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Funniest kill


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There was this one time, where I was playing an archer, I picked out my chosen assasination target, and fired. He was pinned against the wall, with a clean shot to the head, and made my way down from the imperial city roof tops, to collect my arrow.


When I get down to the unfortunate imperial, I find that he is spinning round and round constantly really fast, something mucked up the engine there. I try to find my arrow, but it seems to of dissapeared, so effectively, someones's just spinning round in circles in mid air.

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Haha my funniest would have to be the DB asassination quest


I was stalking that mage guy that travels around to different cities We were in bruma traveling to chorrol and I picked a spot ontop a rock and zoomed in real close to shoot my arrow barely missed him and I got really angry. 13 shots later I still didnt hit him and by that point I got angry and pulled out my duskfang and tried sneaking up on him when all of a sudden he starts running and I lose him I search his for his body eerywhere and 15 minutes later I find him , 4 rats a bandit and a dead dark seducer and a dead target


Idk what happened but I was happy !

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Well.. what can i say.

I finished shivering isle and became MadGod. i left shivering isle and for some reason there is this golden saint following me everywhere. i used all kinda of spell to make her disapear.

I was stalking a target.. i was about to pounce on him when suddenly i am dead.. i am like wtf? it was the golden saint.. she had somehow gotten back to me and killed me while i was sneaking grr.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This isn't my funniest, but now I wanna make a video of the funniest.


I used console codes to put a bounty on a guard. The result was a brawl of 15 guards on one, and of course because of the large number there were friendly hits. Turned into 30+ dead guards by the end of it. ( I shot the winners. )


Then I decided to use my Fort Death spells, these two: Mark for Transfer, Transfer to Mark.


I went HIGH in the air using TCL and marked it up there. Then shot everyone in bruma with transfer to mark. The result was, 20 seconds+ later, quite heavy rain.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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I managed to get an around 1000 yard arrow kill on the Mission Spies. I was above the spy and bet my brother that I could shoot her from there. He said no, I fired the arrow...


5 seconds later he laughs and says "Ha ha you missed"

*muffled sound of arrow hitting flesh*

"Well Daaaamn"

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  • 3 months later...
Once I was being chased by a guard for a crime in Cheydinhal I think (or whatever city has the well behind the mages guild) and I decided to go into the well. He followed me into the well and drowned. I lol'd soooo hard! XD
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