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NexusMods needs a new metric to access mod quality


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Any evaluation of a mod other than "does it work" is subjective. Beyond that simple criteria, and just as is in the evaluation of any work of art, what constitutes quality is in the mind of the reviewer.



Does it work can be subjective as well, what might work on in certain load orders and on certain hardware might not work on others. An example would be installing a large texture pack into one of the older 32 bit games, if the game has been made LAA and the user has taken other measures to push down VRAM usage then those textures will work just fine, if someone installs them into a vanilla set up and tries to play the game it won't be long before textures stop loading and the game crashes.

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There is only one truly objective measure of mod quality. Does it work as advertised?

Demonstrably wrong.


A mod may work as advertised yet it might, for example, have a deficiency which causes save game bloat.


You couldn't call that a quality mod.


To avoid further embarrassment, I recommend you at least attempt to falsify your own assertions before committing them to pixels.





Any evaluation of a mod other than "does it work" is subjective. Beyond that simple criteria, and just as is in the evaluation of any work of art, what constitutes quality is in the mind of the reviewer.

Does it work can be subjective as well, what might work on in certain load orders and on certain hardware might not work on others. An example would be installing a large texture pack into one of the older 32 bit games, if the game has been made LAA and the user has taken other measures to push down VRAM usage then those textures will work just fine, if someone installs them into a vanilla set up and tries to play the game it won't be long before textures stop loading and the game crashes.




See my post above about collections. The does it work criteria is flawed as well.


Obviously some folks got stuck on the first sentence. The really important bit was at the end.




Observable, testable, measurable, repeatable; the four criteria for an objective metric. Any metric proposed for evaluating a mod's quality which does not fulfill all four of these criteria is simply seeking an opinion.




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Obviously some folks got stuck on the first sentence. The really important bit was at the end.

So it's our fault that you contradicted yourself?


There's good reason why when doing writing (eg newspaper articles, essays etc), you start with the most important & persuasive aspects/arguments.


You would think that someone with a signature as preachy as yours, containing exultations to have an open mind and be able to laugh at oneself, would also be able to acknowledge when they're wrong, rather than blaming others.



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Obviously some folks got stuck on the first sentence. The really important bit was at the end.

So it's our fault that you contradicted yourself?


There's good reason why when doing writing (eg newspaper articles, essays etc), you start with the most important & persuasive aspects/arguments.


You would think that someone with a signature as preachy as yours, containing exultations to have an open mind and be able to laugh at oneself, would also be able to acknowledge when they're wrong, rather than blaming others.





So ... you really don't want to talk about metrics ... fine.



Hey Everyone!! Look!! gnarly1 got me again. gnarly1 is SOOO smart, smarter than me. And SOOO witty, with the subtle turn of a phrase. And SOOO intelligent with the helpful feedback and kindly guidance. Please, everyone. Recognize gnarly1 is just so damned great, and outstanding, and awesome and just the perfect human being.


Now can we get back to the topic under discussion? Or does your ego need more?


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You seem to have me at somewhat of a disadvantage. I am obliged to argue logically, consistently and rationally. Given your faltering responses in this thread, it's clear that you place no such burden upon yourself....

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Now can we get back to the topic under discussion? Or does your ego need more?

Don't feed the trolls.

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