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8 hours ago, Eolhin said:

Yeah, those other social media places fostered a sense of competition around the 'friends' mechanic that cheapened it to just a number.  But here, it was people that you genuinely wanted to stay in touch with, or remember and revisit.  The number of them was never important.

You know that trend to post 'F' to pay respects?  I guess we need to post F for Friends here.



8 hours ago, 1ae0bfb8 said:

i have read that post this morning, several times, and there's an innate sadness about it. i'm sorry pal.


Fr! Totallt gotta say press F to pay my respects to that :wallbash: I've been a member since 2014, not literally all my friends are just gone 😭

I had like over 400 homies 🤣 What was the nexus thinking when they removed that? Honestly, I'm still having trouble understanding why that happened, and why another solution wasn't implemented to keep that active. Also the 'badge' system is pretty strange; I should like have all the badges, most users probably should, since there are many veterans among us, lol

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I agree.  I understand that the friends function is not part of the current software package.  But I still see no reason why either a custom version wasn't implemented or short of that, why the data wasn't preserved and migrated as "followers".  Not an ideal solution but better than losing everything.

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Custom version:  Actually custom = too damn expensive.   Alternative option that can be purchased = suggest one if you know of one.  There might be a plugin for Invision Community somewhere?

As for migrating it as Followers, Robin explained that.  It would mean that everyone who had Friends in the old version would be getting flooded with notifications of everything those Friends were doing in the new version.  There was no way to know who would accept that and who would hate it.

I still wonder if they could have just PM'ed a list of Friends to everyone?

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I gotta be honest here. I don't understand this new forum at all.

( Yes I live in a cave, I'm old and don't talk in any other forums for over a decade now, so it's probably completely my fault )

Is there a way to get from Browsing a Mod to the forum location of the game that said Mod utilizes?


Just a rundown of what I have to do to get to the new forum while browsing Mods here:

1- click community drop down menu

2- click forum

3- scroll to the very bottom of the page

4- click corresponding letter on the 'Game-specific Forums' section

5- scroll down until I find the correct Game

6- click on 'Morrowind Technical Support' option

7- find out that I am now in the 'Old Forum'

8- click on the red 'Migration to new forum pages is in process' banner at top of screen

9- click on the 'here' button

10- find the correct Game again

11- See a bunch of disconnected comments mashed together in some kinda of frankenstien's monster theme

12- Click on discussions tab located towards top of screen

13- Find a place that looks like an acutal forum again

14- Looks in vain for a start a new topic button... but kinda thinks no one will see it here anyway because of how convoluted it is to get here. And apparently there is only 9 members now... What does that even mean? This old man has no clue.

This seems overly complicated to get to the forums discussing the Mods you are currently using. This is a Mod site. Shouldn't the Mod section of the forum be the most accessible?.. The easiest to find?

Once again this is probably just me missing something, or maybe this is something that is still being worked on. Forgive me if this was already discussed earlier. I can't seem to find a search feature to narrow down the 27 pages of comments here either. And this Where's Waldo hunt has got me knackered out.

Also when you do search something the 'keywords' are greyed out making them blend in to the background, effectively making them invisible unless you highlight them with your mouse.

Edited by Diomes2
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2 hours ago, Zanderat said:

I agree.  I understand that the friends function is not part of the current software package.  But I still see no reason why either a custom version wasn't implemented or short of that, why the data wasn't preserved and migrated as "followers".  Not an ideal solution but better than losing everything.

Some of us had hundreds of people on that list, the number of notifications that would generate would be a nightmare to deal with.

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20 hours ago, lefttounge said:

Can I say something? I miss having friends.

Honestly, I get it, ok, the new forums doesn't have a friend mechanic now.

However I thought the friend mechanic was extremely useful, and I am pretty disappointed that it's just literally gone now. Many places have the ability to friend someone; tiktok, reddit, twitter, even facebook, even myspace had that.

Yes, I get it. This is Nexus mods, not a social media platform, and not any of those platforms, however I think that this is a serious downgrade for the site. Hopefully one day it can return some kind of way, otherwise others might struggle to feel like this is a true community, when they can't even friend somebody to keep them in close contact.

This is something I have to whole-heartily agree with. I rarely comment in the forums and I've been a member of this site since 2008, however having the "friends" tab on profiles (everyone's profiles) was an easy way to see not just the mods they've got, but also to get caught up with any new screenshots, videos and updates that they may have especially if you've not logged in for some time and would like a quick way to see what's up with your favorite authors. After all, if you liked their content, friending them is a great way to get more of anything else they may come up with!. All your favorites in one spot! 🙂

Now to pull up my friends profiles, either I'll look to see if they've released any new screenshots, mods or videos in the (insert game) media section, then click on their name from there, or I start typing their user name in the website address bar. It works, but not as great as clicking on their profiles in the "friends" tab.

Why did we get a downgrade with a new update? Don't get me wrong, I love most of the changes and additions we got with the new forum update, but things also got taken away from us and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that didn't appreciate that.


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It's sad that the friends feature is gone. I was looking for a way to get a cached version of my list of friends but I haven't found one. The Wayback Machine didn't archive it and the archived versions of my profile from search engines were too recent. Then I copied the link of the friends tab from the Wayback Machine version of my profile, isolated the original Nexus link, opened it a new tab and the list of friends is still there!


All you need to do is putting ?tab=friends at the end of your profile link to access your list of friends. This makes the process of adding them back as followers easier.



I made a backup of my list of friends just in case.

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35 minutes ago, Selene310187 said:

It's sad that the friends feature is gone. I was looking for a way to get a cached version of my list of friends but I haven't found one. The Wayback Machine didn't archive it and the archived versions of my profile from search engines were too recent. Then I copied the link of the friends tab from the Wayback Machine version of my profile, isolated the original Nexus link, opened it a new tab and the list of friends is still there!


All you need to do is putting ?tab=friends at the end of your profile link to access your list of friends. This makes the process of adding them back as followers easier.



I made a backup of my list of friends just in case.

Just tried that now and it works! 

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