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I wasn't going for a complicated script that checked if the player was at the smelter. I was going for modifying the recipe so that it gave the player a "token" item. Something that they would not get anywhere else. Then a simple script on the player alias that looks for when the player receives such "token" item and swaps it out for the real deal.

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Looking for a mod that adds items that invisible when you equip them but can still be enchanted. Surely there's a mod out theere that does this, I just can't find it.


Some armor sets come with loads of bits and pieces such as the Black Sacrament Armor that has stuff like heargear etc that isnt visible when wearing them but still provides a enchantable bonus. I have a few armor sets that have the basic boots, gloves armor helmet etc, but I'd like to add other stuff that such as carry weight.


I hope what I'm saying makes some sense.


Can someone point me in the right direction?


Much appreciated.

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I'm going to pretend that I know a little about scripting (I tried :ermm: )and ask if this comes close to what I might need? (once again I'm mashing together bits I've seen that do the parts that I need. Eventually I'll get closer to understanding what it all does and what I need to do...).



Scriptname ElloAddImproverScript extends ObjectReference


LeveledItem Property ElloLItemImprovers10 Auto


MiscObject Property IngotIron Auto


Event OnLoad()




Event OnUnload()

; safety measure




auto STATE normal

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)


; debug.trace(self + "OnActivate")

if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()


; ; debug.trace(self + "player activation START")

Activate(akActionRef, true)

; ; debug.trace(self + "player activation END")


; ; debug.trace(self + "NPC activation START")

; just activate it

Activate(akActionRef, true)

; ; debug.trace(self + "NPC activation END")






STATE busy

; do nothing



Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)

If akBaseItem == IngotIron





bool isRegisteredForEvents = false


function RegisterForEvents()

; centralize this

isRegisteredForEvents = true

RegisterForAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "AddToInventory")

RegisterForAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "IdleFurnitureExit")



function UnregisterForEvents()


Not even close because you didn't use OnAnimationEvent()

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Looking for a mod that adds items that invisible when you equip them but can still be enchanted. Surely there's a mod out theere that does this, I just can't find it.


Some armor sets come with loads of bits and pieces such as the Black Sacrament Armor that has stuff like heargear etc that isnt visible when wearing them but still provides a enchantable bonus. I have a few armor sets that have the basic boots, gloves armor helmet etc, but I'd like to add other stuff that such as carry weight.


I hope what I'm saying makes some sense.


Can someone point me in the right direction?


Much appreciated.


Please go to the pinned Mod Detectives thread at the top of this forum.

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Hey guys,


So I designed my own custom quest for my own mod. This may sound a bit silly but for the life of me I can't work out how to make the quest start after you are made Thane of Whiterun.


The quest starts with a courier dropping off a note and goes from there. How do I go about making the courier appear after you are made Thane?

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Thank you Terra Nova. I did start with OnAnimationEvent(), but then thought that perhaps it would trigger when the smelter is accessed, not when ingots are created. So generally speaking, would OnItemAdded need to be attatched to the player not the smelter? Using it on the smelter would suggest that the smelter was acquiring the item? If I see the logic in it I will understand it better. I'm beginning to see that I can't make similar concepts work in different ways, and I'm really going to need to learn to put together some more complicated stuff. Is there a .. dictionary of terms that papyrus accepts? I've looked through a lot of the stuff on the wiki, but it either assumes you know nothing, (which usually is good for me) or assumes you know everything. I haven't found anything in between that builds on the basics. Sorry for all the questions :confused:

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Hey guys,


So I designed my own custom quest for my own mod. This may sound a bit silly but for the life of me I can't work out how to make the quest start after you are made Thane of Whiterun.


The quest starts with a courier dropping off a note and goes from there. How do I go about making the courier appear after you are made Thane?

You could:


A) Add a snippet to the end of the Thane quest to start yours. (Less compatibility, easier; compatibility issues would be minor and not likely)


B) Create a Magic Effect (Constant Effect, Self, Hide in UI, Type Script and that's it) w/ a script that OnEffectStart begins your quest. Add it to a Self, Constant Effect spell with the conditions on the SPELL version of the MGEF as GetStage ThaneQuestID == # with # being the stage in that quest you are made thane. Then use AddSpell to add the spell to the player in a Start Game Enabled quest (quest Script, OnInit AddSpell)

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