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Im waiting for 8/5/21 to hit and Nexus getting hit with lawsuits.

Some mod makers use some fancy programs. Fancy brush/texture packs that have "commercial" use and "private" use and with Collections going "we will continue to share your content no matter what you say" as they have archived everything that they have deleted since announcing it. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to drag them to what ever country the user is in or if the user tells the company's who programs they use "hey this website is charging to distribute your IP" they would step in also unless Nexus is going to pay for every single individual using the program in which case the company's will make some bank and nexus ends up with a black eye for the theft of modder files.

For those who may say Nexus isnt charging. Collections will not work unless your a premier member. Free members must manually download the files one by one and install one by one. Meaning the "NEW SYSTEM" only works for paying indiviudals with the "auto download and prep"

Are collections a “Premium feature”?

Much like speeding up the download process on our site in general, Premium membership is going to speed up the process of downloading a mod collection. This is because Premium members, through their purchase of membership, are actively contributing to the upkeep of our site be it server costs, 18 employees, a content delivery network (CDN) spanning across the globe, giving back to mod authors via the Donation Points system, insurance, an office in the heart of Exeter, and so on. Therefore, we can and want to offer them the best possible service including added convenience when using the new collections feature, which we believe will help make modding much easier.

That being said, we do not want to and we will not lock this feature off and make it “Premium only”. On the contrary: collections will be available to everyone, including free users. However, truth be told, it will be more convenient for Premium users, and less convenient for free users. Premium users will be able to essentially queue the download and installation of an entire collection of mods - an experience we could describe as “as close to a one-click installation as possible”. Free users on the other hand will also have full access to collections, but they will need to click and open the download page for every mod in a collection they want to download manually. That way, free users are not simply bypassing the mod author’s page along with our entire revenue stream, as we’re still able to serve them ads via the file download page. The free user experience is therefore going to be a bit like downloading mods in a traditional mod list, with the added convenience of being directed to the exact file, as well as still getting all the automatic conflict resolution benefits through Vortex. The download and installation process can be paused/resumed at pretty much any time, so while less convenient than the “Premium journey”, free users will end up with the same exact result as Premium users - the same collection of mods with the same conflict resolution data as the collection curator intended.

So paying folks get to download and install 1 push one go. Free users have to do what we are doing now. And free users will be the ones giving "mod author pages" views/clicks/Ad views and will be what is has been before with 0 changes. Dont pay dont get the beneift of the new system.

Edited by maxmanatarms
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I've had it with this f***ing place. It's shady as f***. I'm trying to extricate myself but you're giving me the f***ing run around. DELETE MY f***ing MODS. ACTUALLY DELETE THEM. ALL OF THEM. EVERY ONE THAT I UPLOADED.


I've seen you read my PM response but you didn't feel the need to respond so you get this.


f*** you Nexus.


Go to this link here ... https://help.nexusmods.com/article/116-how-do-i-request-all-my-files-to-be-deleted-july-august-2021


Scroll to the bottom of that page and copy the template part of the text and paste it into an email to [email protected]


Before you send the email you will need to replace the ... Link to my user profile: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/123456 part with your user ID numbers. The instructions for finding those numbers are found at the very bottom section of that page. Here's a link to the page for that ... https://www.nexusmods.com/

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I've had it with this f***ing place. It's shady as f***. I'm trying to extricate myself but you're giving me the f***ing run around. DELETE MY f***ing MODS. ACTUALLY DELETE THEM. ALL OF THEM. EVERY ONE THAT I UPLOADED.


I've seen you read my PM response but you didn't feel the need to respond so you get this.


f*** you Nexus.


Go to this link here ... https://help.nexusmods.com/article/116-how-do-i-request-all-my-files-to-be-deleted-july-august-2021


Scroll to the bottom of that page and copy the template part of the text and paste it into an email to [email protected]


Before you send the email you will need to replace the ... Link to my user profile: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/123456 part with your user ID numbers. The instructions for finding those numbers are found at the very bottom section of that page. Here's a link to the page for that ... https://www.nexusmods.com/


I appreciate the effort but that's already been done. I emailed them. Waited around for a response. They said they'd delete my mods. They deleted a handful. Probably going to give me the run around about how the creator and the uploader were different people. The creator chose not to have a profile on Nexus and gave me full control of uploading, maintaining and updating the mods. I did just that. I've been dealing with this for days and I've got better things I could be doing than devoting any energy to this.


Not to mention, out of curiosity I checked my file history to see what's been getting deleted. If I click on endorse for one of my mods that's been "DELETED - DELETED" it says this mod is hidden. So is Nexus even deleting anything? Is that just a canned response? Could be. Who knows? They're liars and they're pricks. Whatever answer they have in response is worthless. I'm so done with it.

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I've had it with this f***ing place. It's shady as f***. I'm trying to extricate myself but you're giving me the f***ing run around. DELETE MY f***ing MODS. ACTUALLY DELETE THEM. ALL OF THEM. EVERY ONE THAT I UPLOADED.


I've seen you read my PM response but you didn't feel the need to respond so you get this.


f*** you Nexus.


Go to this link here ... https://help.nexusmods.com/article/116-how-do-i-request-all-my-files-to-be-deleted-july-august-2021


Scroll to the bottom of that page and copy the template part of the text and paste it into an email to [email protected]


Before you send the email you will need to replace the ... Link to my user profile: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/123456 part with your user ID numbers. The instructions for finding those numbers are found at the very bottom section of that page. Here's a link to the page for that ... https://www.nexusmods.com/


I appreciate the effort but that's already been done. I emailed them. Waited around for a response. They said they'd delete my mods. They deleted a handful. Probably going to give me the run around about how the creator and the uploader were different people. The creator chose not to have a profile on Nexus and gave me full control of uploading, maintaining and updating the mods. I did just that. I've been dealing with this for days and I've got better things I could be doing than devoting any energy to this.


Not to mention, out of curiosity I checked my file history to see what's been getting deleted. If I click on endorse for one of my mods that's been "DELETED - DELETED" it says this mod is hidden. So is Nexus even deleting anything? Is that just a canned response? Could be. Who knows? They're liars and they're pricks. Whatever answer they have in response is worthless. I'm so done with it.



I've seen other's asking about similar after sending the delete request. Something I haven't seen is any answer from Admins of the site. Seems a rather poor way to run a business.

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I've had it with this f***ing place. It's shady as f***. I'm trying to extricate myself but you're giving me the f***ing run around. DELETE MY f***ing MODS. ACTUALLY DELETE THEM. ALL OF THEM. EVERY ONE THAT I UPLOADED.


I've seen you read my PM response but you didn't feel the need to respond so you get this.


f*** you Nexus.


Go to this link here ... https://help.nexusmods.com/article/116-how-do-i-request-all-my-files-to-be-deleted-july-august-2021


Scroll to the bottom of that page and copy the template part of the text and paste it into an email to [email protected]


Before you send the email you will need to replace the ... Link to my user profile: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/123456 part with your user ID numbers. The instructions for finding those numbers are found at the very bottom section of that page. Here's a link to the page for that ... https://www.nexusmods.com/


I appreciate the effort but that's already been done. I emailed them. Waited around for a response. They said they'd delete my mods. They deleted a handful. Probably going to give me the run around about how the creator and the uploader were different people. The creator chose not to have a profile on Nexus and gave me full control of uploading, maintaining and updating the mods. I did just that. I've been dealing with this for days and I've got better things I could be doing than devoting any energy to this.


Not to mention, out of curiosity I checked my file history to see what's been getting deleted. If I click on endorse for one of my mods that's been "DELETED - DELETED" it says this mod is hidden. So is Nexus even deleting anything? Is that just a canned response? Could be. Who knows? They're liars and they're pricks. Whatever answer they have in response is worthless. I'm so done with it.


It appears that if you only have Administrative Control over a mod, and are not the actual author, you have no say over whether the mod gets deleted or not. I am basing this off of the fact that those mods do not (any longer) count towards your unique download total to be a recognized MA, or any DP, unless the original author sets it up to share the DP with you.

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We are starting to see the effects of the purge...




And it doesn't look pretty. :sad:


I can't stop myself from feeling sad to what is happening, although many Mod Authors warned about it. No Mods, No Games, No "Collections"...


Something that could be avoided with a will to talk with the MA and reaching out to their concerns and demands. I believe for many, a simple delete button and the assurance that their mods were in fact deleted would suffice to make them happy...


Alas, we will never know now.



Interesting, just a few hours ago it was 1337, because I was going to comment on the "LEET" number

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Im waiting for 8/5/21 to hit and Nexus getting hit with lawsuits.


Some mod makers use some fancy programs. Fancy brush/texture packs that have "commercial" use and "private" use and with Collections going "we will continue to share your content no matter what you say" as they have archived everything that they have deleted since announcing it. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to drag them to what ever country the user is in or if the user tells the company's who programs they use "hey this website is charging to distribute your IP" they would step in also unless Nexus is going to pay for every single individual using the program in which case the company's will make some bank and nexus ends up with a black eye for the theft of modder files.


For those who may say Nexus isnt charging. Collections will not work unless your a premier member. Free members must manually download the files one by one and install one by one. Meaning the "NEW SYSTEM" only works for paying indiviudals with the "auto download and prep"

The mods are still free. There is no violation of anyone's T&C by them doing this.


And the free version of the Collections still comes with huge benefits. Aside from accessing archived files, it will point you to exactly the file you need on a page that might contain a dozen (and continue to do so even if new versions are put up), the installation of the file is still automated including any necessary FOMOD selections, the conflict resolution rules for the Collection are still automatically put into place. Pretty much the only thing you don't get is that you have to sit there and hit the "download" buttons as they are presented to you.

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I've had it with this f***ing place. It's shady as f***. I'm trying to extricate myself but you're giving me the f***ing run around. DELETE MY f***ing MODS. ACTUALLY DELETE THEM. ALL OF THEM. EVERY ONE THAT I UPLOADED.


I've seen you read my PM response but you didn't feel the need to respond so you get this.


f*** you Nexus.


Go to this link here ... https://help.nexusmods.com/article/116-how-do-i-request-all-my-files-to-be-deleted-july-august-2021


Scroll to the bottom of that page and copy the template part of the text and paste it into an email to [email protected]


Before you send the email you will need to replace the ... Link to my user profile: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/123456 part with your user ID numbers. The instructions for finding those numbers are found at the very bottom section of that page. Here's a link to the page for that ... https://www.nexusmods.com/


I appreciate the effort but that's already been done. I emailed them. Waited around for a response. They said they'd delete my mods. They deleted a handful. Probably going to give me the run around about how the creator and the uploader were different people. The creator chose not to have a profile on Nexus and gave me full control of uploading, maintaining and updating the mods. I did just that. I've been dealing with this for days and I've got better things I could be doing than devoting any energy to this.


Not to mention, out of curiosity I checked my file history to see what's been getting deleted. If I click on endorse for one of my mods that's been "DELETED - DELETED" it says this mod is hidden. So is Nexus even deleting anything? Is that just a canned response? Could be. Who knows? They're liars and they're pricks. Whatever answer they have in response is worthless. I'm so done with it.


It appears that if you only have Administrative Control over a mod, and are not the actual author, you have no say over whether the mod gets deleted or not. I am basing this off of the fact that those mods do not (any longer) count towards your unique download total to be a recognized MA, or any DP, unless the original author sets it up to share the DP with you.


And if the mod author isn't an actual account but just a string?


Whatever, I'm putting in a request to close my account, they can keep what ever they still have their greasy little rat paws on.


I just wanted them to abide by their own words that they put down. I should have known it was too big of an ask to expect them to honor their own agreement.

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I've had it with this f***ing place. It's shady as f***. I'm trying to extricate myself but you're giving me the f***ing run around. DELETE MY f***ing MODS. ACTUALLY DELETE THEM. ALL OF THEM. EVERY ONE THAT I UPLOADED.


I've seen you read my PM response but you didn't feel the need to respond so you get this.


f*** you Nexus.


Go to this link here ... https://help.nexusmods.com/article/116-how-do-i-request-all-my-files-to-be-deleted-july-august-2021


Scroll to the bottom of that page and copy the template part of the text and paste it into an email to [email protected]


Before you send the email you will need to replace the ... Link to my user profile: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/123456 part with your user ID numbers. The instructions for finding those numbers are found at the very bottom section of that page. Here's a link to the page for that ... https://www.nexusmods.com/


I appreciate the effort but that's already been done. I emailed them. Waited around for a response. They said they'd delete my mods. They deleted a handful. Probably going to give me the run around about how the creator and the uploader were different people. The creator chose not to have a profile on Nexus and gave me full control of uploading, maintaining and updating the mods. I did just that. I've been dealing with this for days and I've got better things I could be doing than devoting any energy to this.


Not to mention, out of curiosity I checked my file history to see what's been getting deleted. If I click on endorse for one of my mods that's been "DELETED - DELETED" it says this mod is hidden. So is Nexus even deleting anything? Is that just a canned response? Could be. Who knows? They're liars and they're pricks. Whatever answer they have in response is worthless. I'm so done with it.


It appears that if you only have Administrative Control over a mod, and are not the actual author, you have no say over whether the mod gets deleted or not. I am basing this off of the fact that those mods do not (any longer) count towards your unique download total to be a recognized MA, or any DP, unless the original author sets it up to share the DP with you.


If he is the uploader, then it should be 'his'. I suppose if Nexus wanted to split legal hairs, they could say "No, it's not." And require the original author (but, he isn't the uploader) make the request...... Wonder how that is going to fly with mods that have been bequeathed to another member, as the original died...... (I know we have several of those.....)

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Guest deleted34304850

Im waiting for 8/5/21 to hit and Nexus getting hit with lawsuits.


Some mod makers use some fancy programs. Fancy brush/texture packs that have "commercial" use and "private" use and with Collections going "we will continue to share your content no matter what you say" as they have archived everything that they have deleted since announcing it. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to drag them to what ever country the user is in or if the user tells the company's who programs they use "hey this website is charging to distribute your IP" they would step in also unless Nexus is going to pay for every single individual using the program in which case the company's will make some bank and nexus ends up with a black eye for the theft of modder files.


For those who may say Nexus isnt charging. Collections will not work unless your a premier member. Free members must manually download the files one by one and install one by one. Meaning the "NEW SYSTEM" only works for paying indiviudals with the "auto download and prep"




Are collections a “Premium feature”?


Much like speeding up the download process on our site in general, Premium membership is going to speed up the process of downloading a mod collection. This is because Premium members, through their purchase of membership, are actively contributing to the upkeep of our site be it server costs, 18 employees, a content delivery network (CDN) spanning across the globe, giving back to mod authors via the Donation Points system, insurance, an office in the heart of Exeter, and so on. Therefore, we can and want to offer them the best possible service including added convenience when using the new collections feature, which we believe will help make modding much easier.


That being said, we do not want to and we will not lock this feature off and make it “Premium only”. On the contrary: collections will be available to everyone, including free users. However, truth be told, it will be more convenient for Premium users, and less convenient for free users. Premium users will be able to essentially queue the download and installation of an entire collection of mods - an experience we could describe as “as close to a one-click installation as possible”. Free users on the other hand will also have full access to collections, but they will need to click and open the download page for every mod in a collection they want to download manually. That way, free users are not simply bypassing the mod author’s page along with our entire revenue stream, as we’re still able to serve them ads via the file download page. The free user experience is therefore going to be a bit like downloading mods in a traditional mod list, with the added convenience of being directed to the exact file, as well as still getting all the automatic conflict resolution benefits through Vortex. The download and installation process can be paused/resumed at pretty much any time, so while less convenient than the “Premium journey”, free users will end up with the same exact result as Premium users - the same collection of mods with the same conflict resolution data as the collection curator intended.


So paying folks get to download and install 1 push one go. Free users have to do what we are doing now. And free users will be the ones giving "mod author pages" views/clicks/Ad views and will be what is has been before with 0 changes. Dont pay dont get the beneift of the new system.


thats not a new revelation, it's in the 6k word salad nonsense that was put up last week.

this - all of this - is about $$$$$ and nothing else.

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