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"improved: Don't allow starting the game if there are unsolved file conflicts"


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Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I would not call this an improvement. I regularly start my games with this warning and I don't have any problems with my mods in the game or how the game runs. All this did is frustrate me and not allow me to play my games at the time I wanted to play them. Please remove it or at least provide a way that it can be turned off. Thanks.

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Vortex can't safely the game start until you tell it which files you want the game to use. As Grestorn says, you could have overwriting ESPs which can corrupt your save if you don't declare which to load.


I believe you can start the game via the normal launcher in this state, but we can't provide you support if you choose to ignore Vortex's warnings.

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Because it doesn't know what to overwrite. On NMM if there are conflicts, it asks you whether to overwrite something or not. Conflicts is basically just telling the mod manager what to overwrite what.

And this is a massive improvement. Unless you want a ton of game breaking bugs to pile up on your game.

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Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I would not call this an improvement. I regularly start my games with this warning and I don't have any problems with my mods in the game or how the game runs. All this did is frustrate me and not allow me to play my games at the time I wanted to play them. Please remove it or at least provide a way that it can be turned off. Thanks.


What it ACTUALLY prevented you from doing, was corrupting your save with a non-working load order.

People say that "NMM was better it handled conflicts good"

No it didn't,. it allowed you to run you games with a bad load order and file/mod conflicts that you were oblivious to you because it didn't report actual file/mod conflicts.

IE "Ignorance is bliss"

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Well, not exactly the response I was expecting but that's fine. Look, I'm sure you all have good points which I should probably listen to, but I have been modding my games for many years and have always been a more casual modder and never really delved into the real technical parts. I have played both Skyrim and Fallout 4 for dozens of hours in their current state and haven't had any problems so it's hard for me to feel motivated to change my habits. That's why I would like to at least have an option to turn this feature off so I can continue to do as I have always done which has worked fine so far.


I really admire you modders who really get into the technical side of modding. I think it's really cool, but it's not for me. I really like using Vortex, but this just gets in the way of how I like to enjoy my games. Some of you may roll your eyes at this, but thats fine too, different strokes for different folks.

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My new mechanic is stupid. My axle is broken, but my car is clearly still able to be driven on the road. How do you think I brought it to him in the first place? I drove it of course! So what if my axle is broken? So what if it could suddenly break on me while driving and get me involved in a possibly fatal road accident? My car runs! So the mechanic shouldn't care about it and let me drive it!


^Same argument as the OP, applied to a different situation.

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Well, not exactly the response I was expecting but that's fine. Look, I'm sure you all have good points which I should probably listen to, but I have been modding my games for many years and have always been a more casual modder and never really delved into the real technical parts. I have played both Skyrim and Fallout 4 for dozens of hours in their current state and haven't had any problems so it's hard for me to feel motivated to change my habits. That's why I would like to at least have an option to turn this feature off so I can continue to do as I have always done which has worked fine so far.


I really admire you modders who really get into the technical side of modding. I think it's really cool, but it's not for me. I really like using Vortex, but this just gets in the way of how I like to enjoy my games. Some of you may roll your eyes at this, but thats fine too, different strokes for different folks.


" ... the technical side of modding " ???? Since when there is something that does not require some technical information to be read, or to apply that technical information to something to properly work ? Your game magically worked back with your previous mod manager without you doing nothing about load order, LOOT, etc, etc ? Impossible ... so you got into the ""so-called-technical-side-of-modding "" but you are saying that Vortex should not have that and you would like to turn it off ? Really !!!


I have been modding between 2-3 years max so you triple my experience, but I was able to learn Vortex and you don't. Difference ? I did read, you have not. I wanted to learn, you do not.


Do yourself a favor, go back ( as 1ae0bfb8 pointed out ) to your mod manager and forget about Vortex then !

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Well, not exactly the response I was expecting but that's fine. Look, I'm sure you all have good points which I should probably listen to, but I have been modding my games for many years and have always been a more casual modder and never really delved into the real technical parts. I have played both Skyrim and Fallout 4 for dozens of hours in their current state and haven't had any problems so it's hard for me to feel motivated to change my habits. That's why I would like to at least have an option to turn this feature off so I can continue to do as I have always done which has worked fine so far.


I really admire you modders who really get into the technical side of modding. I think it's really cool, but it's not for me. I really like using Vortex, but this just gets in the way of how I like to enjoy my games. Some of you may roll your eyes at this, but thats fine too, different strokes for different folks.


These complexities don't go away just because you decide to ignore them, your argument is "I'm good, if there is trouble I can always put my head in the sand".

When you used NMM or manually installed your mods then during a mod install, if there was a conflict, you had to decide the conflict right there (overwrite or not). That was your habit: deciding every conflict irreversibly as soon as it came up, with no opportunity of comparing files.

Now Vortex lets you decide conflicts at any point between installing the mod and starting the game and change your decision at any time.

That's all that changed, you get more freedom over when you decide the conflicts but you can't not decide conflicts. That's not possible with any mod manager. The best it could offer is throw a coin for you instead of letting you choose but how does that make sense?

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