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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. ^I like* that you two are so cute I can honestly say, "get a room"!



    I like* nice holidays with the whole clan.

    I like* my new player character looks so much like my real life hubby and is so much fun to play with!

  2. I think that any nude patch should be for both male and female characters, but sadly it seems the crowd most enthusiastic about seeing nude females in videogames are also the most homophobic and afraid of penises. Sucks, huh?


    Doesn't have anything to do with being homophobic, or people being afraid of a penis.


    It's the simple fact that as far as aesthetics go, there aren't many people interested in seeing a limp penis. I've never met a woman who was interested in seeing it and I'm pretty confident that there aren't a lot of men interested either, gay or otherwise. When a woman, and I would assume homosexuals as well, think of or wants to see a penis, it's erect, an icon of sexual pleasure or sexual power... not as some dangling flop of meat that shrinks in a cool breeze.


    By comparison, just about everyone can look at a female body, fully nude, and see beauty.


    Or, it could just be there are more horny nerds who like boobs then horny nerds who like dongs. Either way, you will see a mod for both sooner or later, as every game that comes with a toolset eventually becomes a hive of naked anime-inspired game porn. You will just have to wait longer, as tits are the order of the day for most people on Nexus.


    Honestly though, you shouldn't expect a sexually charged Dragon Age subculture and all the related bells and whistles like you see in games like Oblivion or Fallout 3, simply because games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect don't offer themselves up to complete sandbox freedom and as such, won't draw the high talent modders that make those subcultures possible.


    You're better off just playing Dragon Age for the game it is and go pick up Oblivion for 10 bucks, for when you want to mod yourself up some sword-baring super stud or large breasted bikini vixen, as at least you have an established community to draw from. Hell, there are already Oblivion mods out there based on characters from Dragon Age, if you're really pining for some Alister or Morrigan skin.



    I'm a woman and I just think that's ridiculous. The nude body has always been a classic ideal of beauty in artistry, think of classical art. I don't look at nude bodies to get my rocks off, or masturbate, maybe that's cause I'm a girl. I like to see nude bodies because I think the human form is beautiful.

  3. Sorry, I do not use that mod and have no idea. I thought the "XP" was referring to Windows XP as opposed to Vista.


    I can only guess that something is conflicting with it. Go through the Readme and look for compatibility. Also, go to the download page for this mod and try reading through the comments that other uses have posted. There are sometimes references to bugs or compatibility issues that other users have had.




    If this is the mod you downloaded, you need to first be certain you installed OBSE v0017 or later, and that you are using it to load the game properly. If you do not use OBSE to load the game, none of your OBSE required mods will work correctly.


    Furthermore, that mod has a complicated setup. Manual setup is quite painstaking; OMOD setup is usually much easier but keep in mind that an OMOD installation can sometimes go wrong, and not install properly after all. In that case you'd have to delete the OMOD completely, and then reinstall it carefully, following any idiosyncrasies in the readme.


    From the readme:

    As soon as you have gained enough XP to advance to the next level, you will see a special effect play on your character, and you XP bar will turn bright green. Next to the XP bar, the Level Up icon should appear. When you are ready to Level Up, go to the Character Page of the Stats menu and you will see that your Level now reads "Click to Level Up". When you click on this entry, you will automatically be taken to the level up menu.


    This is not the Level Up indicator in your HUD displayed during regular game play, this means to open your inventory screen and go to your character stats page. That is where the button to click should be.


    I would suggest if this is not working you need to check that your OBSE is installed, that you're using the OBSE loader to launch the game, and that the mod is installed properly.

  4. but can i at least have someone make me, Chainsaw, Ultima Weapon, and the bosses: Phantom Train, Ultima Weapon, Gilgamesh, Ultima Buster, Kefka (final Form), Kaiser Dragon, and Omega Weapon



    Much more reasonable requests!


    Can you show pictures of some or all of them, pictures will help gain interest from potential modelers. New unique weapons are always fun and popular and are easier to model than clothing and armor (or anything that requires a working skeleton), and that can help to attract a modeler's interest in your project.


    Good Luck!

  5. Plus there's the fact that people who make models aren't always the people who do dungeons, or who do NPC AI, or who write quests.


    All the time and effort these require assumes that a modder or a team of modders even has the slightest inclination to create all the elements ordered.


    You will pardon me while I snicker and move on, but I will give a hearty and heartfelt "Good Luck!".

  6. It's pretty offensive that you seem to automatically associate pretty with porn.


    I'm a woman, I play Oblivion as the epitome of my FANTASY GAME and I make all my NPC's pretty in a mod I made called Myrmaad's Pretty People (unreleased and staying that way).


    Oblivion is a single player game, and the most attractive thing about it is how it can be modded to make it completely to my taste, as yours can be modded to make it completely to your own taste as well. Be grateful.


    But judging other people on their tastes doesn't make you look any better or holier, it only makes you look small.

  7. It was a lovely feast at the myr clan's Thanksgiving celebration at my dad's. Forgot to take a headcount but there's usually around 25 of us in attendance. Good to be with family. Happy Thanksgiving!
  8. Oh come one aren't there any lanterns mod? I want simple lanterns as torch replacers, like those you get in morrowind.



    Oh I was looking for you. No incense or "grell" that I know of, but there are a couple of nice lanterns in Tona's Traveling Items


    Here's my guy with one of them:


  9. so there will be the following Categories :











    There will be a spell added which will pop-up a menu , with the categories above and a close button.

    The spell will be released with my house mod , which will be quite soon ;)


    This sounds very interesting, Alex!

  10. Won't this fall foul of this site's anti-piracy policy? Or am I misunderstanding something :confused:



    I think it does come much too close. You are free to do what you have to do, but I don't want to hear about it here. It's just too close for comfort.



    Legal inquiries regarding copyright infringement are taken very seriously on Nexus sites and we will work with any legal body to identify and bring to justice anyone who might use a Nexus site to share copyrighted material.


    This thread locked.

  11. We have the functionality to Re-Rate now, already.


    Since I try to rate a lot of my downloads, after I try them, I do sometimes go back to see what I wrote if it's been a long time.


    Even before we changed to the Endorsement system, I tried to always give a high value rating, if I was bothering to rate a file.


    There are plenty of files that I will not rate, not because of personal taste but because of the quality of the mod, and that is my own personal endorsement standard.


    Admittedly there are some mods that I rated highly before I knew how to mod, that actually have dirty edits, things that I would probably consider an "endorsement breaker" now, but that I enjoyed nonetheless, so I've left those endorsements.


    If I got pleasure out of a mod, no matter how simple it is, or even if it has some flaws, I tend to think it deserves my endorsement.



    But as to your argument about personal taste, I may not endorse a mod that is not to my personal taste (sometimes I will though), and I would not downrate a mod because it is not to my personal taste, but I often endorse a mod that is to my personal taste. This is what most people tend to do, I think, and it makes a difficult double standard, I also think.

  12. You haven't done the DB questline!? This is madness!


    I'm a very hard-nosed role player, and none of my characters wanted to do it. One kind of wanted to do it, but she's kind of spoiled and just never got around to it. One was too noble and would never, ever, even consider it. One has enough problems of her own to go looking for trouble.


    But my male character was born with it, baby! Even Baurus pegged him for an assassin right out of the gate, and I knew this was the one!


    He's so awesome! (And he looks just like my real life hubby!)

  13. Regarding Valen Dreth:


    OH You big spoilers!!! I finally got a character who is willing to join the DB, and he just did too, yesterday! After 2 years I'm finally going to get to do this questline! so SSHHHHH!

  14. I know smoking sucks(it's been 3 years since I started), I just can't quit right now. I am not that disciplined :P


    I'm actually in the process of quitting, and doing well with that, I had some minor surgery on my ear last week and I want to be able to hear more than I want to smoke. Maybe TMI? :whistling:

  15. I noticed that we have a new moderator. Congrats myrmaad!!! :banana: :bunny: :thumbsup:

    I hope I didn't upset you in the past.... just joking :P



    Yeah I'm still mad, but since you're still drunk..





    :ninja: 8)

  16. ^Vagrant! LOL, I love it!



    My characters prefer a wide range of choices in armor and clothing. If you're going to meet with The Countess there's no reason to dress like you're the main event at the Arena. Know what I mean?


    Here are a few of my favorite full coverage outfits:


    Armors of Gaia

    Underworld Armor

    Frostleaf Leather

    Assassin Elite

    Ranger Armor

    Altair's Gear

    Alex Scorpion's Deadly Shadows

    Alex Scorpion's Sneaking Gear

    Rogue Leather



    There are plenty more, you just have to be a little patient and keep your eyes open. You know, there are so many things here that even if I were looking for a leather bikini I'd still have to pick through a bunch of mods to find something that suits my personal taste. You feel me?

  17. I'm looking for a mod that makes it so I don't think I'm blind in every dungeon I go to. I've tried the brighter dungeons mod, but I didn't notice a difference. I seriously need a mod that makes rooms brighter, because even if I get a kahjiit and turn the brightness up all the way, it's still like staring at a black wall, and it's driving me insane! wallbash.gif


    ...By the way, the vanilla dungeons were never very dark on my systems, you aren't using something like Ambient Dungeons or some other mod that alters the shaders or uses the Screen Effects mod?



    You just might want to check your load order, but! If that doesn't help or you don't want to change your mods, one of these might be an option for you:








    My turn now, I've been looking for these horns a long time, and I'm starting to wonder, do they really exist?



  18. Thank you ^_^. I managed to make an animated bookshelf (the type that opens like a door :biggrin:


    That's great, I heard of someone making one of those but they didn't release it! You should, it would be a great resource.


    I'll show you when I'm done my thing! :D

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