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No way lol, I always saw that as Lv000 too :laugh:

I knew it's an I, cause it very likely represents his real name (Ivo/Ivan). But if I was from another country, I probably wouldn't know if it's Lv000 or Iv000 either.

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No way lol, I always saw that as Lv000 too :laugh:

I knew it's an I, cause it very likely represents his real name (Ivo/Ivan). But if I was from another country, I probably wouldn't know if it's Lv000 or Iv000 either.



Ironman5000 has an I at the beginning too. It is suspiciously the same Iv000.

HYPOTHETICALLY Thinking is all I am writing here.

Iv000 is a he, His? I thought Hermaphrodite like people who only kept half their genitalia like Jamie Lee Curtis, had the male parts removed, Hermas Jamies self declaration is on the Internet. I think I saw the name of the race was called "Herma's". I do not know if then Ancient God Hermes had any connection to them.

I remember stories about Loki, Thors step-brother, being able to fake out people and turned his trickster self into a female horse and even got pregnant while so endowed.


I found these things out while doing research on an Archaeology search to explain some ancient art of men who all were bent forward over the one another all jammed up close to the behind of the other in front of them in a line around some low stone wall among other symbols.


Hypothetically saying it may turn out that the Hermaphrodite's may have been the first race, known as Gods first race. (Angel's) Hypothetically I am saying, not for sure just HYPOTHETICALLY. In some instances of writings it was unfortunate that God created and favored the results gotten when humans were created. It may have been what caused the bad feuds among the heaven's? The Angels have been marrying and trying to reproduce with humans ever since. HYPOTHETICALLY Thinking is all I am writing here.

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I was thinking of doing some amateur archeology in Transylvania. See if I can't find the remains of a certain Vlad...


@Pagafyr: Lol, thanks for that. Been reading it wrong for all this time :psyduck:

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ancient art of men who all were bent forward over the one another all jammed up close to the behind of the other in front of them in a line around some low stone wall

Hundreds of years ago that represented a "gay orgy porn" Google search result for ancient masturbators. :tongue:

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I need some new music, any ideas??. i am all ears for indie, alternative rock, grunge.

Any help would be awesome, my library is pretty big when it comes to those particular types of music. So it might be tricky.

Edited by Thor.
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Um...I cant take screens in Oblivion and have a couple of mods to upload tonight, i'm out until tomorrow and my home internet is down -

A few days ago we had a really bad lightning storm and I live up high on the hills, lightning struck the house which caused a power surge blowing the router and phone (I actually heard a fizz noise come from the hall where they are!) so until I get a replacement I can't be very active online

, - so could do with getting it uploaded tonight. Could anyone be a pal and download it, take a few good screens, and upload them to the page please? I can send the link when the mod is up.


I could do that, if you want. I still play Oblivion regularly. :)

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