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Bug List - If you find bugs post them here


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Well, the idea is that we collect all the bugs we can find and possible solutions for them.




1. Camera issues when leaving workbenches
When leaving a workbench sometimes the camera appears to be first person but is actually third person and strangely rotated.
Result is that you walk to the side or something when you meant to walk forward.
Is fixed by chaning the camera mode.


2. Weapon invisible / missing

Sometimes when switching the weapon in first person mode the weapon gets invisible.
Can be fixed by changing camera mode if I remember correctly.
Maybe it was holstering and reequiping the weapon.

Fixed by aiming the weapon according to Shawker


3. Invisible Pipboy

When bringing up the pip boy to view it is invisible.

what seems to fix this is switching to 3rd person then back to first person.

By jjjk49


4. Lag when using phone as pipboy

I noticed when using my phone plugged in as a pip boy is when I get weird pip boy lag and in game lag in general.

I have stopped using it for now and seems fine.

By Shawker


5. Lockpicking not working in fullscreen

In full screen mode the lock picking screen doesn't work.

Hit E to interface with a locked safe or whatever and the screen goes out of focus so your focus is on the lock pick screen but there is no screen.

The sounds are there for adjusting the lock pick location but no video to go along with it.

I flipped to windowed mode and the lock pick screen comes up just fine then.

By Stubbies2003


6. Caravan members get lost

The members of caravans can disappear.

Know locations: [Near Beford Station]

By mpaquasar


7. Broken fast-travel

Apparently has something to do with National Guard Training Ground. or upon finding the lost BoS patrol. I'm not precisely sure what the catalyst is - however, you'll be prevented from fast-travelling with a constant 'you cannot travel from this location at this time.' This would happen even in sanctuary.

Possible solutions:

Fast-travel in Power Armor - this didn't work for me, but some people on Reddit claimed this fixed it. Others said the PA worked, but they HAD to be in PA from then on to travel.

Windowed/Full-screen mode - this also didn't work for me, but some people claimed that one setting allowed them to travel, while the other restricted it.

*NG Training Ground Terminal - I learned about this one too late, but they said you can access a terminal at the training ground (I imagine one you already accessed) and something about that fixes it.

By rcardinalli


8. Interdimensional monsters

This happened to me specifically in Vault 81, in a section where a lot of monsters pop out of the ground at once.

Two of them became sort of phased. A blue hinge, rapidly flickering in and out, still attacking, but invincible.

It was strange to be sure, console 'killall' was the only effective means of killing it.

By rcardinalli


9. Long delay when switching weapons

Sometimes when swtiching weapons it takes a long time ( up to 10 secounds according to KovNik2015 ).

I have the feeling it's the time needed to load the weapon textures and model.

Not sure though.




1. Mutant Hound Steak not healing radiation

The mutant hound steak (created by cooking mutant hound meat) is supposed to give the player something like +40 to health and -50 to radiation.

When consumed it only raises health and does nothing to remove rads.

By archtrtd1


2. Items disappear after modification

Apparently items can just disappear after they were modified at a workbench.

By CalibanX


3. Items modifications aren't applied

Apparently when modifying an item sometimes the modification isn't applied but the junk needed is consumed.

By KovNik2015


4. Modifying bought Power Frame crashes game

If you buy the power frame in the weapos shop in Goodneighbor and try to modify it, the game can crash without warning.

By ec992


5. Distress signal after scrapping beacon

When scrapping a portable distress beacon the signal can be left at that point.

By Wrolly13 and archtrtd1


6. Power armor fusion core bug

It's possible that a power armor uses up a fusion core from just entering it.

More info: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3373215-bug-list-if-you-find-bugs-post-them-here/page-14&do=findComment&comment=30975990

By waiyanhlaing




1. Stuck on terminal

Sometimes when accessing a terminal the character can get stuck and the game doesn't respond anymore.
Although in my case after ~10 seconds it resolved itself and the character finally accessed the terminal.


2. Text in terminals strangely cut off

Sometimes the text in terminals appears to be cut off in mid sentence.

The text in terminals can be several pages long.

You go to the next page by pressing [E] maybe [Enter] works too, haven't tried it.

Problem is as far as I can tell nothing in the hud indicates that.


3. Terminal zoom unreliable

Somemtimes when accessing terminals the camera will zoom in further as usual.

Doesn't really change or break anything but word highlighting <-> mouse pointer is slightly off.


4. Unresponsive terminals ( not really a bug )

Often the terminals don't respond to the first few mouse clicks.
Result is you have to click an option in the terminal a few times to get it to open.




1. Plants in settlement not working

One bug that is really anoying for me is that a good handful of the razorgrain that I planted doesn't work at all. The model is there but I can't interact with it and I can place new plants in the same place.
By Silentdagger


2. Recruitment Beacon can't be disabled

Recruitment Beacon is still broadcasting after being disabled, without power and even if scrapped/stored. Sleeping fixed it though.

By Sigmatic


3. People leave settlement

The whole group I picked up from Museum disappeared from Sanctuary and are sitting back at the Museum again.

They are still counted as people in the settlement tho...
I can make Preston follow me but thats about it. Also doesn't matter where I send him, he always goes back to Museum.

Edit: tried to move,kill and resurrect them with console, doesn't do a thing. They are like glued to the Museum.

By antze


4. Companions can't be assigned to settlement tasks

I don't know what caused it but i can no longer assign companions to settlement tasks, when i highlight them the options for settlers/dismissed companions does not appear.

This bug seems to affect companions individually as it has appeared only on Cait and Piper so far with my other companions unaffected.

No known fix, I have already tried removing their previously assigned station from the settlement and re-hiring and dismissing them(both in and far away from the settlements).

By Wrolly13


5. Settlement values drop to zero randomly

Whenever I'm in a settlement, it will show all the resources, settler count, happiness, etc...

But when I leave, not always and sometimes randomly, it will change my counts to zero, or some other random number.

Thus my settlement happiness will plummet and settlers leave.

By SteelHellion


5b. More settlement value problems

For me, Sanctuary's water seems to keep zeroing out and constantly has bed problems. Have already tried:

Adding more pumps, taking all the pumps out and putting in new ones, taking out all the pumps and building a single industrial pump.

Building several small pumps all near each other, near the center of the area (thinking it's a pathing or detection issue). Nada.

Tried the same with the beds, tried shuffling people around, removing and replacing all beds starting from a central area and working outward. Nada.

By Vagrant0


6. Control over settlements can be lost

The control over settlements can be lost completely.

Result is that the workshop can't be used anymore.

By ChrisDovahkiin and mkrbu50


7. Settlement stores share inventory

When building the same store in a settlement twice the stores share the same inventory, which makes it completely pointless.

By Nycidian


8. Named settlers stop assigned activities

I noticed if i ask some named settlers to do stuff like attend a shop or grow food, they will stop doing it after going to sleep first time.

by darkfender666




1. [Capslock] inverted.

A bug that was present in skyrim too where [Capslock] can be inverted.
I believe it happens when [shift] is pressed when interacting with containers or actors.
The result is that you need to have [Capslock] active all the time if you want to run.

It doesn't happen as often as in skyrim. In skyrim I can pretty much reproduce it reliably.

Can be fixed by binding a different key to the walk/run switch - By Vagrant0


2. [Tab] doesn't respond anymore.
Result is that you can't use your pipboy and you can't back out of terminals ( mouse must be used ).
Usually can be fixed by holstering and reequiping the weapon.

Once I could fix it by Alt-Tabing out of the game!


3. Controls in building mode unreliable

When building stuff in the settlement and navigating the menus via Shift + A / D the controls break rather often.

Result is that neither Shift + A / D nor the arrow keys respond anymore.

Can be fixed by leaving the build menu and reopening.


4. Camera issues in third person

When holding a weapon in third person, any slight movement of your character (either with a small push of the left

stick on controller or pressing left/right with slow walk on on keyboard) causes camera/aiming movement to freeze for a moment.

This means a constant stuttering and freezing while playing that essentially renders third person unplayable for combat!

More info: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3373215-bug-list-if-you-find-bugs-post-them-here/page-10&do=findComment&comment=30473545

More info: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3373215-bug-list-if-you-find-bugs-post-them-here/page-11&do=findComment&comment=30544580

By parabolee




1. LOD issues

When I first arrived at [Thicket Excavations] the low poly lod object was still there, which made the area look ridiculously bad.
When I went there later on it was correct.


1b. More LOD issues with textures

I got some kinda LOD bug where a bunch of textures get blurry and then stay blurry.

Reloading the game fixes it, but after moving on to another area it gets blurry again:/

This includes textures on my character

By Sabalin


2. Item icons in favorite menu out of bounds

Just loaded up the game to find my weapon icons in my favorites menu are outside their boxes a bit lol.

By SMB92


3. Text in pipboy barely visible

Depending on the lighting situation of the environment the text in the pipboy can be hard to read.

Image: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3373215-bug-list-if-you-find-bugs-post-them-here/&do=findComment&comment=30335055

By Alcoremortis


3b. More pipboy problems

When using a stealthboy or a similar perk the text on the pipboy can be distorted and hard to read.

By Geotraka


4. HUD Shifted Off Center
Sometimes, when opening the main menu while using a workbench or the pip boy
the HUD gets shifted to the left about an inch, so the cross-hair doesn't line up with the center of the screen.

This will be back to normal if you exit to desktop and restart the game.

By Plorp


5. Evironment becomes white

May be happening when the VRam is full, however I had the feeling it's related to occlusion cullling.

Can be fixed by restarting the game according to Boombro

More info: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3373215-bug-list-if-you-find-bugs-post-them-here/page-13&do=findComment&comment=30858080


6. Shadow stripping problems

By CalibanX




1. Transactions give wrong cap amount

It's possible when selling items you get a wrong amount of caps added to your inventory.

Or at least a different amount as previously shown in the barter menu.

By blackhand8657




1. Talking to characters when wearing power armor

your character will at times face the opposite direction then magically turn around.

By jjjk49


2. NPCs skipping text

Rarely NPCs skip some words of a sentence and start the next one.

Also the subtitles seem to get stuck on the skipped sentence when that happens.


3. NPCs play two sentences at the same time

NPCs can play two senteces at the same time in conversation.

By Markmid


4. Dialog wheel disappears leaving you stuck in a dialog

By nathaniannuzzo


5. Default conversation for Piper not accessible

I no know is this intentional or buggy? When piper as your companion.

She kept talk to you : alway on good behaviour, ah?

Then there the same 4 replies to answer. It also happen whenever you enter building, near her or sometime it just randomly asking you same question... This make your character turn to her.
And talk menu to speak to her gave the same above question. No more the default request to ask.

By 8ltg


6. Voice distorted without headgear

Also, it seems like the protaganist's voice is distorted for some conversations (I'm not wearing the power armor or anything that covers my face).

By Silentdagger




1. Companion can't be hired anymore

It can happen that a companion can't either hired nor spoken to anymore.

By sagiboi


2. Companions lose gear

When a companion is equiped with gear from the player it can be lost.

By sagiboi


3. Companion death bug

Companion gets stuck laying down after getting downed in a firefight and will follow you by sliding on the ground.

He will no longer fight, and occasionally talking to them while they are like this will cause you to get stuck in unending dialogue.

By GuidoZebra


4. Dogmeat disarming mines is buggy

When letting dogmeat disarm mines you can hear the disarm sound and dogmeat attempts to bring you the mine.

But apparently at least sometimes it doesn't work and the mine stays on the ground and is still armed.

By digitaltrucker




1. Forest Grove

Water is buggy.

More info: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3373215-bug-list-if-you-find-bugs-post-them-here/page-10&do=findComment&comment=30452425

By crimsomrider




1. The Disappearing Act

Broken Quest Triggers: The Disappearing Act looking for the missing guy in diamond city earl sterling.

I had already robbed his house. I went to the bar to get the key and it's telling me to search for clues, but I have already broken the quest triggers by looting things before the quest.

That's fine but it needs to hit a failure state, or tell me I already have found the clues, or spawn the clues in as the quest triggers. (This is a possible bug can't confirm yet)

By Markmid


2. "Buddy"

There is a pathing problem with "Buddy" and it can't make it to your settlement.

If you send and fast travel, it never arrives.

If you send and escort, it get's stuck in verious places and finally ends it's trip on a bridge that NPCs can not pass.

So this is really two bugs. Buddy's pathing is janky and it just dissapears after a while of not being able to path correctly and the bridge being broken.

You can spawn buddy in your location but it loses all dialog options that you get if you loaded it up when you first met it.

By Lexlagger


3. Old Guns

The quest is broken for many users and gets stuck on the part where a transmitter has to be activated.

By Templar648


4. Raiders Troubles at County Crossing

After reporting you success to the settlers on clearing Reveres Beach station you are required to talk to Preston Garvey.

Except Preston shows no dialogue about the quest. Thus, you'll never finish it.

By mkrbu50


5. Institutionalized

Click http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3373215-bug-list-if-you-find-bugs-post-them-here/page-9&do=findComment&comment=30432490 for more info

By neoesprit


6. Tour of Duty

Proctor Quinlans dialog options can be completely messed up.

He's talking about stuff you don't even know about and in that moment don't make any sense.


7. Show No Mercy

It's not possible to board the marked vertibird.

While the docking animation is playing I get the text "Press E to board vertibird" or whatever.

But when the docking animation finished I can't do anything.

Goind back and speaking with Lancer Captain Kells again fixed the issue for me although it's not part of the quest.


8. The Lost Patrol

Under certain circumstances it's not possible to finish the quest by talking to Paladin Danse.

Instead it can be finished by talking to Lancer Captain Kells.

But the quest marker and text still lead you to Danse.

Edited by Grasmann
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Invisible Pipboy


When bringing up the pip boy to view ___ it is invisible.

what seems to fix this is switching to 3rd person then back to first person.


Talking to characters when wearing power armor


your character will at times face the opposite direction then magically turn around.

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10. Text in terminals strangely cut off

Sometimes the text in terminals appears to be cut off in mid sentence.

The text in terminals can be several pages long.

You go to the next page by pressing [E] maybe [Enter] works too, haven't tried it.

Problem is as far as I can tell nothing in the hud indicates that.

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HUD Shifted Off Center

Sometimes, when opening the main menu while using a workbench or the pip boy
the HUD gets shifted to the left about an inch, so the cross-hair doesn't line up with the center of the screen.

This will be back to normal if you exit to desktop and restart the game.

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i have encountered 5 terminals i will try to list all of them.

1. Across from the mart in Lexington, it is the store with two cash registers on the counter

2. USAF Building

3. Vault all of the Cryno terminals

4. If I remember its in the Factory but cant remember where 3 AM when I found it.

5. I am trying to remember where and will post as soon as i can find it again.


Weapons no showing up unless you aim or change weapons

I noticed when using my phone plugged in as a pip boy is when I get weird pip boy lag and in game lag in general. I have stopped using it for now and seems fine.


Did not see it mentioned but I have run into quite a few clipping issues, noticed the first one in Concord in the underground civic sewer. Several more by the factory and by cliffs out in the middle of now where. Reminds me of Skyriums clipping.


Hope these help, in getting a patch or something. Thanks guys and we need to get this stickied as I almost started a new thread until i found this one on page 3

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i have encountered 5 terminals i will try to list all of them.


Are those with multipage text?


I noticed when using my phone plugged in as a pip boy is when I get weird pip boy lag and in game lag in general. I have stopped using it for now and seems fine.


What ... you mean like your smart phone? Didn't know that was possible ... seems a bit unecessary. XD


I have faced on add bug, where the visuals go white.

I can reload the save to fix.


I saw that myself by now.

I had the feeling it's related to occlusion culling somehow because it flickered and changed back to normal depending on my position and look rotation.

A similar effect was present in Fallout 3 and New Vegas when the VRam was full. Don't know if it's the same thing.


13. Terminal zoom unreliable

Somemtimes when accessing terminals the camera will zoom in further as usual.

Doesn't really change or break anything but the word highlighting is slightly off.

Edited by Grasmann
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Got this weird bug that it seems only one other person has had.


Bug: Companion gets stuck laying down after getting downed in a firefight and will follow you by sliding on the ground. He will no longer fight, and occasionally talking to them while they are like this will cause you to get stuck in unending dialogue.


Fix: So far nothing, I've tried reloading and all that. Like I said, talking to them can lead to getting stuck in dialogue so dismissing them doesn't really seem to be a fix.

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Got this weird bug that it seems only one other person has had.


Bug: Companion gets stuck laying down after getting downed in a firefight and will follow you by sliding on the ground. He will no longer fight, and occasionally talking to them while they are like this will cause you to get stuck in unending dialogue.


Fix: So far nothing, I've tried reloading and all that. Like I said, talking to them can lead to getting stuck in dialogue so dismissing them doesn't really seem to be a fix.


lol? Have you tried to heal the companion with a stimpak or si that a dialogue option? I never used it.


Did you try console commands "kill" or "resurrect"?

"kill" will probably only be a valid solution if the companion is essential. XD

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As for the terminals it can be multi or a single option and you are stuck. Have not had it happen to any I have hacked though.


Pip boy App for your phone is based on the Collectors Edition and works the same way. Would be awesome if it did not lag as you could use a stim, change weapons, look at the map while exploring etc... but the lag sucks.


They got the idea from WoTs, who allowed you to see your stats and garage while in battle. I believe another game tried this also, but idk.

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