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In Support of Mod Authors


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Claiming your rights are being taken away, is overly dramatic and total nonsense.


I released a lot of resources on the Nexus. The permissions I gave for those resources was that they could be used for any playable mod, but could not be packaged into collections of any sort. The point behind that was that I spent a lot of time and effort creating those resources, and all I wanted in return was credit for my work. The new ToS don't allow that.


The Nexus moderators and admins claim that their collection system will be just like a list of mods. It's not. The key difference here is that their new collection system will allow someone (let's call him Bubba) to make a collection out of anything he wants. In Bubba's old list of mods, users would be required to go to my page to download my resources, so they would see and recognize that the resources came from me. The Nexus hasn't released details of how their new collection system will work, but the point behind it is a simple one-click download. So if Bubba decides to package all of my resources into a collection, it's now Bubba's collection of resources, and users aren't even aware that I created those assets. And under the new terms of service, there isn't a thing that I can do about it.


I also released several companion mods. If Bubba takes one of those and puts it in a collection that modifies my companion into some pervy Japanese school girl companion, again, under the new terms of service, there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it.


Under the old ToS, if I didn't like the way Nexus did something, I could remove my mods. I had ultimate control over them. Under the new ToS, once you upload something here, the Nexus owns it. You can't remove it. You're stuck with letting them do whatever they want with your work. If they change their ToS again in the future, you have no recourse. The Nexus has ultimate control, not mod authors.


If you don't see how our rights have been taken away, then you are very short sighted.

Edited by madmongo
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I wouldn't hold my breath on that. They sent out a notification of the change in terms, along with a window of opportunity to pull your work if you so desired. That deadline has now passed, and the new ToS are fully enforceable. Given this change in policy, and the way it was implemented, I wouldn't hold my breath on Nexus deleting anything, regardless of circumstances. (aside from illegal material, of course.)

As I said before, they have never striked me as the type to be that hard in terms of dealing with mod authors. They do something some don't like, and then all of a sudden now we should expect the worst from them? Maybe... but I personally don't think so.




I released a lot of resources on the Nexus. The permissions I gave for those resources was that they could be used for any playable mod, but could not be packaged into collections of any sort. The point behind that was that I spent a lot of time and effort creating those resources, and all I wanted in return was credit for my work. The new ToS don't allow that.

If you don't like it, and had time to remove your mods, you can't complain and act like this is being done against your will or as if they are taking your rights away.



The Nexus moderators and admins claim that their collection system will be just like a list of mods. It's not. The key difference here is that their new collection system will allow someone (let's call him Bubba) to make a collection out of anything he wants. In Bubba's old list of mods, users would be required to go to my page to download my resources, so they would see and recognize that the resources came from me. The Nexus hasn't released details of how their new collection system will work, but the point behind it is a simple one-click download. So if Bubba decides to package all of my resources into a collection, it's now Bubba's collection of resources, and users aren't even aware that I created those assets. And under the new terms of service, there isn't a thing that I can do about it.

First of all, they literally have gone over how this works. I am not even going to bother arguing here about this since you can literally learn about it here, and spoiler alert ... you are wrong. https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14568



I also released several companion mods. If Bubba takes one of those and puts it in a collection that modifies my companion into some pervy Japanese school girl companion, again, under the new terms of service, there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it.

First of all, to me it sounds like you don't even know what collections are. All they are is a group of mods, not something that modifies your mod specifically. Sure, you can have multiple mods together and they could interact with your mod. But collections are not what allows that to happen, that can be done regardless of collections by literally anyone as long as they can install those mods together. So sorry, but I don't see your point here. Anyone could even include your mod in just a list and do the exact same thing. It sounds like a ridiculous complaint. Don't want anyone ever doing anything naughty with companions you release? Then you should probably just not release them.



Under the old ToS, if I didn't like the way Nexus did something, I could remove my mods. I had ultimate control over them. Under the new ToS, once you upload something here, the Nexus owns it. You can't remove it. You're stuck with letting them do whatever they want with your work. If they change their ToS again in the future, you have no recourse. The Nexus has ultimate control, not mod authors.


And you have control on whether or not you post your work here. You can't complain if you post it here while knowing what it means. That isn't your rights being taken, that is YOU giving nexus permission. Don't want that stuff to happen, then don't post it here. It's common freaking sense. Just don't post it. Like if it concerns you that much that your mod could possibly be grouped with other mods you don't like, you probably shouldn't release them at all.



If you don't see how our rights have been taken away, then you are very short sighted.

No, it's not short sighted because it's entirely preventable. Don't post your work on a site that has a ToS you don't agree with.

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I released a lot of resources on the Nexus. The permissions I gave for those resources was that they could be used for any playable mod, but could not be packaged into collections of any sort. The point behind that was that I spent a lot of time and effort creating those resources, and all I wanted in return was credit for my work. The new ToS don't allow that.


While Nexus has always had a policy that mods cannot be included in modpacks on Nexus without mod authors permission, the kind of collection the new system is meant to emulate has only existed off-Nexus before now. Therefore Nexus had no ability to control what was added to those collections. And neither did the authors who used your resources. They could put up a request not to be included in such collections, but there was no way to enforce that.

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My understanding of the collections system is this: If you are a premium member, you pick the collection you want, click a button, and it will automatically download all the mods in that collection. While doing so, it will display images and such from that mods page. However, if you are NOT a premium member, which represents the vast majority of users here..... you will be required to go to each and every mod page in that collection, and download them yourself. So, yeah, you have to visit each mod page.

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Am I crazy or are half the posts missing from this thread?



Nope, they left all the negative posts towards mod authors intact, and removed the others.

Apparently attacking mod authors is encouraged now, because the ones who did it the most appeared out of the woodwork to once again do it, unfettered by any rules, and free to do it whenever they want now.

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Am I crazy or are half the posts missing from this thread?



Nope, they left all the negative posts towards mod authors intact, and removed the others.

Apparently attacking mod authors is encouraged now, because the ones who did it the most appeared out of the woodwork to once again do it, unfettered by any rules, and free to do it whenever they want now.


And that seems to be completely in line with Nexus new attitude toward mod authors......

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