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Posts posted by lonewolfkai

  1. Hi everybody, hi detectives,


    ---> http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/38471-1-1320445361.jpg


    Was there anyone that recognized the body mod?


    I don't think it's HGEC since it looks too skinny... or maybe it's just the angle?

  2. Hi


    I'm looking for a mod that will show the direction someone hit me from.

    Sometimes I find myself being attacked but I have no idea from what direction I was hit, and where I shall start to search for the attacker.


    Another mod I'm searching for is a mod that show what damage I'm doing to the enemy.


    Thanks for any help

    No idea on the attack direction mod, but Scathe might be a mod you'd want to show damage numbers. Just be aware it bugs out occassional and leaves numbers "stuck" on screen, but they disappear after awhile.

  3. Hi everybody, hi detectives,


    i'm searching for a weapon that shown by a user in the Synx User gallery...


    This is the weapon i search ---> http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/38471-1-1320445361.jpg


    Hope u can find it...


    bb wiZZi

    Also, what body mod is that, please? :biggrin:


    wiZZiCuBe, that be a WOW rip. :sad:

  4. I have several companions installed, and I really hate it when they cast those bound armor/weapon/etc and after a while they just go all naked...


    There's a mod to teach companion spell, but I can't find any to do the opposite.


    If anyone know about any mod which is able to do this, please, let me know!


    If such a mod doesn't exist...then, is there anyway I can manually remove the spells? Like, through console? Construction set?


    Any idea?

    Not sure if there is mod that can do that, but the easiest way to do it is through the CS. Just load up the esp that the companion is on, look for the companion in the NPC section and open them up. There you can look at the spells tab and just delete the ones you don't want on them. Save and exit.

  5. Hi, I've just started dabbling into modding, and I'm still pretty green. I'm looking for something for specific and I'm hoping you can help me.


    What I want to do is make it so when the player reads (reads, not TAKES) a certain book in my mod, it will advance the quest stage. I know how to do it so the that if the player TAKES the book it advances, but I what I want to do is to have the quest advance just by READING the book and not actually having to take it.


    Is there such a script, if so, what is it? How do I implement it?

    If I'm not mistaken, you'd have to use an OnActivate script block. Something like:


    Begin OnActivate


    Setstage QuestID 20



  6. Thanks for the help. I appreciate it. It helped a lot. I was able to make the weight smaller. I decided to combine the weight of some good light armour, and added the accumulation of other light armour that's equal to the upper body, lower body, feet, and gauntlets since it takes up all of them.




    Thanks again!

    Wow, that's some sharp looking armor! :thumbsup:

  7. Arcade games for teens with Attention Deficit Disorder.


    I really thought that I would just totally love Skyrim like I did with Morrowind and Oblivion, but I am afraid that Skyrim is not as irresistible as they were.


    I guess what I had been dreaming of for the last year is that they would take the Fallout 3 game engine, port the Oblivion or Morrowind game mechanics into it, and reskin it look like the province of Skyrim.

    That's hilarious! But honestly, I don't think think game producers are necessarily aiming at ADD teens. The gaming generation is getting older. We don't have near as much time on our hands as we used to. Now we have work deadlines to meet, kids to take care of, and very little free time anymore... and the market is following this generation because its the one that has the highest sales. This means games for gamers with time constraints, which means games that used to take 80-100 hours to complete are no longer selling. Now games are coming to the average completion time of 40 hours to meet the demand for gamers who don't have a lot of time to play anymore.


    It also means more sales because the less time to develop one title means more time for the next title.


    I was also hoping Skyrim would be like Fallout3. I haven't bought Skyrim yet because I can't afford a new rig yet, but I was looking forward to playing it. Sounds like I might be disappointed with it too. :sad:

  8. I search this Mod:



    Armor Replace Guards. :O

    I contacted the author of the mod that picture is from some time ago and he said he couldn't remember where all the clothing/armor he had gotten it from. The mod he used was a general NPC clothing replacement that made it so all NPCs didn't have the same clothes. If I'm not mistaken, that's not actually a guard either. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the mod. Perhaps Classy NPC cloths? And from what I remember of the convo, he added in several more armors and clothings to the mix.

  9. Hi everyone,


    I swear, The file was online when I send the message. There is a Video

    and a download link here of another version. All other downloadlinks suddenly dissappeard. Hope they forgot this one. Last version was STM Scouter Health Display Mod 0.4.4 (disappeared) but 0.4.2 still working.


    Have fun :thumbsup:



    Hey no problem Harvald. :thumbsup: We got the name to the mod at least.

  10. I think I'll give this a bump! Any new updates LHammonds? Still patiently waiting for this awesome set of armor!

    Aye, me too. Even when Skyrim comes out, I'd still like to see this.

  11. I voted yes to all, and actually, I won't be playing Oblivion just one more time, but rather many times. I have too many personal mods that I doubt I'll see in Skyrim tied into Oblivion to give it up completely.


    I also plan on buying Skyrim, but not right away. It'll be awhile before I can.

  12. Hey guys, sorry I haven't given any updates in a while. Bethesda refused to let me come before the release of Skyrim. They told Make A Wish Foundation that they wouldn't discuss anything until the 21st of November. I won't be going, I decided I would attend an event elsewhere. I still like Bethesda a lot, but I'm a bit sad that they made such a huge deal out of this. Sorry to get your hopes up and let you down :(

    Yeah, I'm sorry to hear that for you. That makes me think less of them. Try not to let that drag you down though. At least you get to go to Minecon right! :biggrin:


    Regardless, I pray you the best Stealtrecon. :thumbsup:

  13. Armour is Mbass's mECB conversion of the Tyrael armour. Body is, of course, mECB, which is no longer hosted here on Nexus.

    Oh yeah, I recognize it now. I actually have a copy of it in my archives of mods. Forgot about it and what it looked like. Thanks Desu.


    Im looking for a mod that makes oblivion non or at least less leveled, so that everything is independent of your level, like Morrowind. I remember SEEING something like this a while back but cant seem to find it again.

    there's several overhauls for that. I'd suggest looking for OOO, francesco's, FCOM, which is several overhauls (including the last two), and Oblivion Warcry-New Dimension. I'm sure there's a few others, but I can't think of them atm.

  14. Hi everyone, did anyone know what pose mod for kissing and hugging (I mean for romance :biggrin: )

    and also what armor is this (one on the left) :




    Big thanks for finder :tongue:

    Also, what body mod is that from?

  15. I know there is a mod out there adds a spell that removes w/e scripts are attached the currently equipped weapon. I recently cleaned up my mods and smoothed out my load order and lost track of the mod and can't find it to save my life. If anyone has any idea what this mod might be, I'd be incredibly great-full! Thank you in advance.

    Only one I can think of atm came from Unnecessary Violence 1. It had a script wiper spell for weapons you wanted to make off hand. You'd cast it to "clean" the weapon of the script, and then you could make the weapon off hand without fear of the script causing problems if you left it on it.

  16. Why not use 295?


    Wrye Bash is the pits to install. It always gives me problems when I try to upgrade, so I just don't upgrade.


    When my old copy got messed up by new software installation, I tried installing the newest version and it did not install right, so rather than banging my head against the wall, I tried a different version, which was "294.2 Standalone." It installed perfectly on the first try, so there is no need for me to ever upgrade again unless something happens to my copy again, or something unforeseen occurs.


    I never use most of Wrye Bash's features and the ones I do use are functioning alright, so I am perfectly content with the version I have.

    Hmm, that's interesting. I just upgraded from 291 to 295 myself, but I remember 291 being a pain for some reason. 295 went pretty smoothly for me this time.


    I guess I'm also one of the rare few left that stick with OBMM still. I only use WB for the patch and to attach a master to one particular mod of mine.

  17. My old version of Wrye Bash got messed up when I installed new software, so I downloaded and installed Wrye Bash 294.2 Standalone. It has the "Scan for Dirty Edits" function I never noticed on my old version. Does this function actually work right? It seems to be too good to be true. I have never been able to catch it malfunctioning yet, but I am mighty suspicious. It operates at lightening speed and with four clicks. TES4Edit takes least ten times as long to use and probably takes nine or more clicks.


    How can it process so fast?


    Am I getting accurate test results that I can stand by for purposes of preparing mods for upload?

    Why not use 295?


    Do a test clean and then load it up on TES4Edit and see what it says after the Wyre Clean.

  18. Thanks Baron. By the way, if anyone is curious, the heterochromic eyes are included in Slof's Snow Leopard mod, so they aren't from Elaborate Eyes. If anyone knows about the sword (rapier?) and also the mods in the first picture, I'd be grateful.

    You can find the swords you saw in the first picture in OWC-ND.

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