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Hope For The Best, But Expect The Worst


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I feel like this new system will only widen the knowledge gap between user and creator

I would say that I do not think it can get any worse, but I have been proven wrong on that before...

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Actually, I agree. People are going to treat collections like DLC and expect a smooth experience. Good luck to that.

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I feel like this new system will only widen the knowledge gap between user and creator

I would say that I do not think it can get any worse, but I have been proven wrong on that before...


Considering that Premium users won't even need to be aware of individual mods featured in a collection, yes, I'd say it can get infinitely worse.

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I feel like this new system will only widen the knowledge gap between user and creator

I would say that I do not think it can get any worse, but I have been proven wrong on that before...


Considering that Premium users won't even need to be aware of individual mods featured in a collection, yes, I'd say it can get infinitely worse.


Given how often the user base refuses to read the main page of a mod, or even seem to just skim through it, let alone not be bothered to look through the comments section to see if anyone else has the same or similar issue that they arrived there to complain about, I do not really see how us Premium users having the "1 click" install changes things much. I am not saying you are wrong, just that I do not see that as possibly being any different than what things are like now. *shrugs*


Edit: I am actually participating in a discussion. What the heck is wrong with me? :huh:

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I've been modding for some... what... 20 years now? I got into the gaming industry (I'm a game designer) through my mods and NOT through the Nexus, I assure you. Nexus wasn't even a thing back then.


Having 1000 Downloads doesn't make "you" a modder. It just means you made something popular (like titties). I can't help but laugh at the absurdity going on here. Since when do downloads mean you're a competent modder?


Whatever, really.


Like I said before... you do you.

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Funny, I've heard lots of complaints from people who have had computer fails and found that their save file backups are useless because they can't rebuild the same mod list as before.


Am I the only one on the planet who has actual on-my-hard drive copies of mods I use? The last person who clicks on the Download Manually button?


We humans are in danger of losing the ability to use our left click finger if that one extra click is the deal breaker.


You are not the only one. :D I think I still have almost every mod that I have downloaded, since oblivion. Both on a drive in my machine, and also backed up on my NAS. :D



An army of two ... we shall take over the world eh Hey?


Army of four............


Army of 5.

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Funny, I've heard lots of complaints from people who have had computer fails and found that their save file backups are useless because they can't rebuild the same mod list as before.


Am I the only one on the planet who has actual on-my-hard drive copies of mods I use? The last person who clicks on the Download Manually button?


We humans are in danger of losing the ability to use our left click finger if that one extra click is the deal breaker.


You are not the only one. :D I think I still have almost every mod that I have downloaded, since oblivion. Both on a drive in my machine, and also backed up on my NAS. :D



An army of two ... we shall take over the world eh Hey?


Army of four............


Army of 5.


Technically a squad now, I think, but we can build from here. XD

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Funny, I've heard lots of complaints from people who have had computer fails and found that their save file backups are useless because they can't rebuild the same mod list as before.


Am I the only one on the planet who has actual on-my-hard drive copies of mods I use? The last person who clicks on the Download Manually button?


We humans are in danger of losing the ability to use our left click finger if that one extra click is the deal breaker.


You are not the only one. :D I think I still have almost every mod that I have downloaded, since oblivion. Both on a drive in my machine, and also backed up on my NAS. :D



An army of two ... we shall take over the world eh Hey?


Army of four............


Army of 5.


Technically a squad now, I think, but we can build from here. XD


Apparently, we are "The Expendables"...... :D

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Sorry but I'm not seeing how the jump from downloading manually to a folder that you can then keep for your own purpose and the 'skilled/experienced' stuff but I do have one question ...


Why is bigger always equated with better?

Because far too often in the modding scene someone new will say "my game crapped itself, my save file is unusable" and the response will be "well you should have known enough to make backups of all your mods and the game exe and also all the tools you used. you'll know better next time I guess." and it doesn't really have to be that way.


Also, bigger isn't necessarily better, which is why Collections of all sizes will be possible.



Funny, I've heard lots of complaints from people who have had computer fails and found that their save file backups are useless because they can't rebuild the same mod list as before.


You're being disingenuous. Even minecraft 1-click install modpacks on custom launchers are finicky when you update the pack, and often you end up having to start a new game because one of the bigger mods updated between versions and the stuff you've already crafted has changed IDs.

I'm not being disingenuous at all because that is one of the problems Collections is meant to alleviate. When you need to re-install a Collection all the original files will still be available, all the installation will be re-done exactly the same, all the overrides and conflict resolution will be duplicated. Because you won't be forced to use whatever updated versions have been released since the first time you used the Collection.

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Do you guys think anyone is reading all the quoting your doing, you quote 5x more than you type as a reply, sometimes not even that and just a one sentence or a 3 word reply, just reply normally, maybe Nexus can also remove that darn quote button since its inconvenient for all the users to read all the useless quotes...

Man, they just really don't give a damn about your request, do they?

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