.




    One more thing, I notice you have your beauty mods way up in the top of your load list.


    You need to make your ONE CHOSEN beauty mod (even if it's beautiful people) Load LAST. Put your mystic elves right before it, next to last. If you have a mod that demands being last, than put Beautiful next to last and Mystic elves right before it.


    Your beauty mod needs to be one of the last ones to load, and the last one wins! Now if BP has no "mystic elves" entry, then your mystic elves entry loading right before it will be fine. The conflict is when both mods touch the same thing, the last touch wins.

  8. I don't know. Right now my biggest challenge is how to get the underwear off of my girl in Fallout. Just take things one little challenge at a time. In the end you just glue the little successes together and find that you have created a masterpiece.






  9. Example:


    Based on the mod page, did you find what you expected when you played the mod? ___ Yes, ___ No

    Did you find the mod entertaining and worth the download? ___ Yes, ___ No

    Is this a mod you intend to keep installed? ___ Yes, ___ No

    Is this a mod you would recommend to a friend? ___ Yes, ___ No

    Were the enchantments appropriate for a level 20 character? ___ Yes, ___ No

    Did you find this too easy to complete? ___ Yes, ___ No


    The above could be placed in the description for players to copy/paste into their comments to let the author know their experience and specifically answer questions that the author is interested in. Obviously, questions would be very specific and unique to each author and mod...depending on what the author is interested in hearing about. I thought about adding something like this to my Readme Generator but it is far too personal and specific. I could have a thousand questions listed but it would take ya'll longer to go through what I have typed rather than coming up with questions on your own.




    Wow I'd love this to be standard. I will keep a copy of it for the purpose of helping me generate meaningful feedback.



    Vagrant, I'm not so sure about the requirement to have 5 non-image uploads. There are some very savvy end users who do not build mods or Publicly release their mods.

  10. I clicked through and neither Spybot or my AV picked anything up, I've had this on other sites that are fine as well.



    It happens to me all the time on that site, as well, I have a thread here discussing it from last summer, in fact.


    I just click through nowadays the google block, and using Kaspersky I've never caught anything bad.

  11. I´m not sure if there is a solution. I read somewhere that showracemenu can cause crashes. I would suggest that you start a new game in order to get those mod working properly.

    This is what is said about showracemenu in uesp wiki: WARNING: Using this menu will reset all of your skills to their default initial settings. (If you edit your race, instead of clicking "done" when you are done, leave the race menu open with the console up and save your game. When you reload it your race/looks will be changed like you wanted them to be and your skills will not be reset.) Using this command while wearing bound items may crash the game.


    If your character has any mod added elements including clothing, armor, eyes, hair etc that is not still active in your mod list, that can also cause a crash in showracemenu.


    Did you disable a prior hair and eyes mod?

  12. I made a bad choice naming my PC... didn't know there was a guy in the game named Sten (which I named mine). Would be great if someone made an easy editor for changing PC name!



    You should try the Gate Keeper application (link below). It's a save game editor and very easy to use. Size is also very small - around ~500 KB and it will not modify any of the game files.


    If you decide to try it, make a backup of the save game you wish to edit, just in case.




  13. Let me remind you of the TOPIC:

    Nude patches are fine. Dudes, though?


    That was my answer.


    You only need one anatomically correct model, for Oblivion it's Roberts Male Body, far and away the most popular male model on the nexus comes complete with standard nude tackle. Erect tackle available via separate download.


    Give it time, Dragon age doesn't even have a construction set yet.

  14. I see all the first person/3rd person views of people ingame in the mods section. How do you move your camera like that? Is there a mod you need to use, or something simpler already installed?





    I just wanna be able to look around and check character looks and whatnot in 3rd person view, without changing the direction my character is facing.




    It's a console command to Toggle Free Camera in the PC version of the game: TFC


    Here's the list and information on how to call up the console published at the UESP wiki (you may want to bookmark that whole site if you're new to Oblivion)


  15. can i ask something whats the point of Thanksgiving


    i know its about the native american indians meeting up with the english and giving them a turkey when we frist came to american BUT WHY is it a holiday in the USA lol



    I'm so very confused about why you're confused. And by the way, though they were originally from England they intended on staying, making them American citizens of a sort. Is this what you're confused about?


    Besides, USAnians aren't the only ones who celebrate Thanksgiving, other nations have their own Thanksgiving holidays and traditions that have nothing to do with American indians or pilgrims. (Canada, the Netherlands, and Granada for example.)


    I'm not sure why anyone would be against a celebration of "what we have to be grateful for".

  16. Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

    The error returned was:


    Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available.



    I keep getting this error upon trying to view the member list while logged in. I don't remember Nexus having this before, and was wondering if it's a mistake or something intended...? I would like to be able to view post-counts again sometime...



    Read the network news:


  17. Really Nipwip. While I'm not offended by the link, I also don't call that art.


    I'm trying to resist the urge to ask "are you stupid"? :) Because I don't think you are so don't take it too hard, I'm mostly kidding.


    But I feel so strongly about this, and I think that your link shows the root of the trouble perfectly.


    You fail to understand art. I assure you my game is art.


    This is art.



    I have to add, even when I was a little kid, I recognized that Ken was not anatomically correct. And I knew that was dumb.

  18. I also like your conclusion, domanz.


    I get the depth of this:


    I still can't accept the utopian desire to make everything pretty, but this exceeds computergames and needs not be discussed here. If you want, you're welcome and I will join but I won't start it.



    It made me stop and ruminate for a few minutes.. and I think in my case, I don't choose a lot of realism mods. I don't "believe in" making Oblivion into a 15th century Western European based world. Never have from the beginning. It doesn't take place on earth, it takes place on Nirn. Trumps the whole "they didn't wear that, they didn't do this" argument, which is null anyway when you compare the architecture.


    But most of all, I paint my textures by hand, I am pleased when my people turn out beautifully because I made them.

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