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Meh, VR is STILL "Not ready for Primie-Time"

The current round of VR implementation isn't "The Future"
It's a gimmicky mess, and I've seen all of the stupid VR gimmicks along the way since the phrase "Virtual Reality" came about, and so far, they've all failed miserably.
VR still has a long way to go to where it's a viable platform, just like Video Tape back in the 80s, where Betamax (Superior) was fighting VHS (Inferior), but VHS won, because so many uninformed people bought the lower standard crap, which swayed the market to the inferior product.
So, yea, I'm watching crap like that happen YET AGAIN with all of these different VR systems, with no STANDARD in sight.
THIS is exactly why VHS beat BETAMAX.


I am JADED to this market manipulation, which is why when I see the new "FAD" of VR come around, I sit back and enjoy myself while yet another round of gimmicks each vying for the market share comes around.
It was INSANE back in the 70s when the Atari 2600 came out, and then the CalecoVision, Mattels' Intellivision, and all the other consoles came out, and people were buying ALL of them, because Corporations learned early to make EXCLUSIVE GAMES that would only appear on their console. (Still happening today)

So, I will definitely not be investing in a VR system until a STANDARD is implemented, because right now, I'm seeing the disgusting practice of games being released that pruposely on support one VR system over another.
That right there is the prime example of WHY you shjould not waste money on a VR system.

I've had to suffer through really crappy videos from the 70s and 80s of someone wearing a headset, standing on a treadmill, combined with other ridiculous looking gym equipment, while playing a game with the graphics of the Dire Straits Video called "Money for nothing"
(Which, back in the 80s won an award for the super-ultra-high-tech LAUGHABLE CGI at the time.)

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That appeared to had slowed down for awhile when the PSX rolled around, then you had versions of games for every console. Actually seems like when the Xbox 360 came out, exclusivity became a frequent word. Now we have this DLC-era mess and micro transactions + exclusivity, which has made being a gamer to be an expensive hobby if one isn't careful. I remember a time when you got the full package in a game, and not have to spend 40+ for the other HALF of the game.


I'm not interested in VR.


Edit: Always nice to see some insight from gamers who've been around before I was born lol. I don't know what gaming was like pre 80s. The Atari was something else though, I thought pong was the best thing in the world.

Edited by Rasikko
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I agree with HadToRegister here. I come from that era of the Betamax, VHS, etc, etc ... for example, yesterday Shadow of the Tom Raider came out and we cannot denied its graphics are superb but also the media is saying that for you to see those graphics at its full specs, you need to have the most recent video cards : the RTX 2080Ti which, according to the media, it will allow you to see rays light and other stuff in the graphics that you will not be able to see with "inferior" video cards. Propaganda !


It is all now about how excellent and awesome the graphics are. If we see the videos trails for FO76, they also are showing excellent landscaping, beautiful sunsets and stuff related to how beautiful the entire regions looks like. If you let yourself fall in the trap of how beautiful this or that game looks like, you will buy the game and you will, assuming that you have the money, buy the most recent video cards, believing that your game experience will be the best. Wrong !


VR is not ready and I will not jump to it. On the contrary, I think that if I start using those devices, I will get blind or probably sick to my brain.


I still prefer to stay with "old games" that are offline and that can be modded : SkyrimSE, Fallout4 and The Witcher3. Fallout4 will be enhanced soon when the new DLC's are out : Miami and California. On the top of those DLC's, there are several mods from heavy modders around the corner, like Spawn of the Commonwealth that will replace the excellent WOTC ( War of the Commonwealth ). As soon as Fallout Miami and California are out, they will be modded and our experience with them will be superb.


Skyrim does not looks too good in terms of more DLC's added to it but the guy who made The Forgotten City is working on a game that will be offline and probably, according to him, capable of being modded. So, I do prefer to stay a while longer with what we got in our hands rather than jumping to new technology ( VR ) or new games that even though supersede what we got in too many areas of technology, are still not that good IMHO, for me to play. For instance I will not play any online game not matter how good it is and in relation to new upcoming games and the most recent ones, they still does not enlighten me enough to pull my wallet. Probably Metro Exodus will be a game worth to play but Shadow of the Tomb Raider, is not tempting me enough. There is something inside of me that is stopping me to play and I will go with my instinct on this.

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Won't be bothering with FO76 at all, not unless the player feedback is something truly amazing. FO4 has huge problems, but thanks to the great work of modders, I'll probably stick with it for six months or so, maybe longer. After that, I will move on to Witcher 3 and Assassins Creed Origins & Odyssey, which all sound more interesting than 76. And hopefully by the time I'm done with all that, there will be Elder Scrolls 6!

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There's also the whole fact of smacking into a wall and having a bookshelf fall on your head. Plenty of youtube video with people "attempting" to use the body-motion controller function.


I can not find any of that kind of incident's you suggest when Googling for them. Please share links that you have.



Well here is one I found, there is also one where a girl passes out in VR chat with one of those motion controller things so her character just lays there and snores pretty funny. And as HadToRegister said the technology is not even close to be viable for gaming, I mean its cool but its been "cool" for like 30 years and still way too expensive.


Also its confusing that people keep referring to the Miami and California mods (yes they are mods) as DLCs, they are definitely DLC sized but they are mods being made for free they are not DLCs which you generally get from the official game company. Bethesda is not going to release anymore DLCs for fallout 4, we are stuck with the shitty DLCs and Far Harbor, sorry lol.

Edited by Undeadbob666
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Main problem of VR is there is no testing it without buying a super expensive headset with either an already expensive console or a over $1000 computer.


Then you have to buy the actual games, most of which just play like mini-game collections, have non-VR versions that work better and less vomit inducing (Like Subnautica), little replayability or could've been done better without half-assed VR attempts. VR is definitely better then last time it was attempted but there is so little to do with VR that your overpriced headset is just a paper weight most of the time.


This isn't taking into account room space, smacking into the wall or hitting a wall and the headsets are renowned for making your eyes and neck hurt pretty quickly.

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Meh, VR is STILL "Not ready for Primie-Time"


The current round of VR implementation isn't "The Future"

It's a gimmicky mess, and I've seen all of the stupid VR gimmicks along the way since the phrase "Virtual Reality" came about, and so far, they've all failed miserably.

VR still has a long way to go to where it's a viable platform, just like Video Tape back in the 80s, where Betamax (Superior) was fighting VHS (Inferior), but VHS won, because so many uninformed people bought the lower standard crap, which swayed the market to the inferior product.

So, yea, I'm watching crap like that happen YET AGAIN with all of these different VR systems, with no STANDARD in sight.

THIS is exactly why VHS beat BETAMAX.



Ha, as a kid in the 80s, I remember my Dad had a Beta player. I remember going with him to video rental places. I'd wander the place and I look at the cool movie covers while Dad picked out what he was going to rent. I remember many times there'd be a movie I'd ask him to rent (for the sake of laughter, I thought the cover to Megaforce was awesome and so it should be an awesome movie) but he always said no. The reason was simple. VHS had a monstrous library of movies and Beta had a lot less. All the cool movies were on VHS, not Beta. Eventually in a few years, Dad got a VHS player. VHS had a pretty good run.

Edited by Warmaker01
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