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So Windows 10 is actually spyware.

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To avoid installation frustration make sure you grab an LTS-version (current 14.04), because normal versions have security updates only for 9 months.

Ubuntu is definitely a great choice, but for an familiar interface like Windows, Zorin OS might be better: http://zorin-os.com/


Before you install the system you can try it from your medium that doesn't touch the hard drive, as long as you don't mount it ;)

Edited by openthegate
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Well, after posting my previous comment I managed to install on my new Ubuntu 14.04 LTS machine the following:


- Teamviewer 10;

- Chromium;

- XnView MultiPlatform (image viewer);

- DropBox;

- Skype;

- Keepass2;

- VLC Player (funny, subtitles look much better on the Linux version).


I've already set up my email account, managed to get Skype work. Teamviewer needs to be launched from a Terminal window, other than that it was a walk in the park. Guess what? Simply reading the error logs/instructions gave me enough clues to tackle most of the problems.

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Windows 10 dislike #1:

-Mandatory updates, includes drivers. Driver conflict.



This OS is for people that don't give a hoot, just as long as it works on the thing I installed it on...which can basically work, but if you start trying to tweak things like an enthusiast, it all falls to pieces. It's like Ubuntu, but back to Ubtuntu 5. Sure, Update installs working drivers. But if you have a custom built rig, you lose almost all control of your hardware...at least off the starting block.


My main desktop isn't going to use Windows 10 this year. I did successfully update two laptops in the family with no side effects, but this rig isn't a laptop, it's OC'd, and Windows 10 isn't for OC'd rigs.


So, @the OP, add that: Windows 10 targets non-enthusiasts. A simple OS...add the rest through apps. The spying hurts me less than pretty much ignoring the features I bought my MOBO for.

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Just to comment, since Linux and especially Ubuntu has now come up: Ubuntu has its own share of people complaining about "massive privacy concerns" and so forth (it has been called/labeled spyware by security experts, like Richard Stallman). Like I said earlier - pros and cons to anything you use, and there is no magic bullet. If the goal is to not have an operating system or OS components that "phone home" than Ubuntu will likely fail that goal, however if the goal is simply to trot out "Microsoft bad, Microsoft evil" then Ubuntu will certainly satisfy that.


LadyMilla: I have found, over the years, that VLC does look/work better on Linux as well. I'm not sure why this is so.

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Well, every human is different. I would not welcome it, if Microsoft knows and saves everything about me like name, telephone number, location, personal stuff etc.

This is probably going to be a data bank of users world wide. Who knows?


Plus I doubt turning off the settings really turns it off, since a friend told me his network analyze tools like Wireshark show him more results than ever before.


I found a suitable gif-picture for this situation: http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_original/1372618229328399206.gif

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