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So i wanted to cleanup my saves abit. As someone who gets lots of CTDs i save alot. So i went on vortex and deleted everything from top to bottom, leaving only the top 4 files. Little did i know Vortex sorts the saves from the oldest to the newest and not the opposite... So not only did i lost all the todays work, i lost the whole weekend. To my suprise , my files are not in the Recycle bin. So ill guess that Vortex decided to delete them for good. Is there any temporary folder where vortex keeps files? Or my saves are gone? Also, any way to recover permanetely deleted files?

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Guest deleted34304850

you can recover by restoring from backups that you took before you deleted everything.


or, if you didn't take backups, you can try a recover utility, but ... yeah, when you delete stuff, guess what happens?

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Vortex sorts the saves by HOW YOU SET IT TO SORT.
You can sort the save games by any column, ascending or descending.
This is basic table/database usage 101

See those ^ and down v indicators?, that's to sort whichever column you want, as Ascending, or Descending.
You obviously had your save games set to be sorted as "Ascending by Creation Date", so that your Newest Files were at the bottom, and your oldest saves were at the top.




A glance at the Creation Time Column would've given you all the info you needed, like so...


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Vortex sorts the saves by HOW YOU SET IT TO SORT.

You can sort the save games by any column, ascending or descending.

This is basic table/database usage 101


See those ^ and down v indicators?, that's to sort whichever column you want, as Ascending, or Descending.

You obviously had your save games set to be sorted as "Ascending by Creation Date", so that your Newest Files were at the bottom, and your oldest saves were at the top.







A glance at the Creation Time Column would've given you all the info you needed, like so...





Well THAT WASNT THE POINT. It was the first time using it so by my mistake i didnt pay much attention to the interface. Everything you wrote i learnt it the hard way. I payed more attention to the screenshots and my last save happened to be on Concord, so did my first save, hell i even had the 10 mil pistol.. So i was like okay .. logically ...these are the old ones... (they were not) The point is, that thing just eradicates the stuff from your computer instead of moving it the recycling bin like any normal piece of software. So if someone by accident, or his brother or something accidentally deleted your save, you could be looking at hundreds of hours wasted and down the drain with nothing to do about it. It doesnt even keep a backup, for real, its a save file.... Accidents happen. That software that even has a premium option doesnt keep a backup of a save file (hell not even a temporarily one) , thats the point. Now all this fun and potential of my new char turned into waste of time, in no time..

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How do other well-known mod managers handle saves? I seem to remember that some (maybe all?) deleted saves without sending them to the recycle bin. That's why I always kept and still keep save backups.


Also, the games themselves do not send deleted saves to the recycle bin.


Amyway, the OP is free to send a feature request to the developers by way of Vortex feedback.

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It was the first time using it so by my mistake i didnt pay much attention to the interface.

Well, that's not Vortex' fault.


Wryebash and NMM also delete, rather than send to the recycle bin.


Actually I don't recall ANY program that has a DELETE function built into it, that sends things to the recycle bin.

The only time I see things goes to the recycle bin is if I delete something in Windows File Explorer.

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Not sure exactly how the files would be handled by Vortex, but file recovery programs do exist that can recover files that aren't in the recycling bin as long as the spot on the hard drive where they were stored hasn't been overridden. Try googling for a well recommended one that allows some free use.

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