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Your longest fight


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Longest fight ever? Probably doesn't really count, but...


I had a full FCOM install setup, and had fast-travelled with a level 1 character to Bruma while testing a mod. Ran out to Dragonclaw rock, set in God mode, and was surprised by an ogre colossus. Now, having got OOO/MMM/Frans/Warcry/kitchen sink installed, I'd picked up some handy gas arrows on my way out of the tutorial dungeon (shot a night blade a few times in the dark). Well, the arrow took him down - 500 seconds paralysis

Started hacking

450 secs later - no health bar change. Shot another arrow, switched to the level 1 Flash spell - that actually started to nibble away at his health. 8 arrows later, he finally expired. Oh, and just for fun one of those dratted conjurers turned up after a couple of arrows, and he and his imp were blasting it too - when it died they both turned on me instantly - one arrow and >gone<


at 450+ secs per arrow, that was about 1 hour 15 minutes targeting a stunned heap to kill it, WITH a "companion" conjurer and summoned imp!

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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Hmm...my longest fight was probably with a Xivilai in a random Oblivion gate. I remember I had an enchanted ebony longsword. Unfortunately, the enchantment had no effect on the Xivilai whatsoever, and the more I hit the more my weapon's health went down. The Xivilai's health wasn't deteriorating nearly as fast as I wanted! Meanwhile, his summoned Clannfear kept knocking me backwards, so I barely had time to recover and take a few more swings before I was knocked for a loop again. Finally, my sword broke, and I was punching the thing with my bare fists. I eventually killed him, but my health had to be down to less than 100 -- I was somewhere around level 20. I had to rest for 48 hours straight to get my health back!
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Training my Block-Skill on the rats in the basement of that dark elf woman in Anvil, it takes a frigging while. Did my homework then.

No, the longest real fight I remember was in Kvatch, I finally dared to do the main quest after my character got to level 24. I entered the second part of town, with the arena.

Of course, Savlian Mattus wasn't of much use after the first fight, his health dropped to below normal and the other guards, well, they stood no chance against 4 Xivilai, 2 Storm Atronach and 4 Dremora Valkynaz.

One Atronach went down by their combined forces, and then they perished. Savlian Mattus was more dead then alive during the remainder of the fight, so I stood alone against the horde.

And believe me, being staggered is the largest problem in melee combat ;)

Edited by Faceshifter
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Tyreal! *shakes fist*


Yeah Frostcrag Reborn was kind of crazy. Two hours of fighting, and I was literally a god against everything else in the game. However that final boss for Frostcrag was just painful.

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Training my Block-Skill on the rats in the basement of that dark elf woman in Anvil, it takes a frigging while. Did my homework then.

No, the longest real fight I remember was in Kvatch, I finally dared to do the main quest after my character got to level 24. I entered the second part of town, with the arena.

Of course, Savlian Mattus wasn't of much use after the first fight, his health dropped to below normal and the other guards, well, they stood no chance against 4 Xivilai, 2 Storm Atronach and 4 Dremora Valkynaz.

One Atronach went down by their combined forces, and then they perished. Savlian Mattus was more dead then alive during the remainder of the fight, so I stood alone against the horde.

And believe me, being staggered is the largest problem in melee combat ;)

I had an extremely long, very bad Kvatch battle experience myself, although I wasn't quite as high a level as you mention here. I was high enough so that the majority of the enemies were flame atronachs and clanfears, with some of those daedra spellcasters who look like Darth Maul in the black robes as well. The defenders were totally demolished, and the clanfears were tearing me apart, I had to hide in a crevice where the enemies could only approach me single file and beat them back slowly but surely. I died many, many times, I shall never wait that long before starting the main quest again. My first playthrough of the MQ, I did that part when it was all scamps and much easier foes, it was far less painful.

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