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What happened to the sticky with the changelog?


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Guest deleted34304850

The changelogs will now be posted on the Vortex mod page. Insomnious (the new Vortex developer) is not planning to maintain the sticky so I have unpinned it.

any chance of a link from this forum to the vortex page on nexusmods? that sticky was incredibly handy and it seems to be counter-productive to remove it and put the same data elsewhere.

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I'd argue it wasn't terribly useful putting the changelog here as it's so far detached from the new version download. Both the mod page, the GitHub page and the dashboard in app have the changelog. I'll see if I can dig up the link tomorrow.
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Guest deleted34304850

it's okay mate - you're right - the data is already available in several places.

when you put it like that, this forum is just one other place to update, so i get the reticence to keeping this updated, when its in several other locations as well. it was just me thinking of where i come from - and i dont spend a lot of time on those other locations. no worries - its all good.

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Guest deleted34304850

top man, Picky.


I've gone off and bookmarked the github page and the main vortex page - it makes sense for me to do that small thing, rather than try to make someone update the sticky in this forum, which is obviously not really connected to those locations.

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I was thinking more about a link to the Vortex mod page under the link to the documentation page. But it's not a big deal.


The main reason I asked is that with Vortex self-updating and only when I need to open it I rarely see that updates are available unless I see the sticky here.

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The changelogs will now be posted on the Vortex mod page. Insomnious (the new Vortex developer) is not planning to maintain the sticky so I have unpinned it.

What happened to Tannin?


Curious myself.

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