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User Profile and Direct Messaging Improvements Beta


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3 minutes ago, Pickysaurus said:

Regarding the author's name/image on mod cards. The name was always displayed on every entry on your profile. 

I get it, but we are not discussing how it was, we're discussing how it is in the new version. 🙂 You removed "uploader" and redesigned the card, so from where we stand, we see no reason why you can't change other things. Of course now that you said that you want to reuse those cards everywhere, the avatar also makes sense. But then why remove the uploader?

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14 minutes ago, Pickysaurus said:

Regarding the author's name/image on mod cards. The name was always displayed on every entry on your profile. We've just added the avatar. These tiles will be reused everywhere we show a tile for your mod. 

Sure. What i wanted to say is that on this specific page the avatar on each mod is not functionally needed since it's always the same avatar that is already displayed on the left side of the page, and it looks weird because the same avatar is repeated on every mod.

But if not reusing the entire card would require repeating the same code twice, i can understand it.

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4 minutes ago, StartofSky said:

If MOD's Brief overview have blank line breaks,  HTTP tags don't hide


Can you provide a link or a screenshot to show an example of what you mean? 


Edit: Seems that <br />  tags are incorrectly showing in a mod summary here: https://next.nexusmods.com/users/87673658/mods

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Liking it so far!
I guess my suggestion would be to hide the unfinished "Activity" section, and to hide tabs you haven't uploaded anything to- like if you don't have any images, hide that tab. if you don't have any mods, hide that tab. 

Also I think for mods, it should sort by "Most recent" by default

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With the new page the profile picture spot seems to be 180x180 but the picture you upload is still 100x100 so it ends up looking super blurry like this so would be great if that could be increased to match



I also know this is kinda known but in my mods section these games show up but I don't mod for any of them I mod for skyrim SE, Mass effect legendary and baldur's gate so if I select any of them they of course show no mods found in that filter


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I'm going to be honest overlooking the several bugs I found this is generally a much worse design. Major points I have an issue with.

1. If we are looking at their profile why do we need to see their image on every mod? I know these cards are used elsewhere but you should be able to build in the togge for their profile image.

2. you went from 5 across to 3 across as a user that is really annoying. I work in web development and one of the things I would make sure you ask yourself is this making me scroll more? If so its almost always a bad idea same with requiring aditional clicks.

3. you shrunk the amount of space given for the description this is actually vital information for people. Taking away that info makes is more annoying to know if I'm intersted in the mod.

4. You increased the font size on the mods name I really don't think that neccesary WCAG does not have a minimum font size but you have major accesiblity issues with your color choices. I know this seems nitpicky but the company I work has been sued in the past for not taking accesiblity seriously. We are in the US though so it may be different for you. It also is worth noting here that taking the time to make sure colors are accesibile makes the page easier to read for all users not just those with vision imparments. (I know the current page has over 800 but still these are easy things for devs to fix that make a huge difference).



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I like it.  Bringing back the message tab  and fixing notifications is definitely a needed fix.  You are probably aware that the Mods/Games dropdown isn't working properly.  It shows three random games but doesn't allow a user to select any particular game.  Thanks for your work.

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