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SKSE Issues


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Hi, i've been trying and trying to install the SKSE for some time now with no luck. I followed a video that showed me how to do it through Vortex. Everything was going fine until i started downloading it onto Vortex. All it said for its mod name was "test". I'm really at a loss here. I only want the SKSE for some simple cosmetic mods and its turned out to be real pain. Also all the files in my computer for SKSE now say "_folder_managed_by_vortex". I have even tried contacting SKSE team and they said that this is a Vortex issue. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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try this video from gopher he explains how to install it and why he does it that way it for the beginer of vortex

he also has a beginners guide on vortex as well it help me a lot when i 1 st started to us vortex


I've tried this video but it's not the same as my pc and i cant figure out how to follow along

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Follow this:


If it's SKSE for Skyrim, then just follow the instructions, but of course the directory will be Skyrim rather than Skyrim Special Edition.


SKSE install
[ Installation ]
1. Copy the .dll and .exe files to your Skyrim SE directory. This is usually in your Program Files folder under Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\. If you see files named SkyrimSE and SkyrimSELauncher, this is the correct folder. Do not copy these files to the Data folder as with a normal mod. The "src" folder is only useful for programmers, most users can ignore it.
2. Copy the .pex files in Data\Scripts\ into the Data\Scripts\ folder of your installation. The .pex files are needed by all users of SKSE.
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