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The last movie you watched thread


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The Not-So-Amazing Spiderman.

Was really looking forward to this from the teaser trailers, but...

1) Spider-Man is Andy Murray???

2) Too many scenes were just rip-offs from the last 3 films.

3) Hardly anything happens in the first hour.

4) The spidey suit is...dare I say it - ugly.

5) We were promised revelations about Peter's past, with the trailers hinting at what happened to his parents. And what did we find out? We found out that his parents had <shock!horror!> disappeared! Wow! I already knew that you philastines!

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I took 2 grand-kids to see the Chipmunk movie at the Saturday kiddie movie - It was painful. :pinch:


Plot? we don't' need no stinkin' plot we got Chipmunks instead.

Dialog? We don't need no dialogue, we got chipmunks!

Love interest? - who cares we got chipmunks.

Physics? - nah, chipmunks don't need no physics, they can run across the ceiling.

Cute? Well as a matter of fact - we got CHIPMUNKS!!!


Even the kids thought the movie was silly. :blush:

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just watched the hunger games...


what a huge waste of time, it was a total ripoff of twilight and the story was so stupid and unrealistic


I wish I could get my money back


to give more detail, the fact that people would allow such a thing to happen is just not possible

nuclear war, starvation, totalitarian government, it doesnt matter, its just not gonna happen

so I just lost all interest in the film right from the start, the rest was just a stupid twilight ripoff that I could care less about as well


useless tripe that would only be found interesting to people who like the twilight movie, or enjoy seeing children being murdered




I really did





I wish I could have seen the chipmunk movie instead :happy:

Edited by dogtown1
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Grave Encounters.


Just another Found Footage horror film. It went the extra mile and actually didn't rip off Paranormal Activity, and was a pretty original flick, surprisingly.

It even had some pretty great makeup effects, and the sparse CGI was even pretty good. It featured more disturbing imagery than every PG13 horror film to come out this year. Unfortunately, it was bogged down in the beginning, and took forever to get the ball rolling.


Overall, I guess I liked it.

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