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Big changes for the Nexus Mod Manager and the introduction of Tannin42, our new head of NMM development


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In response to post #43224730. #43229715, #43231195, #43231225, #43234520, #43237900, #43238095, #43248580, #43248780, #43256345, #43256845, #43258870, #43261500, #43262515, #43262825, #43264055, #43264355, #43265250, #43265975, #43266150, #43268550, #43270650, #43271300, #43272015, #43274835, #43277400, #43278605, #43280025, #43280880, #43282555, #43282860, #43285205, #43285500, #43287370, #43287415, #43287810, #43288780, #43290720, #43298850, #43302560, #43303655 are all replies on the same post.

fgambler wrote: What will be the name of the new app? NMO (Nexus Mod Organizer)? :D
Tannin42 wrote: Suggestions are welcome... :D
GuardianAngel42 wrote: NNMM: New Nexus Mod Manager.
renthal311 wrote: hahaha Fgambler, I'm with tears in his eyes :D :D
pStyl3 wrote: NexMO = Nexus Mod Organizer
HadToRegister wrote: I like what someone previously suggested but without the 'x'

NeMO = Nexus Mod Organizer
Thallassa wrote: I think NeMO is the best one I've heard, but I'm still partial to "NOMM" (not quite sure how that acronym works out but it's cute).
fgambler wrote: NeMO kinda sounds nice but not so serious, it's a name either attached to a fish or a nintendo 8-bit game :P
HadToRegister wrote: I was thinking of a famous Submarine Captain from a book by Jules Verne ;)
FreeWare wrote: How about NMM v2.0? Or 1.0 could work too. The name doesn't really need to change, it's already as good as it can be.
spartanops101 wrote: NMUMMMO - Nexus Mod's Ultimate Mod Manager and Mod Organiser
}{ellKnight wrote: Voting for NeMO.

Optionally include images of sushi.
Warsadle wrote: NMO = Nexus Mod Organiser is a straight foreword combination of the names, okay.

NNMM = New Nexus Mod Manager, too many repeated letters in the acronym to be used as a short hand name.

NexMO = Nexus Mod Organiser, good name and it rolls of the tong easy.

NeMO = Nexus Mod Organiser, also a good name, and the acronym is good.

NOMM = Up to readers interpretation of how the acronym works, mine would be
Nexus Organising Mod Manager, funny name though!

What I would use?

Mod Library Organiser (MLO (pronunciation: EM-Low))
hex77x wrote: Gaming Extras Tool Designed As Totally Awesome Stuff Stuffer.
KeltecRFB wrote: I like NOMM, NexMO, NMO, or NEXT (no acronym, simply means the NEXT Nexus Mod Manager).
northtreker wrote: Nemo could also reference Ulysses (Odysseus) calling himself Nemo - nobody (Outis) to fool the cyclops and show that the Gods had looked away from him in the Illiad.

It sounds like this new organizer has gone on a long journey to come home.
pedantic wrote: MOLE - Mod organiser legendary edition.

Edit: Avogadro Number, anyone? Not to mention burrowing :D
chrislm wrote: NUMM: Nexus Ultimate Mod Manager
HadToRegister wrote:


Edit: Avogadro Number, anyone? Not to mention burrowing

Not to be confused with Avocado's Number which shows the number of atoms in a guacamole
pedantic wrote: @HadToRegister

Lol - yeah. I was simply referring to the " chemistry " of the thing, plus a HUGE number! All encompassing. :D
KensaiTonada wrote: I'm Digging NeMO and NEXMO
wagonborn wrote: Nexus Mod Organizer seems fitting, and it can be read like "en-moe" when abbreviated to NMO, which I think is pretty snazzy
Poacher886 wrote: How about MODIT
CyniclyPink wrote: I'm liking NeMO and NexMO
GeneralNutt wrote: +NMO

But call it rotten fish, just as long as it's ready to handle what ever comes out on OCT28, as well as MO did!

Also, please please keep the virtual directories, that is a god send.
Rebel47 wrote: I can't currently think of any of my own that would befit such a tool that hasn't already been posted up here, so instead for now until my brain kicks in, I'm going to give a solid acronym for Thallassa's idea.

N.O.M.M = Nexus Official Mod Manager

Everytime I see NeMO though I think of a fish, I'm not sure I could take the mod manager seriously with a name like that :D
vimebox wrote: NEMO is the best name I think :)
MrJoseCuervo wrote: MONE

Mod Organizer NExus

Pronounced like "Money"

Because that's what your after right?
cerebii wrote: NeMO sounds great!

On another note, I'm really glad you're back working on a mod manager, Tannin, I honestly thought you'd found some unfixable bug with MO and quit!

Very excited for the future of the modding community!
Videmaster wrote: I Like HadToRegister's Idea of NeMO
frogsot wrote: Neo Nexus mod manager
Greywynd wrote: I'm liking NeMo. Easy to say - short and means something.

rkamiya wrote: how dropping off the "Mod" and the "Organizer" words, and just simply name it "The Nexus".
that would make it sound like a real nexus owned software. well, that's for my honest opinion about the name.

Thanks and more power on this new project of Nexus!
BlazeStryker wrote: GA42--

"This. Is. Survival of the fittest. This. Is. Do or Die..."

Sorry, saw your suggestion and thought of Eminem.

Could have been worse. I might have had a Crash Test Dummies flashback.
BlazeStryker wrote: Umm, no, Jose.

Look, Booze, Tannin's getting paid for his work. That's because it's work.

They aren't charging for the new Manager, so why are you being such a sow about this?
sgtjakku wrote: NeMo sounds great cause it reminds Captain Nemo of Jules Vernes' s "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea".
Varana wrote: NeMO.
Have a fishy stick!
ORRYX wrote: NeMO for Nexus Mods Organizer, because:

[1] It matches the "mods" in the website name: Nexusmods.com
[2] You could do this for the project address: www.NexusMods.com/Organizer (and to cover all the bases, www.NexusMods.com/NeMO)
[3] It sounds cool and rolls off the tongue easily.
[4] Jules Verne's Captain Nemo (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea) is copyright free
[5] Did I say free!

We just need a logo contest now ( ???)
T-Mush-S wrote: MoXus ?
driepinter wrote: NeMO is the best suggestion I have heard, funny and easy to remember, and in the same time it's obvious that NeMO is the new name for both NMM and MO.
Alexxonder wrote: I'll be happy if they stay with NMM

To convey the universality of the tool perhaps...
Nexus Universal Mod Organizer NUMO
Nexus Universal Mod Manager NUMM
Nexus Universal Mod Administrator NUMA

I am excited for the new tool, Congrats.
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In response to post #43279135. #43279235, #43279425, #43280200, #43286710, #43287295, #43291660, #43296250 are all replies on the same post.

MrJoseCuervo wrote: I think you are making a mistake joining a group who is eager to bend a knee to the corporate beast that had attempted and continue to seek to destroy our modding community.

I for one am sad this happened but hope you have sufficiently legally protected yourself and your intellectual property.

Qrygg wrote: Not sure what you are referring to?
Ivory_Soul wrote: The article never mentioned supporting corporations. Maybe if you read more than the title it will help.
Ethreon wrote: Tinfoil hats, get yer tinfoil hats here!
Dark0ne wrote:
I think you are making a mistake joining a group who is eager to bend a knee to the corporate beast that had attempted and continue to seek to destroy our modding community.

He's joining the Nexus, not Bethesda...
BlazeStryker wrote: I believe the man (while drunk on his namesake) considered the Nexus to be complicit with Bethesda in some fashion.

Personally, I regard EA as the worst corporate offender in gaming by miles.

As far as Bethesda seeking to destroy the modding community, it is not. It is quite clear to me that the makers of the Script Extender or their brethren will make one for Remaster.

This is not an effort to destroy the modding community, it is Bethesda doing what it can with its own intellectual property, and still leaving the door open for modders to start anew.
MrStoob wrote: Some people obviously haven't been reading any of the previous posts from Robin re: paid mods, Bethesda.net, future plans, and Nexus' ethos/intent, hence so many salty call outs over money in this post.
Sulhir wrote: Not that anyone's counting for when the remaster comes out (has a countdown link on their main mod page...)

He's joining the Nexus, not Bethesda...

Since Bethesda isn't seeking to destroy the modding community I'm not sure who ELSE you could actually have meant there :P
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In response to post #43268200. #43275535, #43275985, #43279415, #43281655 are all replies on the same post.

OnyxSix wrote: If this doesn't end up having MO's virtual file system(Not a butchered, broken version, the exact vfs that MO has) then this will go unused by me no matter how many bells and whistles you strap to it.

Might be fine for a good chunk of people, and that's ok, but it won't be for me. I'd honestly rather stick to an alpha version of Mod Organizer than use a mod manager without that VFS again, it was just too good of a feature to go back to not using.

Yes I'm aware my opinion isn't worth the dirt on most people's boots but I'm sharing it either way, just to get it out there into the void.

I wish you all the best regardless, hope it turns out well.
Arthmoor wrote: And conversely, many people won't touch it if the VFS is a core feature that can't be turned off. Which is why it should be offered as an extension module for those who want it. That keeps everyone happy.
rdunlap wrote: I am one of the hardcore MO users for years. My only takeaway from NMM is hours and hours of reinstalling trashed games. That said I am going to simply wait and see. Tannin has consistently produced a great Mod tool and has even mentioned a virtual system "Option" or extension. I would like to see community input taken into consideration and given the track record for both Tannin and Robin I feel sure we will.

That said remember, Tannin produced a great product as a hobby, now as a paid project he will have MUCH more in the way of options and help so it can only get better.

MrJoseCuervo wrote: Exactly NMM has cost me hours destroying my games to the point where reinstall was the only option.

Anyone against the VFS is simply ignorant.
rdunlap wrote: no my point is that Options are great and having been a Tannin follower for a long while I trust him to produce a solution we All can live with.

Anyone against the VFS is simply ignorant.

Or we use Wrye Bash and don't have these problems. The world isn't just NMM and MO you know.
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In response to post #43279135. #43279235, #43279425, #43280200, #43286710, #43287295, #43291660, #43296250, #43305675 are all replies on the same post.

MrJoseCuervo wrote: I think you are making a mistake joining a group who is eager to bend a knee to the corporate beast that had attempted and continue to seek to destroy our modding community.

I for one am sad this happened but hope you have sufficiently legally protected yourself and your intellectual property.

Qrygg wrote: Not sure what you are referring to?
Ivory_Soul wrote: The article never mentioned supporting corporations. Maybe if you read more than the title it will help.
Ethreon wrote: Tinfoil hats, get yer tinfoil hats here!
Dark0ne wrote:
I think you are making a mistake joining a group who is eager to bend a knee to the corporate beast that had attempted and continue to seek to destroy our modding community.

He's joining the Nexus, not Bethesda...
BlazeStryker wrote: I believe the man (while drunk on his namesake) considered the Nexus to be complicit with Bethesda in some fashion.

Personally, I regard EA as the worst corporate offender in gaming by miles.

As far as Bethesda seeking to destroy the modding community, it is not. It is quite clear to me that the makers of the Script Extender or their brethren will make one for Remaster.

This is not an effort to destroy the modding community, it is Bethesda doing what it can with its own intellectual property, and still leaving the door open for modders to start anew.
MrStoob wrote: Some people obviously haven't been reading any of the previous posts from Robin re: paid mods, Bethesda.net, future plans, and Nexus' ethos/intent, hence so many salty call outs over money in this post.
Sulhir wrote: Not that anyone's counting for when the remaster comes out (has a countdown link on their main mod page...)
Arthmoor wrote:
He's joining the Nexus, not Bethesda...

Since Bethesda isn't seeking to destroy the modding community I'm not sure who ELSE you could actually have meant there :P

Since Bethesda isn't seeking to destroy the modding community I'm not sure who ELSE you could actually have meant there

We really need to get you a custom Bethesda cheerleader's outfit and pom poms, Arthmoor! Even if it's just for Halloween. Edited by Dark0ne
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Making how it installs mods user choice via addon's is good, but at the least give the base program a choice of a "virtual" install (symlinks/hardlinks/vfs) and a straight to the Data folder install would probably make the most people happy (even if "virtual" is the default).


Making all folder locations user defineable during install and not requiring them to be manually moved after install via witchcraft and luck is very high on my list. I have lots of hard drive space but I install nothing but the bare minimum on my boot drive. It should be easy and in my opinion the default choice to install all files into the directory you install the application. Have it default to a folder off the root of the drive that game that is being installed to instead of Program Files if necessary.


That being said both NMM and MO are excellent programs in their own right (I haven't used Wrye much so can't comment on it) so I am excited to see what piece of art comes from a collaboration of the creators of both.

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In response to post #43279135. #43279235, #43279425, #43280200, #43286710, #43287295, #43291660, #43296250, #43305675 are all replies on the same post.




MrJoseCuervo wrote: I think you are making a mistake joining a group who is eager to bend a knee to the corporate beast that had attempted and continue to seek to destroy our modding community.


I for one am sad this happened but hope you have sufficiently legally protected yourself and your intellectual property.



Qrygg wrote: Not sure what you are referring to?
Ivory_Soul wrote: The article never mentioned supporting corporations. Maybe if you read more than the title it will help.
Ethreon wrote: Tinfoil hats, get yer tinfoil hats here!
Dark0ne wrote:


He's joining the Nexus, not Bethesda...

BlazeStryker wrote: I believe the man (while drunk on his namesake) considered the Nexus to be complicit with Bethesda in some fashion.


Personally, I regard EA as the worst corporate offender in gaming by miles.


As far as Bethesda seeking to destroy the modding community, it is not. It is quite clear to me that the makers of the Script Extender or their brethren will make one for Remaster.


This is not an effort to destroy the modding community, it is Bethesda doing what it can with its own intellectual property, and still leaving the door open for modders to start anew.

MrStoob wrote: Some people obviously haven't been reading any of the previous posts from Robin re: paid mods, Bethesda.net, future plans, and Nexus' ethos/intent, hence so many salty call outs over money in this post.
Sulhir wrote: Not that anyone's counting for when the remaster comes out (has a countdown link on their main mod page...)
Arthmoor wrote:

Since Bethesda isn't seeking to destroy the modding community I'm not sure who ELSE you could actually have meant there :tongue:

Since Bethesda isn't seeking to destroy the modding community I'm not sure who ELSE you could actually have meant there


We really need to get you a custom Bethesda cheerleader's outfit and pom poms, Arthmoor! Even if it's just for Halloween.


And if you can get a picture of Arhmoor in said outfit I see a new way to raise money....

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In response to post #43279135. #43279235, #43279425, #43280200, #43286710, #43287295, #43291660, #43296250, #43305675 are all replies on the same post.




MrJoseCuervo wrote: I think you are making a mistake joining a group who is eager to bend a knee to the corporate beast that had attempted and continue to seek to destroy our modding community.


I for one am sad this happened but hope you have sufficiently legally protected yourself and your intellectual property.



Qrygg wrote: Not sure what you are referring to?
Ivory_Soul wrote: The article never mentioned supporting corporations. Maybe if you read more than the title it will help.
Ethreon wrote: Tinfoil hats, get yer tinfoil hats here!
Dark0ne wrote:


He's joining the Nexus, not Bethesda...

BlazeStryker wrote: I believe the man (while drunk on his namesake) considered the Nexus to be complicit with Bethesda in some fashion.


Personally, I regard EA as the worst corporate offender in gaming by miles.


As far as Bethesda seeking to destroy the modding community, it is not. It is quite clear to me that the makers of the Script Extender or their brethren will make one for Remaster.


This is not an effort to destroy the modding community, it is Bethesda doing what it can with its own intellectual property, and still leaving the door open for modders to start anew.

MrStoob wrote: Some people obviously haven't been reading any of the previous posts from Robin re: paid mods, Bethesda.net, future plans, and Nexus' ethos/intent, hence so many salty call outs over money in this post.
Sulhir wrote: Not that anyone's counting for when the remaster comes out (has a countdown link on their main mod page...)
Arthmoor wrote:

Since Bethesda isn't seeking to destroy the modding community I'm not sure who ELSE you could actually have meant there :tongue:

Since Bethesda isn't seeking to destroy the modding community I'm not sure who ELSE you could actually have meant there


We really need to get you a custom Bethesda cheerleader's outfit and pom poms, Arthmoor! Even if it's just for Halloween.


ha! well said Robbin

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I'm excited for this, big congratulations both to Nexus and Tannin. I have no doubt the new NMM will be the go-to Mod Manager moving forward.


My one question is - will it solve the issue that MO had with OBSE? I don't know the technical details at all, I just know that was my major roadblock in modding Oblivion.

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In response to post #43224730. #43229715, #43231195, #43231225, #43234520, #43237900, #43238095, #43248580, #43248780, #43256345, #43256845, #43258870, #43261500, #43262515, #43262825, #43264055, #43264355, #43265250, #43265975, #43266150, #43268550, #43270650, #43271300, #43272015, #43274835, #43277400, #43278605, #43280025, #43280880, #43282555, #43282860, #43285205, #43285500, #43287370, #43287415, #43287810, #43288780, #43290720, #43298850, #43302560, #43303655, #43304280 are all replies on the same post.

fgambler wrote: What will be the name of the new app? NMO (Nexus Mod Organizer)? :D
Tannin42 wrote: Suggestions are welcome... :D
GuardianAngel42 wrote: NNMM: New Nexus Mod Manager.
renthal311 wrote: hahaha Fgambler, I'm with tears in his eyes :D :D
pStyl3 wrote: NexMO = Nexus Mod Organizer
HadToRegister wrote: I like what someone previously suggested but without the 'x'

NeMO = Nexus Mod Organizer
Thallassa wrote: I think NeMO is the best one I've heard, but I'm still partial to "NOMM" (not quite sure how that acronym works out but it's cute).
fgambler wrote: NeMO kinda sounds nice but not so serious, it's a name either attached to a fish or a nintendo 8-bit game :P
HadToRegister wrote: I was thinking of a famous Submarine Captain from a book by Jules Verne ;)
FreeWare wrote: How about NMM v2.0? Or 1.0 could work too. The name doesn't really need to change, it's already as good as it can be.
spartanops101 wrote: NMUMMMO - Nexus Mod's Ultimate Mod Manager and Mod Organiser
}{ellKnight wrote: Voting for NeMO.

Optionally include images of sushi.
Warsadle wrote: NMO = Nexus Mod Organiser is a straight foreword combination of the names, okay.

NNMM = New Nexus Mod Manager, too many repeated letters in the acronym to be used as a short hand name.

NexMO = Nexus Mod Organiser, good name and it rolls of the tong easy.

NeMO = Nexus Mod Organiser, also a good name, and the acronym is good.

NOMM = Up to readers interpretation of how the acronym works, mine would be
Nexus Organising Mod Manager, funny name though!

What I would use?

Mod Library Organiser (MLO (pronunciation: EM-Low))
hex77x wrote: Gaming Extras Tool Designed As Totally Awesome Stuff Stuffer.
KeltecRFB wrote: I like NOMM, NexMO, NMO, or NEXT (no acronym, simply means the NEXT Nexus Mod Manager).
northtreker wrote: Nemo could also reference Ulysses (Odysseus) calling himself Nemo - nobody (Outis) to fool the cyclops and show that the Gods had looked away from him in the Illiad.

It sounds like this new organizer has gone on a long journey to come home.
pedantic wrote: MOLE - Mod organiser legendary edition.

Edit: Avogadro Number, anyone? Not to mention burrowing :D
chrislm wrote: NUMM: Nexus Ultimate Mod Manager
HadToRegister wrote:


Edit: Avogadro Number, anyone? Not to mention burrowing

Not to be confused with Avocado's Number which shows the number of atoms in a guacamole
pedantic wrote: @HadToRegister

Lol - yeah. I was simply referring to the " chemistry " of the thing, plus a HUGE number! All encompassing. :D
KensaiTonada wrote: I'm Digging NeMO and NEXMO
wagonborn wrote: Nexus Mod Organizer seems fitting, and it can be read like "en-moe" when abbreviated to NMO, which I think is pretty snazzy
Poacher886 wrote: How about MODIT
CyniclyPink wrote: I'm liking NeMO and NexMO
GeneralNutt wrote: +NMO

But call it rotten fish, just as long as it's ready to handle what ever comes out on OCT28, as well as MO did!

Also, please please keep the virtual directories, that is a god send.
Rebel47 wrote: I can't currently think of any of my own that would befit such a tool that hasn't already been posted up here, so instead for now until my brain kicks in, I'm going to give a solid acronym for Thallassa's idea.

N.O.M.M = Nexus Official Mod Manager

Everytime I see NeMO though I think of a fish, I'm not sure I could take the mod manager seriously with a name like that :D
vimebox wrote: NEMO is the best name I think :)
MrJoseCuervo wrote: MONE

Mod Organizer NExus

Pronounced like "Money"

Because that's what your after right?
cerebii wrote: NeMO sounds great!

On another note, I'm really glad you're back working on a mod manager, Tannin, I honestly thought you'd found some unfixable bug with MO and quit!

Very excited for the future of the modding community!
Videmaster wrote: I Like HadToRegister's Idea of NeMO
frogsot wrote: Neo Nexus mod manager
Greywynd wrote: I'm liking NeMo. Easy to say - short and means something.

rkamiya wrote: how dropping off the "Mod" and the "Organizer" words, and just simply name it "The Nexus".
that would make it sound like a real nexus owned software. well, that's for my honest opinion about the name.

Thanks and more power on this new project of Nexus!
BlazeStryker wrote: GA42--

"This. Is. Survival of the fittest. This. Is. Do or Die..."

Sorry, saw your suggestion and thought of Eminem.

Could have been worse. I might have had a Crash Test Dummies flashback.
BlazeStryker wrote: Umm, no, Jose.

Look, Booze, Tannin's getting paid for his work. That's because it's work.

They aren't charging for the new Manager, so why are you being such a sow about this?
sgtjakku wrote: NeMo sounds great cause it reminds Captain Nemo of Jules Vernes' s "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea".
Varana wrote: NeMO.
Have a fishy stick!
ORRYX wrote: NeMO for Nexus Mods Organizer, because:

[1] It matches the "mods" in the website name: Nexusmods.com
[2] You could do this for the project address: www.NexusMods.com/Organizer (and to cover all the bases, www.NexusMods.com/NeMO)
[3] It sounds cool and rolls off the tongue easily.
[4] Jules Verne's Captain Nemo (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea) is copyright free
[5] Did I say free!

We just need a logo contest now ( ???)
T-Mush-S wrote: MoXus ?
driepinter wrote: NeMO is the best suggestion I have heard, funny and easy to remember, and in the same time it's obvious that NeMO is the new name for both NMM and MO.
Alexxonder wrote: I'll be happy if they stay with NMM
SillySilverSongbook wrote: To convey the universality of the tool perhaps...
Nexus Universal Mod Organizer NUMO
Nexus Universal Mod Manager NUMM
Nexus Universal Mod Administrator NUMA

I am excited for the new tool, Congrats.

I am grateful to all of the contributors,to our modding community!thank goodness we have someone like tannin,who always has and continues ,to give to all of us,most generously.i await with patience the awesome new things that will arise to give us all,new opportunities to enjoy our excellent games.thanks dark one for the arena of potentialities wich you have made possible.hey all of you right now types,try to quit being so spoiled to instant gratifaction.be thankful for all of the thousands of hours of work that have been given to us gamers,mostly for free!thanks contributors!
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