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Installing Script Extender through Vortex


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I went back through the installation process and made sure the exe and dll files and all of the pex files were where they are supposed to be. Then I started the program using the SKSE_loader.exe. Again SkyUI was disabled on running it. So I re-enabled it and continued with running the program.

As far as I know the script extender and SkyUI are working, However I'm still not getting any ore from the mining mods. I'm getting Gems from gem nodes and lots of Clay and Quarry Stones but with regular ore nodes, it quickly tells me the vain is depleted without giving me anything. The mod author mentioned that the amount of ore you get is related to your "Hard Work" skill, but there is no "Hard Work" skill.


So while we have verified that the script extender was installed correctly, SkyUI might not have installed correctly. That is another one I let Vortex install. Putting SkyUI_.esp & SkyUI_bsa in the main Skyrim file didn't make any difference.

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I went back through the installation process and made sure the exe and dll files and all of the pex files were where they are supposed to be. Then I started the program using the SKSE_loader.exe. Again SkyUI was disabled on running it. So I re-enabled it and continued with running the program.

As far as I know the script extender and SkyUI are working, However I'm still not getting any ore from the mining mods. I'm getting Gems from gem nodes and lots of Clay and Quarry Stones but with regular ore nodes, it quickly tells me the vain is depleted without giving me anything. The mod author mentioned that the amount of ore you get is related to your "Hard Work" skill, but there is no "Hard Work" skill.


So while we have verified that the script extender was installed correctly, SkyUI might not have installed correctly. That is another one I let Vortex install. Putting SkyUI_.esp & SkyUI_bsa in the main Skyrim file didn't make any difference.



All right, the highlighted sentence implies that you installed SKSE 3 times with Vortex, yet you told me you installed it three times BY HAND, the TITLE of this thread says that you installed SKSE through Vortex, yet you told me you installed SKSE BY HAND.


Please get your replies straight.


DID YOU DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL THE SKSE64 Version that RattleDagger pointed you to?


You're not indicating that you're following ANY Directions or suggestions given to you.


You should be using SKSE64_Loader.exe





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I never said I installed it three times by hand. You have assumed something I didn't say. I did the Manual download and then dragged the manual download into vortex, and yes three times, as I told you a long time ago. I also told you that the second and third I dragged it into Vortex, vortex said that the file had already been loaded. There was no reason for you to get so ignorant.


And yes I installed the SKSE64 version.


As far as not following your instructions, your beginning to sound like another Brit that instead of offering help, simply makes excuses you why your stuff doesn't work.


Anyway. I have wasted far too much time trying to get these two mods to work. I'm throwing them out and going back to my Bethesda mod that does work



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As I already explained, that is what I did, installed it manually according to the instructions in the Extender file, three times.



"Manually" as in "By Hand"



Also, it's IMPOSSIBLE to help someone when they don't even answer any of the questions being asked of them.


So, have fun.

I'm done here.


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The Nexus Mod screen uses the phrase "Manual Download" which is why I used the word "Manually". That doesn't mean the same as by hand.


In spite of all of your sarcasm and insults, you have been of some help. I have to give you credit and thanks for that even if it didn't work out in the end.


I wished you could have given me some info on this "Hardwork Skill". That was the last hurdle I needed to cross, but I don't expect you to know all the mods that well.


So have a good day and thanks again for your effort.

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adverb: manually

  1. using the hands.

    "the rescuers manually hauled each climber to safety"

    • by hand rather than automatically or electronically.

      "manually operated gates"

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